Chata TOS - Špindlerův Mlýn 7

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Chata TOS

Address :

Špindlerův Mlýn 7, 543 51 Špindlerův Mlýn, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 543
Website :
Categories :
City : Špindlerův Mlýn

Špindlerův Mlýn 7, 543 51 Špindlerův Mlýn, Czechia
Miloš Zeman on Google

Krásný výhled do kraje
Beautiful view of the countryside
Marek Marvan on Google

Před 40 lety chata vypadala stejne
40 years ago the cottage looked the same
martin novotny on Google

Velice milí a vstřícní ..., výborná poloha chaty.
Very nice and friendly ..., excellent location of the cottage.
Antonie Fraňková on Google

Malebné místo, chutné jídlo, dnes bohužel jen pro ubytované hosty
Picturesque place, tasty food, today unfortunately only for guests
Michal Marcinko on Google

Super místo pro velké party. Pro lidi co nečekaji luxus, ale klasickou chalupu!
Great place for a big party. For people who do not expect luxury, but a classic cottage!
Michal Marcinko on Google

Super místo pro velké skupiny lidí! (tak 35-60) Postarší chata, prosté klasika jako z filmu. V zimě či v létě si to tam užijete! :)
Super space for large groups of people! (so 35-60) An elderly cottage, simple as a classic. In winter or summer you can enjoy it! :)
Market on Google

Pro deti...a hlavne jejich rodice...skvele. Hlavne diky moznosti vystridat se na sjezdovce, ktera je primo u chaty, treba i nekolikrat za den. Zarizeni je sice starsi...ale vynahradi to blizkost sjezdovky a velmi mili provozovatele.
For kids ... and especially their parents ... great. Especially thanks to the possibility to alternate on the ski slope, which is directly at the cottage, even several times a day. The equipment is older ... but it makes up for the proximity of the slopes and a very million operators.
Eking Rendon on Google

Incredible place

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