Kostel svatého Filipa a Jakuba - Na Zlíchově 221

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Náš milý farní vikář P. Jakub Jirovec OT odchází od 1. července 2022 do nedaleké farnosti Hostivice. V naší farnosti sloužil od roku 2013 a zanechal hlubokou stopu v srdcích mnoha z nás.


Za dobu své požehnané služby asistoval u řady svateb, vedl množství křtů a pohřbů, horlivě navštěvoval nemocné a umírající, věrně sloužil bohoslužby a stal se Božím nástrojem při udílení svátosti smíření i při naslouchání problémům, se kterými se mu mnozí s důvěrou svěřovali.


Contact Kostel svatého Filipa a Jakuba

Address :

Na Zlíchově 221, 152 00 Praha 5-Hlubočepy, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 152
Website : http://www.centrumbarrandov.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha 5 Hlubočepy

Na Zlíchově 221, 152 00 Praha 5-Hlubočepy, Czechia
Pavel Pavlovský on Google

Krásné prostředí kostela, kostel je na kopci že kterého je nádherný výhled. U kostela je menší hřbitov a tedy spíš pozůstatky z něj. Navštívit kostel lze pouze před mší, během mše a po mši. Prostor hřbitova a kostela je mimo dobu mše uzavřen. Vedle kostela je nádherný výhled na prahu, prez řeku jsou žluté lázně. Doporučuji navštívit
Beautiful church environment, the church is on a hill that has a magnificent view. There is a small cemetery near the church and therefore the remains of it. The church can be visited only before, during and after mass. The cemetery and the church are closed outside the mass. Next to the church is a magnificent view of Prague, over the river are yellow baths. I recommend to visit
Štěpán Sklenička on Google

