Craft Coffee Factory OC Lužiny

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Craft Coffee Factory OC Lužiny

Address :

Archeologická 1, 155 00 Praha 13, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +798
Opening hours :
Sunday 9AM–8PM
Monday 8AM–8PM
Tuesday 8AM–8PM
Wednesday 8AM–8PM
Thursday 8AM–8PM
Friday 8AM–8PM
Saturday 9AM–8PM
Categories :
City : Praha

Archeologická 1, 155 00 Praha 13, Czechia
Monika Fejfarová on Google

Po dlouhé době výborná kavárna na Lužinách...super obsluha,..vynikající káva, stále nové produkty...a neskutečně lidský přístup....jen tak díle...chodíme a budeme k vám chodit rádi..a doufám že ještě dlouho! V této složité a smutné době jsou chvíle u vás k nezaplacemí!
After a long time, an excellent café in Lužiny ... great service, .. excellent coffee, always new products ... and an incredibly human approach .... just so ... we come and we will be happy to come to you..and I hope that for a long time! In these difficult and sad times, your moments are priceless!
Ivan Bok on Google

Příjemná kavárna otevřená pěkně od rána, milá obsluha, čisto, dobrá káva i omeleta, co víc si přát ?
Pleasant cafe open nicely from the morning, friendly staff, clean, good coffee and omelette, what more could you want ?
Petra Ancovickova on Google

Kavárnu navštěvuji pravidelně od září. Obsluha byla velmi milá a prostředí útulné. Ačkoli byly ceny na sídlištní kavárnu poměrně vysoké, na každou návštěvu jsem se těšila. Kvalita kavárny se ale postupem času zhoršila. Dnešní návštěva kavárny mě vyloženě zklamala a není tomu poprvé. Obsluha nebyla vstřícná a přesto, že jsem poprosila o toast bez masa, byla v něm šunka. Takovou chybu bych tolerovala v přeplněné kavárně, ale v tu chvíli byla kavárna poloprázdná - obsluha tedy měla možnost vyhovět potřebám zákazníků. Poměr ceny a kvality je velmi špatný, očekávala bych takové ceny v centru Prahy. Kavárnu nedoporučuji na příjemné odpoledne s kamarádkou nebo kamarádem, více se vyplatí dojet z Lužin třeba k Andělu. Pevně doufám, že se kavárna znovu přiblíží svým zákazníkům a návštěvy zde budou opět příjemné.
I have been visiting the café regularly since September. The staff was very nice and the environment cozy. Although the prices for the housing estate café were relatively high, I was looking forward to every visit. However, the quality of the café has deteriorated over time. Today's visit to the cafe clearly disappointed me and this is not the first time. The staff was not helpful and even though I asked for meat-free toast, there was ham in it. I would tolerate such a mistake in a crowded cafe, but at that moment the cafe was half-empty - the staff had the opportunity to meet the needs of customers. The price-quality ratio is very bad, I would expect such prices in the center of Prague. I do not recommend the café on a pleasant afternoon with a friend, it is more worthwhile to drive from Lužiny to Anděl, for example. I firmly hope that the café will get closer to its customers again and visitors will be pleasant again.
Lenka Karafiátová on Google

Objednali jsme si tortillu s chorizem, ale dostali jsme se sunkou. Kdyz jsem se sla zeptat proc, pry uz s chorizem neni. Bylo by fajn upozornit predem. Cesky styl “vsak oni to stejne nepoznaji” se mi opravdu nelibi. Obsluha ale nakonec byla fajn a snazila se neprijemnou situaci urovnat. Da se …
We ordered a tortilla with chorizo, but we got a ham. When I asked why, he's not with chorizo ​​anymore. It would be nice to point out in advance. I really don't like the Czech style "but they don't know it anyway". But in the end, the staff was fine and tried to settle the awkward situation. It is possible to …
Josef Živec on Google

Great coffee and service. I really like this new coffeehouse.
Andy A. on Google

Good service, very operative. Finally improved, hoping they will keep their standards. :-)
M on Google

I tried coffee only once here, it was good but other 2 times noone was on the bar and each time terminal is not working. I don't have cash, so I left. It's been more than a week they can not fix a payment terminal, so have no idea how they want to keep the business running update from 05.07 finally good service and accept cards update from 30.08 very nice waitress and tasty cakes
Antonín Šmíd on Google

Great service, really nice and polite staff. Pumpkin soup was served with a very good bread. I would say this is a pearl in the Lužiny shopping center.

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