Socha sv. Antonína Paduánského

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Contact Socha sv. Antonína Paduánského

Address :

25812, 411 15 Velemín, Czechia

Categories :
City : Velemín

25812, 411 15 Velemín, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Socha svatého Antonína Paduánského u silnice z Vlastislavi je jedním z pozůstatků barokní komponované krajiny v okolí Milešova. Na rozdíl od některých dalších soch ze souboru se dochovala jen minimálně poškozená. Po silnici vede červená turistická značka na hrad Ostrý. Socha ochránce a patrona manželství, šťastné rodiny a dětí byla vztyčena ve 40. letech 18. století zřejmě zásluhou syna Anny Zikmundy Hrzánové z Harasova, Zikmunda Gustava. Patrně pochází z dílny sochaře Johanna Jungmanna. Podstavec je datován k roku 1751. The statue of St. Anthony of Padua by the road to Vlastislav is one of the remnants of the Baroque composite landscape around Milešov. Unlike some of the other statues in the collection, it has survived with only minimal damage. A red tourist trail leads along the road to Ostrý Castle. The statue of the protector and patron of marriage, happy families and children was erected in the 1840s, probably thanks to the efforts of Zikmund Gustav, the son of Anna Zikmunda Hrzánová of Harasov. It probably came from the workshop of the sculptor Johann Jungmann. The pedestal is dated to 1751.
The statue of St. Anthony of Padua by the road from Vlastislav is one of the remains of the Baroque landscape around Milešov. Unlike some other sculptures in the collection, it has survived only minimally damaged. A red tourist sign leads along the road to Ostrý Castle. The statue of the protector and patron of marriage, a happy family and children was erected in the 1840s, probably thanks to the son of Anna Zikmunda Hrzánová of Harasov, Zikmund Gustav. It probably comes from the workshop of sculptor Johann Jungmann. The pedestal is dated to 1751. The statue of St. Anthony of Padua by the road to Vlastislav is one of the remnants of the Baroque composite landscape around Milešov. Unlike some of the other statues in the collection, it has survived with only minimal damage. A red tourist trail leads along the road to Ostrý Castle. The statue of the protector and patron of marriage, happy families and children was erected in the 1840s, probably thanks to the efforts of Zikmund Gustav, the son of Anna Zikmunda Hrzánová of Harasov. It probably came from the workshop of the sculptor Johann Jungmann. The pedestal is dated to 1751.

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