Překrasný malý kostelíček, výborní faráŕi, topení v lavicích, vřele doporučuji každému bez ohledu na náboženské a politické přesvědčení.
A beautiful little church, excellent pastors, heating in benches, I highly recommend to everyone, regardless of religious and political beliefs.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pokud budete stoupat ke kostelu z ulice Na Zlíchově, určitě stojí za to zastavit se u dvou objektů nad tramvajovou zastávkou. Níže postavený je pomník padlých v Květnové revoluci. V roce 1945 probíhaly na území Prahy 5 tvrdé a krvavé boje za svobodu, které si vyžádaly několik desítek životů. Pro uctění a uchování památky těchto hrdinů byl 25. května 1947 odhalen pomník. Ten byl později v roce 1960 doplněn o sochu nazvanou Jaro padlých a umučených, kterou vytvořil významný akademický sochař a medailér Zdeněk Kolářský. Při dolní části cesty vedoucí do kostela podél západní ohradní zdi stojí pískovcový sloup se soškou Panny Marie Svatohorské. Pochází z 18. století a k cestě ke kostelu byl přenesen ze středu obce při rozšiřování komunikace. A do třetice - na vrcholku ostrohu před věží kostela stojí barokní socha sv. Jana Nepomuckého z 2. poloviny 18. století. Spolu s kostelem tvoří nezaměnitelnou dominantu, poutající pozornost všech, kdo přijíždějí z jihu po tomto břehu Vltavy do centra Prahy. Kostel tvořící dominantu viditelnou z dalekého okolí se vypíná na úzkém skalním ostrohu mezi ulicemi Strakonická a Na Zlíchově na vápencové skále, která údajně bývala centrem osady Zlíchov. Podle povesti zde bývalo staré pohanské pohrebište. Současný kostel je z let 1713–1714, byl postaven jezuity v barokním slohu na místě někdejší románské, později gotické kaple ze 13. století, zasvěcené sv. Štěpánu. První písemný záznam o kapli sv. Štěpána je ze 13. února 1257, kdy ji včetně přilehlých pozemků Přemysl Otakar II. připsal vyšehradskému kanovníku Bartolomějovi a jeho nástupcům. Název vsi Zlíchov (variantně Zléchov) je odvozován buď od místního statkáře Zlecha, nebo od blíže neurčeného „zlécha“ – zlého člověka, a první dochovaná zmínka o ní pochází z roku 1088. Koncem 70. let 14. století získali obec Zlíchov včetně kostela smíchovští kartuziáni a na přelomu 14. a 15. století ho goticky přestavěli. V srpnu 1418 je však přepadli husité a jejich smíchovský klášter zcela zničili. Roku 1660 byl kostel ještě opravován, ale roku 1713 - 1714 ho jezuité zbořili a na jeho základech postavili barokní kostel, dochovaný do dneška. *** If you ascend to the church from "Na Zlíchově" street, it is definitely worth stopping at two objects slightly above the tram stop. The lower one is a memorial of the fallen in May Revolution. In 1945 there were hard and bloody battles of freedom on the territory of Prague 5 that required several dozen lives. To commemorate and preserve the memory of these heroes, a monument was unveiled on May 25, 1947. It was supplemented by a statue called Spring of the Fallen and Tortured, created by a prominent academic sculptor and medalist Zdeněk Kolářský in 1960. At the bottom of the path leading to the church along the western fence wal a sandstone pillarl stands with a statue of Our Lady of Svatohorská, dating back to the 18th century, and was transferred here from the center of the village as the communication expanded. And in the third - on the top of the spur in front of the church tower the Baroque statue of St. Jan Nepomucký stands from the second half of the 18th century. The present church dates back to 1713-1714 and was built by Jesuits in the Baroque style on the site of a former Romanesque, later Gothic chapel dating back to the 13th century, consecrated to St. Štěpán. The first written record of the Chapel of St. Štěpán is from February 13, 1257. The name of the village Zlíchov (variant Zlechov) is derived either from the local farmer Zlecha or from the unspecified "zléch" - the evil man, and the first preserved mention of it comes from 1088. At the end of the 70s of the 14th century Carthusians got the village Zlíchov including the Smíchov church, and at the turn of the 14th and 15th century it was rebuilt in Gothic. In August 1418, however, the Hussites attacked them and destroyed their Smichov monastery completely. In 1660, the church was repaired, but in 1713-1714 the Jesuits demolished and built a Baroque church on its foundations, preserved to this day.
If you go up to the church from Na Zlíchově Street, it is definitely worth stopping at two buildings above the tram stop. Below is a monument to the fallen in the May Revolution. In 1945, there were fierce and bloody struggles for freedom in Prague 5, which claimed several dozen lives. A memorial was unveiled on May 25, 1947 to honor and preserve the memory of these heroes. It was later supplemented in 1960 with a statue called Spring of the Fallen and Martyred, created by the prominent academic sculptor and medalist Zdeněk Kolářský. At the lower part of the road leading to the church along the western wall, there is a sandstone column with a statue of the Virgin Mary of Mount Athos. It dates from the 18th century and was transferred from the center of the village to the road to the church during the widening of the road. And thirdly - on the top of the promontory in front of the church tower stands a baroque statue of St. Jan Nepomucký from the second half of the 18th century. Together with the church, it forms an unmistakable landmark, attracting the attention of all those who come from the south along this bank of the Vltava to the center of Prague. The church, which forms a dominant feature visible from afar, rises on a narrow rocky promontory between Strakonická and Na Zlíchově streets on a limestone rock, which was allegedly the center of the settlement of Zlíchov. According to legend, there used to be an old pagan burial ground. The current church dates from 1713–1714, it was built by the Jesuits in the Baroque style on the site of a former Romanesque, later Gothic chapel from the 13th century, dedicated to St. Stephen. The first written record of the chapel of St. Štěpán dates from 13 February 1257, when Přemysl Otakar II included it, including the adjacent land. attributed to the Vyšehrad canon Bartholomew and his successors. The name of the village Zlíchov (alternatively Zléchov) is derived either from the local landowner Zlecha, or from an unspecified "zléch" - evil man, and the first surviving mention of it comes from 1088. At the end of the 70s of the 14th century acquired the village Zlíchov the Carthusians and rebuilt it in Gothic style at the turn of the 14th and 15th centuries. In August 1418, however, they were attacked by the Hussites and completely destroyed their Smíchov monastery. In 1660 the church was still being repaired, but in 1713 - 1714 it was demolished by the Jesuits and a Baroque church was built on its foundations, preserved to this day. *** If you ascend to the church from "Na Zlíchově" street, it is definitely worth stopping at two objects slightly above the tram stop. The lower one is a memorial of the fallen in May Revolution. In 1945 there were hard and bloody battles of freedom on the territory of Prague 5 that required several dozen lives. To commemorate and preserve the memory of these heroes, a monument was unveiled on May 25, 1947. It was supplemented by a statue called Spring of the Fallen and Tortured, created by a prominent academic sculptor and medalist Zdeněk Kolářský in 1960. At the bottom of the path leading to the church along the western fence wal a sandstone pillarl stands with a statue of Our Lady of Svatohorská, dating back to the 18th century, and was transferred here from the center of the village as the communication expanded. And in the third - on the top of the spur in front of the church tower the Baroque statue of St. Jan Nepomucký stands from the second half of the 18th century. The present church dates back to 1713-1714 and was built by Jesuits in the Baroque style on the site of a former Romanesque, later Gothic chapel dating back to the 13th century, consecrated to St. Štěpán. The first written record of the Chapel of St. Štěpán is from February 13, 1257. The name of the village Zlíchov (variant Zlechov) is derived either from the local farmer Zlecha or from the unspecified "zléch" - the evil man, and the first preserved mention of it comes from 1088. At the end of the 70s of the 14th century Carthusians got the village Zlíchov including the Smíchov church, and at the turn of the 14th and 15th century it was rebuilt in Gothic. In August 1418, however, the Hussites attacked them and destroyed their Smichov monastery completely. In 1660, the church was repaired, but in 1713-1714 the Jesuits demolished and built a Baroque church on its foundations, preserved to this day.
Marcus Fuchs on Google

Petr Strihavka on Google

Daniele Sironi on Google

Nice little church. Great view from up here
Hubert Poul on Google

Martin on Google

Small church originally from 13th century. Later rebuilt, still functional, currently a part of Czech national Heritage. Strange thing is that is oriented towards North.

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