Domov Důchodců Milešov - Milešov

4.2/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Domov Důchodců Milešov

Address :

Milešov 1, Milešov, 411 32 Velemín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +979
Postal code : 411
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Categories :
City : Velemín

Milešov 1, Milešov, 411 32 Velemín, Czechia

Drahomíra Vydrová on Google

Petr Vladař on Google

Škoda že se nemůžeme podívat dovnitř.
Too bad we can't look inside.
Katka Hadacova on Google

Máme zde babičku a moc se jí na Milešově líbí. Pořád nám říkala, že sestřičky jsou moc hodné a trpělivé. Na první pohled je babička moc spokojená. Děkujeme a jsme moc rádi, že jsme ji mohli svěřit do Vašich rukou
We have a grandmother here and she really likes Milesov. She kept telling us that the nurses were very kind and patient. At first glance, Grandma is very satisfied. Thank you and we are very happy that we could put it in your hands
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Domov důchodců Milešov je zařízením Centra sociální pomoci Litoměřice, příspěvkové organizace kraje. Nachází se v Milešově v budově bývalého zámku, má kapacitu 87 míst. Je rozdělený na dvě stanice. Na I. stanici (přízemí a I. patro) je 10 čtyřlůžkových a 1 dvoulůžkový pokoj. Na II. stanici (II. patro) je 7 třílůžkových a 12 dvoulůžkových pokojů. K dispozici jsou jídelny, společenské místnosti, sociální zařízení. Domov je určený pro lidi od 50 let věku, se sníženou schopností soběstačnosti v důsledku onemocnění různými typy demencí, kteří vyžadují pravidelnou péči a dohled. PS: místo vypadalo opuštěně a na webu jsem se dočetl cosi o záměru domov důchodců přestěhovat. Zámek je památkové chráněný objekt a bohužel není možné provést v něm takové úpravy, které by byly nutné pro provoz domova důchodců. Je možné, že dnes už je zařízení přesunuto na jiné místo. The retirement home of Milešov is a facility of the Litoměřice Social Assistance Center, a contributory organization of the Region. Located in Milešov in the former castle building, it has a capacity of 87 seats. It is divided into two stages. On the first station (ground floor and 1st floor) there are 10 quadruple rooms and 1 double room. On II. station (2nd floor) is 7 triple and 12 double rooms. There are dining rooms, common rooms and social facilities here. The home is designed for people from the age of 50, with reduced self-sufficiency due to various types of dementia requiring regular care and supervision.
Retirement home Milešov is a facility of the Litoměřice Social Assistance Center, a contributory organization of the region. Located in Milešov in the building of the former castle, it has a capacity of 87 seats. It is divided into two stations. At the 1st station (ground floor and 1st floor) there are 10 four-bed and 1 double room. And II. station (2nd floor) is 7 triple and 12 double rooms. There are dining rooms, lounges, bathrooms. The home is intended for people from the age of 50, with a reduced ability to be self-sufficient due to diseases of various types of dementia, who require regular care and supervision. PS: the place looked deserted and I read something on the web about the intention to move to a retirement home. The chateau is a listed building and unfortunately it is not possible to make such modifications to it that would be necessary for the operation of a retirement home. It is possible that the device has been moved to another location today. The retirement home of Milešov is a facility of the Litoměřice Social Assistance Center, a contributory organization of the Region. Located in Milešov in the former castle building, it has a capacity of 87 seats. It is divided into two stages. On the first station (ground floor and 1st floor) there are 10 quadruple rooms and 1 double room. On II. station (2nd floor) is 7 triple and 12 double rooms. There are dining rooms, common rooms and social facilities here. The home is designed for people from the age of 50, with reduced self-sufficiency due to various types of dementia requiring regular care and supervision.
Marcela Janoušková on Google

To místo je sice odlehlé, nicméně úžasně krásné pro seniory ? byli jsme se podívat naproti DD a muselo to tam bývat moc krásné...
The place is remote, but amazingly beautiful for seniors jsme we went to see the DD and it must have been very beautiful there ...

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