Chrám Českobratrské církve evangelické

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Contact Chrám Českobratrské církve evangelické

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Libušina 813, 413 01 Roudnice nad Labem, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +879
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City : Roudnice nad Labem

Libušina 813, 413 01 Roudnice nad Labem, Czechia
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V roce 1900 evangelický sbor v Roudnici n. L. začal zvažovat výstavbu vlastního chrámu na základě finančních příslibů a darů především z Německa. Velmi se v této věci angažoval farář Zimmermann z Porýní. Organizoval sbírky v Německu a zprostředkoval kontakt s dárkyněmi z Porýní, jež se rozhodly věnovat na stavbu chrámu 10 000 Marek. Jediným požadavkem bylo, aby byl chrám vystavěn dle německých plánů. To nakonec vedlo k rozhodnutí, že architektem bude němec Otto Kuhlmann. Stavitelem chrámu byla firma Kohlík-Plechatý z Roudnice a stavební dohled byl svěřen Ing. Josefu Záleskému. Z finančních důvodů bylo upuštěno od plánované přístavby věže a fary. Rozpočet byl vyčíslen na 45 000 korun. Stavba chrámu započala 8. srpna 1908. Pod dohledem Ing. Záleského byla stavba dokončena ještě do zimy téhož roku. V červenci 1909 byl přijat návrh, aby byl chrám pojmenován na upomínku Jana Husa „Chrámem Betlémským”. Slavnostní shromáždění a vysvěcení chrámu se konalo 10. října 1909. V červnu roku 1938 bylo rozhodnuto přistavit ke kostelu věž se třemi zvony. Věž byla postavena dle plánů architekta Kozáka a stavba zadána firmě Hádl-Hájek z Roudnice. Zvony odlila firma Matoušek z Brna. In 1900 the Evangelical Corps in Roudnice nad Labem began to consider the construction of it´s own temple on the basis of financial promises and gifts mainly from Germany. The priest Zimmermann of the Rhineland was very much involved in this matter. He organized collections in Germany and arranged contact with the Rhine donors who chose to donor a 10,000 Mark for the building. The only requirement was that the temple must be built according to German plans. This eventually led to the decision that German architect Otto Kuhlmann would do that job. The builder of the temple was Kohlík-Plechatý company of Roudnice and the construction supervision was entrusted to Ing. Josef Záleský. For financial reasons, towers and estates were dropped from the planned extension. The budget was quoted at CZK 45,000. The construction of the temple commenced on August 8, 1908. Under the supervision of Ing. Záleský the construction was completed until the winter of the same year. In July 1909, a proposal was made to name the temple as a reminder of Jan Hus' Temple of Bethlehem. The ceremonial assembly and consecration of the temple took place on October 10, 1909. In June 1938 it was decided to bring a tower with three bells to the church. The tower was built according to the plans of architect Kozák and the building was commissioned by Hádl-Hájek from Roudnice. The bells were cast by Matoušek company from Brno.
In 1900, the Evangelical Church in Roudnice n. L. began to consider building its own church on the basis of financial promises and donations, especially from Germany. The pastor Zimmermann from the Rhineland was very involved in this matter. He organized collections in Germany and mediated contact with donors from the Rhineland, who decided to donate 10,000 Marek to the construction of the church. The only requirement was that the temple be built according to German plans. This eventually led to the decision that the German Otto Kuhlmann would be the architect. The builder of the church was the company Kohlík-Plechatý from Roudnice and construction supervision was entrusted to Ing. Josef Záleský. For financial reasons, the planned extension of the tower and the rectory was abandoned. The budget was estimated at 45,000 crowns. Construction of the church began on August 8, 1908. Under the supervision of Ing. Záleský's construction was completed by the winter of the same year. In July 1909, a proposal was accepted to name the church the "Temple of Bethlehem" in memory of Jan Hus. The solemn assembly and consecration of the church took place on October 10, 1909. In June 1938, it was decided to add a tower with three bells to the church. The tower was built according to the plans of the architect Kozák and the construction was assigned to the company Hádl-Hájek from Roudnice. The bells were cast by the company Matoušek from Brno. In 1900 the Evangelical Corps in Roudnice nad Labem began to consider the construction of it´s own temple on the basis of financial promises and gifts mainly from Germany. The priest Zimmermann of the Rhineland was very much involved in this matter. He organized collections in Germany and arranged contact with the Rhine donors who chose to donor a 10,000 Mark for the building. The only requirement was that the temple must be built according to German plans. This eventually led to the decision that German architect Otto Kuhlmann would do that job. The builder of the temple was Kohlík-Plechatý company of Roudnice and the construction supervision was entrusted to Ing. Josef Záleský. For financial reasons, towers and estates were dropped from the planned extension. The budget was quoted at CZK 45,000. The construction of the temple commenced on August 8, 1908. Under the supervision of Ing. Záleský the construction was completed until the winter of the same year. In July 1909, a proposal was made to name the temple as a reminder of Jan Hus' Temple of Bethlehem. The ceremonial assembly and consecration of the temple took place on October 10, 1909. In June 1938 it was decided to bring a tower with three bells to the church. The tower was built according to the plans of architect Kozák and the building was commissioned by Hádl-Hájek from Roudnice. The bells were cast by Matoušek company from Brno.

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