Costa Coffee

2.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Costa Coffee

Address :

Brno hl.n., 602 00 Brno, Brno-střed, Czechia

Website :
Opening hours :
Monday 5:30AM–9PM
Tuesday 5:30AM–9PM
Wednesday 5:30AM–9PM
Thursday 5:30AM–9PM
Friday 5:30AM–9PM
Saturday 6:30AM–8PM
Sunday 6:30AM–8PM
Categories :
City : střed
Description : Counter-service coffee chain offering hot drinks, iced coolers, sweet snacks and sandwiches.

Brno hl.n., 602 00 Brno, Brno-střed, Czechia
Milan Latta on Google

Odpovídá standardu, na který jsem u Costa Caffee zvyklý, za mne spokojenost. Cappuccino dobré, chocotwister výborný. Byl zde trochu větší pohyb lidí ale to se dá na nádraží očekávat.
Robert Keller on Google

Veľmi príjemný personál. Škoda je len servírovanie všetkých väčších nápojov v plastových kelímkoch (pričom v iných filiálkach sú servírované do normálnych hrnčekov) aj keď ich človek konzumuje priamo v kaviarni. Výber široký s mnohými vegánskymi možnosťami (teda aspoň čo sa sladkého týka) pri slanom by mohla pribudnúť aspoň jedna vegánska možnosť. Celkovo ale dobrá kaviareň kde o niečo rýchlejšie ubehne čas pri čakaní na zmeškaný spoj.
Very friendly staff. It is a pity to serve all larger drinks in plastic cups (while in other branches they are served in normal cups), even if one consumes them directly in a cafe. A wide selection with many vegan options (at least as far as sweet is concerned) for salty, at least one vegan option could be added. But overall, a good cafe where a little faster time passes while waiting for a missed connection.
Simča Boháčová on Google

Interiér krásný, káva a mlsky skvělé, přesně to na nádraží chybělo. Co je ale naprosto příšerné je nedostatek personálu. Vždy je tu plno lidí a už několikrát se mi stalo, že jsem u pokladny stála a čekala, abych si vůbec mohla objednat víc než 10minut. Slečna za pokladnou uklízela celou dobu nádobí a baristka mi pověděla, že to bude ještě dlouho trvat, protože sama nestíhá připravit asi 20 objednávek, které tam byly přijaty přede mnou... Ztratila jsem tu ve frontě spoustu času, žádná káva, žádná omluva. Toto je nepřijatelné. Personál neobviňuji a divím se, že pod takovým tlakem dokáží pracovat, já bych na místě odešla... Jen je potřeba, aby na place bylo více než 2lidi!
Interior beautiful, coffee and sweets great, exactly what was missing at the station. But what is absolutely terrible is the lack of staff. There are always a lot of people here and it has happened to me several times that I stood at the cash register and waited to be able to order more than 10 minutes at all. The young lady at the cash register cleaned the dishes all the time and the barista told me that it would take a long time, because she did not have time to prepare about 20 orders that were received in front of me ... I lost a lot of time in line, no coffee, no apology. This is unacceptable. I don't blame the staff and I'm surprised that they can work under such pressure, I would leave on the spot ... There is just a need for more than 2 people on the spot!
Marty Janík on Google

great coffee and services one star down for putting iced drinks in plastic cups while dining in
Petr Průcha on Google

It took 3 baristas over 15 minutes to prepare 2 coffees. And that’s without any other customers in a queue!
R Cory on Google

It's in a great location, close to the bus station, I guess centrally located. Many different types of coffee and fresh mint tea that you can choose from. One down side I found o.o no restroom (toalet). Deal with it.
Alex Yordanov on Google

The only reason I would go to a Costa cafe would be the toilets which I saw this cafe had. I had no kroni on me so I went for it, ordered myself a coffee and went to the WC which was locked. Apparently, the WCs are not for clients either which makes me hate Costa even more. Slimy, ugly. Coffee was mediocre so 1 star.
M'hd Nasser on Google

The outer design is good but the service is not so good.

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