Cemetery Benesov nad Ploucnici - Cemetery Benesov nad Ploucnici

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Contact Cemetery Benesov nad Ploucnici

Address :

407 22 Benešov nad Ploučnicí, Czechia

Postal code : 407
Categories :
City : Benešov nad Ploučnicí

407 22 Benešov nad Ploučnicí, Czechia
Lenka Ryšánková Štarmanová on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zajímavý a vcelku udržovaný hřbitov najdeme sice stranou centra města, od kostela Narození Panny Marie je to však pouhých 5 minut chůze Smetanovou ulicí, ze které pak odbočíte severně do Wolkerovy. Některé náhrobky jsou sice dosti zanedbané, ale vstupní portál a hrobka Mattauschů určitě stojí za zhlédnutí. Neorenesanční rodinná pohřební kaple s půdorysem řeckého kříže byla vystavěna pro rodinu Mattauschů. Projekt na stavbu vypracoval roku 1890 Karl Mayer a realizoval ji Karl Hönig. Ke vstupu vede schodiště lemované zídkou, která vytváří tři pravoúhlé stupně. An interesting and well-kept cemetery can be found at the side of the town center, but it is only a 5-minute walk from the Virgin Mary's Church through Smetana Street, which you then turn north to Wolker Street. Some gravestones are rather neglected, but the entrance portal and the tomb of Mattausch are definitely worth seeing. The Neo-Renaissance family funeral chapel with a Greek cross-section was built for the Mattausch family. The construction project was developed by Karl Mayer in 1890 and implemented by Karl Hönig. The stairs are lined with a wall that creates three rectangular steps.
An interesting and well-maintained cemetery can be found on the side of the city center, but from the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary it is only a 5-minute walk down Smetana Street, from which you turn north to Wolkerova. Some of the tombstones are quite neglected, but the entrance portal and the tomb of the Mattausch family are definitely worth seeing. The Neo-Renaissance family funeral chapel with the floor plan of the Greek cross was built for the Mattausch family. The construction project was developed in 1890 by Karl Mayer and realized by Karl Hönig. A staircase lined with a wall leads to the entrance, which creates three rectangular steps. An interesting and well-kept cemetery can be found at the side of the town center, but it is only a 5-minute walk from the Virgin Mary's Church through Smetana Street, which you then turn north to Wolker Street. Some gravestones are rather neglected, but the entrance portal and the tomb of Mattausch are definitely worth seeing. The Neo-Renaissance family funeral chapel with a Greek cross-section was built for the Mattausch family. The construction project was developed by Karl Mayer in 1890 and implemented by Karl Hönig. The stairs are lined with a wall that creates three rectangular steps.

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