Býv. Dynamitka Alfreda Nobela

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Contact Býv. Dynamitka Alfreda Nobela

Address :

V Zámcích, 181 00 Praha 8, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

V Zámcích, 181 00 Praha 8, Czechia
Jonáš Scháňka on Google

Nedoporučuji tam lézt je to velmi nebezpečné hlídají to psi a i okolí není moc hezké
I do not recommend climbing there, it is very dangerous to watch the dogs and the surroundings are not very nice
Viktor Vodička on Google

Chlapci a holky, hlavne tam nelezte. Vcera jsem tam byl s kamosema a skoro jsme umreli. Napadli nas psy. Nastesti jsme utekli ale bylo to ofous. A take jsme tam potkali fetaky a do domu bych rozhodne nechodil. Zeme se muzu propadnout. Prosim nelezte tam deti.
Boys and girls, especially don't go there. I was there with my friends yesterday and we almost died. We were attacked by dogs. Fortunately, we ran away but it was ofous. And we also met fetishes there and I would definitely not go to the house. The country can fail. Please do not go there children.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Dynamitka Alfréda Nobela (Dynamit-Fabriken vorm. Alfred Nobel & Company) byla zprovozněna v roce 1870 jako první a jediná továrna na dynamit v českých zemích. Úzká rokle Čimického potoka daleko od ostatních obydlí a vedle řeky byla pro tento typ výroby více než vhodná, počítalo se totiž s možností výbuchu. Brzy poté se tu skutečně stalo několik tragédií (v letech 1870, 1871 a 1892), při kterých byly původní provizorní objekty zcela zničeny. Za první republiky se tu vyráběly průmyslové trhaviny a ruční granáty, za okupace pak střelný prach. Na počátku 20. století byla výroba přesunuta do Pardubic a do Alp. Po znárodnění se zde vystřídalo několik podniků a areál začal chátrat. Po roce 1989 byl objekt navrácen v restituci původnímu majiteli, přesto se i v roce 2020 nic evidentně nevyvíjí k lepšímu. Alfred Nobel Dynamite Factory (Dynamit-Fabriken vorm. Alfred Nobel & Company) was put into operation in 1870 as the first and only one in the Czech. The narrow gorge of the Čimický brook far from other dwellings and next to the river was more than suitable for this type of production, as the possibility of an explosion was expected. Soon after, several tragedies actually took place here (in 1870, 1871 and 1892), during which the original temporary buildings were completely destroyed. During the First Republic, industrial explosives and hand grenades were produced here, and gunpowder during the occupation. At the beginning of the 20th century, production was moved to Pardubice and the Alps. After the nationalization, several companies took turns here and the area began to fall into disrepair. After 1989, the buildings were returned in restitution to the original owner, yet even in 2020, nothing is evidently improving and the object is dilapitating.
Alfred Nobel Dynamite (Dynamit-Fabriken vorm. Alfred Nobel & Company) was put into operation in 1870 as the first and only dynamite factory in the Czech lands. The narrow gorge of the Čimický brook far from other dwellings and next to the river was more than suitable for this type of production, as the possibility of an explosion was expected. Soon after, several tragedies actually took place here (in 1870, 1871 and 1892), during which the original temporary buildings were completely destroyed. During the First Republic, industrial explosives and hand grenades were produced here, and gunpowder during the occupation. At the beginning of the 20th century, production was moved to Pardubice and the Alps. After the nationalization, several companies took turns here and the area began to fall into disrepair. After 1989, the building was returned in restitution to the original owner, yet even in 2020, nothing is evidently developing for the better. Alfred Nobel Dynamite Factory (Dynamit-Fabriken vorm. Alfred Nobel & Company) was put into operation in 1870 as the first and only one in the Czech. The narrow gorge of the Čimický brook far from other dwellings and next to the river was more than suitable for this type of production, as the possibility of an explosion was expected. Soon after, several tragedies actually took place here (in 1870, 1871 and 1892), during which the original temporary buildings were completely destroyed. During the First Republic, industrial explosives and hand grenades were produced here, and gunpowder during the occupation. At the beginning of the 20th century, production was moved to Pardubice and the Alps. After the nationalization, several companies took turns here and the area began to fall into disrepair. After 1989, the buildings were returned in restitution to the original owner, yet even in 2020, nothing is evidently improving and the object is dilapitating.
Tomáš Kučera on Google

Moc zajímavý objekt se zvláštními obyvateli. Spousta budek v okolních svazich, tunylku a vybydlené objekty. Areál je střežen psy. Dá se do něj však normálně sejít prudkým svahem z náhorní vyhlídky. Stál by jistě za bližší prozkoumání, což ti špinaví vlčáci momentálně nedovolujou a člověk před nimi musí prchat přes vysoký plot. Přidávám fotografie z normalizačního seriálu 30 případů majora Zemana. Byl zde natáčen díl Prokleté dědictví. Dynamitka měla představovat zázemí a sklady u kladenských dolů.
Very interesting object with special inhabitants. Lots of booths on the surrounding slopes, a tunnel and inhabited buildings. The area is guarded by dogs. However, it is possible to go down it normally on a steep slope from a plateau viewpoint. It would certainly be worth a closer look, which the dirty wolfhounds don't allow at the moment, and you have to run in front of them over a high fence. I am adding photos from the standardization series of 30 cases of Major Zeman. The cursed legacy was filmed here. The dynamite was to represent the background and warehouses at the Kladno mines.
Legends Series on Google

