Church of All Saints - K Lochkovu 30

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Farnosti Radotín, Třebotov, Černošice - oficiální stránky -

Farnosti Radotín, Černošice a Třebotov

About Church of All Saints

Administrátor farnosti

P. ICLic. Mgr. Bc. Timotej Maria Pavel Vácha, O. Praem.

Contact Church of All Saints

Address :

K Lochkovu 30, 154 00 Praha-Slivenec, Czechia

Postal code : 154
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha Slivenec

K Lochkovu 30, 154 00 Praha-Slivenec, Czechia
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Jestli jsem byl z návštěvy Slivence nadšen, prohlídka zdejšího kostela byla vrcholem celodenního výletu. Navíc jsem měl štěstí, nejenže byl otevřen, ale na kůru probíhala malá zkouška, tak jsem si mohl vychutnat krásný zvuk varhan nesoucí se kostelem. Takový neoficiální koncert pro jednoho. Přitom jsem měl dostatek času si prohlédnout vnitřní vybavení této nádherné stavby. Nejstarší část kostela pochází ze 13 století. V roce 1693 byla přistavěna předsíň a v roce 1889 byly provedeny úpravy podle návrhu Antonia Barvitia. Presbyterium je uzavřeno pěti stranami osmihranu a nemá žádné vnější opěrné sloupy. Samotné presbyterium snad dříve sloužilo jako kaple a loď byla postavena později. Hlavní oltář je dřevěný a zhotovil jej roku 1901 řezbář Petr Bušek ze Sychrova. Nad vstupem do lodi je vystavena kruchta a nad ní v rohu kostela věž. Pozornost si zaslouží především čtvercový pilíř pod kruchtou, který podepírá věž kostela. Kolem pilíře vedou točité schody na kruchtu, kde jsou umístěny varhany postavené J. Schiffnerem v roce 1886. Kolem kostela je gotická ohradní zeď, do níž byla roku 1790 vestavěna klasicistní márnice se sochami sv. Doroty a Piety. If I was excited about visiting Slivenec part of Prague, the tour of the local church was Nirvana-like culmination of a day trip. Moreover, I was lucky not only to finf the church opened, but a small rehersal took place on the church, so I could enjoy the beautiful sound of an organ reverbing through a church. Such an unofficial concert for one. At the same time, I had plenty of time to inspect the interior of this beautiful building. The oldest part of the church dates back to the 13th century. In 1693 an entrance hall was built and in 1889 the modifications were made according to the design of Antonio Barvitia. The Presbyterium is enclosed by five sides of the octagon and has no external support pillars. The Presbyterium itself had previously served as a chapel and the nave was built later. The main altar is wooden and was made in 1901 by carver Petr Bušek of Sychrov. Above the entrance to the nave there is a organ loft and a tower in the corner of the church above it. The square pillar below the organ loft, which supports the church tower, deserves particular attention. There are spiral stairs around the squared pillar, where the organ built by J. Schiffner in 1886 is located. This is a quiet unique architectonic solution. The church is enclosed by a Gothic fence wall, into which a classicist morgue was built in 1790 with statues of St. Dorothea and Pieta.
If I was thrilled to visit Sliven, a tour of the local church was the highlight of a day trip. In addition, I was lucky, not only was it open, but there was a small rehearsal for the choir, so I could enjoy the beautiful sound of the organ carrying the church. Such an unofficial concert for one. At the same time, I had plenty of time to see the interior of this beautiful building. The oldest part of the church dates from the 13th century. In 1693 the vestibule was added and in 1889 modifications were made according to the design of Antonio Barvitius. The presbytery is closed by five sides of an octagon and has no outer supporting columns. The presbytery itself probably served as a chapel before and the nave was built later. The main altar is wooden and was made in 1901 by the carver Petr Bušek from Sychrov. There is a bar above the entrance to the nave and a tower above it in the corner of the church. The square pillar under the bar, which supports the church tower, deserves special attention. Around the pillar there are spiral stairs on the chancel, where the organ built by J. Schiffner in 1886 is located. Around the church there is a Gothic enclosure wall, into which in 1790 a classicist morgue with statues of St. Dorothy and Pieta. If I was excited about visiting Slivenec part of Prague, the tour of the local church was Nirvana-like culmination of a day trip. Moreover, I was lucky not only to finf the church opened, but a small rehersal took place on the church, so I could enjoy the beautiful sound of an organ reverbing through a church. Such an unofficial concert for one. At the same time, I had plenty of time to inspect the interior of this beautiful building. The oldest part of the church dates back to the 13th century. In 1693 an entrance hall was built and in 1889 the modifications were made according to the design of Antonio Barvitia. The Presbyterium is enclosed by five sides of the octagon and has no external support pillars. The Presbyterium itself had previously served as a chapel and the nave was built later. The main altar is wooden and was made in 1901 by carver Petr Bušek of Sychrov. Above the entrance to the nave there is a organ loft and a tower in the corner of the church above it. The square pillar below the organ loft, which supports the church tower, deserves particular attention. There are spiral stairs around the squared pillar, where the organ built by J. Schiffner in 1886 is located. This is a quiet unique architectural solution. The church is enclosed by a Gothic fence wall, into which a classicist morgue was built in 1790 with statues of St. Dorothea and Pieta.

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