❗ACHTUNG NOBEL❗ Při příchodu zezadu, už chybí jen Zombíci vylejzající z těch různých děr. Jen by se to nasvítilo jedním světlem z dálky a může se tam zčista točit horor. NECHOĎTE TAM, nestojí to za to. Při našem zabloudění na kolech to byl reálně boj o holý život. Osoba/y které v přední části obývají (hlídají) tento pozemek, jsou v neustále nacamraný. Vyběhli na mě dvě psiska. Rozzuření do ruda Vlčák a Stafford. Jediný plus, že jsem s sebou měl kolo, který jsem dal před sebe a na ty čokle řval. Příběhli přede mě... Vlčák mi šel po nohách a Stafford mi skákal intenzivně na krk. Nebylo to jako by mě chtěli jen kousnout. Byl to útok dvou sehranných psů, kteří vás chtějí zabít. A právě dlouhá doba, než přišel dědek z toho baráku, kterej tvrdil, že ani neví, že ty čokle jsou venku... je rozhodující o vašich životech. Bejt tam místo nás dva slabší jedinci nebo ženský, tak dědek najde už jen těla s rozsápanejma krkama. A myslíte...že by snad volal záchranku??? Kdoví, kolik těch polozbořenejch štol skrejvá svoje krutý tajemství z posledních 20 let. Zdálo se mi o tom incidentu asi měsíc. Budil jsem se zpocený, protože v těch snech se udávaly různé scénáře. Někdy to konec nemělo, jindy naopak ano...strašnej. Do konce života na tenhle zážitek nezapomenu. Momentálně temný, nehostinný a nebezpečný místo, který vám stojí za to vynechat. Jaro je tady...vstříc za ?
NOBEL SHOP When coming from behind, only Zombies are missing coming out of those different holes. It would only light up one thing light from a distance and can be there clean film horror. DON'T GO THERE, it's not worth it. During our wandering on bikes it was really a struggle for a bare life. Person (s) in front inhabit (guard) this land, They are constantly soaked. Two dogs ran after me. Fury into the ore Wolfhound and Stafford. The only plus is that I'm with me he had a bike that I put in front of me and he shouted at those poochs. They ran in front of me ... The wolfhound went at my feet and Stafford jumped at me intensely on the neck. It wasn't like they just wanted to bite me. It was an attack by two harmonious dogs, who want to kill you. And just a long time, before the old man came out of the barracks, who claimed he didn't even know that those poochs are out ... is crucial to your lives. Be there instead of us two weaker individuals or female, so the old man will only find the bodies with torn necks. And do you think ... that he would call an ambulance ??? Who knows how many of those half-destroyed galleries hide their cruel secret from the last 20 years. I dreamed of the incident about a month. I woke up sweaty, because in those dreams different scenarios were given. Sometimes it didn't end, other times, yes ... terrible. For the rest of my life on this one I will not forget the experience. Currently dark, inhospitable and a dangerous place which is worth omitting. Spring is here ... to meet you
Matyáš Toman on Google

Objekt je přístupný buď ze stran přes skaly nebo po lesních pěšinách zezadu. Všude v areálu jsou však upozornění že to je soukromý pozemek a upozornění na psy. Areál je oplocen jen tak z půlky. Pokud jde člověk dovnitř zezadu (kde není plot) , začne u asi 10 opuštěných budov , které jsou na objektu asi nejzajímavější. Jsou tam i stopy po vstupech do podzemí nebo staré kanalizace, ale vše je zasypané nebo zanešené. Pokud se člověk dostane až do tak dvou třetin areálu, je tam sklad různého nepořádku a za ním je docela nové oplocení s varováním o soukromém pozemku a psech. Za touto značkou je asi dalších 5 budov , kde se ale pohybují lidé a byli tam i hlídající vlcaci, kterým ale teoreticky nic nebránilo k přístupu do celého areálu. Pokud se rozhodnete do areálu vstoupit, nechodil bych dále než do té zadní poloviny , stejně všechno zajímavé se nachází právě tam.
The building is accessible either from the sides over the rocks or on forest paths from behind. However, there are warnings everywhere in the area that this is private land and warnings for dogs. The area is only half fenced. If one goes in from behind (where there is no fence), it starts with about 10 abandoned buildings, which are probably the most interesting in the building. There are also traces of entrances to the underground or old sewers, but everything is covered or dirty. If you get to about two-thirds of the area, there is a warehouse of various clutter and behind it is quite a new fence with a warning about private land and dogs. Behind this brand there are about 5 other buildings, where people move and there were also guard wolves, who, in theory, did not prevent access to the entire area. If you decide to enter the complex, I would not go further than the back half, just as everything interesting is located there.
David Biedermann on Google

Heavily damaged piece of industrial history.
Milan Kovačič on Google

Be super careful - there are dogs with out chains or any kind of fence

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