exhortní kaple městské vychovatelny, Bulovka

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Contact exhortní kaple městské vychovatelny, Bulovka

Address :

180 00 Praha 8, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

180 00 Praha 8, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Budova bývalého špýcharu západně od zámečku pochází pravděpodobně z 18. století. Ve století následujícím prošla neobarokní úpravou. V době výstavby Vychovatelny (někdy kolem roku 1905) byl špýchar přeměněn na exhortní kapli (exhorta - duchovní výklad, promluva při bohoslužbě či kázání). Za tím účelem byl odstraněn původní dřevěný strop ve špýcharu, v podélné zdi se vybouralo šest oken a ve východním čele se upravil vchod do kaple. Podlaha byla vydlážděna a opatřena linoleem. Fasáda byla upravena v souladu s ostatními budovami na Rokosce. Kaple o jedné místnosti byla využívána pouze občasně. Od roku 1954 je objekt součástí nemocnice Na Bulovce. The building of the former granary west of the chateau probably dates back to the 18th century. In the following century it underwent a neo-Baroque adaptation. At the time of the construction of the Nursery House (sometime around 1905) the granary was transformed into an exhort chapel (exhort - a spiritual interpretation, a speech at a worship). For this purpose, the original wooden ceiling in the granary was removed, six windows were torn down in the longitudinal wall, and the entrance to the chapel was modified in the eastern front. The floor was paved and fitted with linoleum. The facade has been adapted in accordance with other buildings in Rokoska. The chapel of one room was used only occasionally. The object is a part of the huge hospital complex "Na Bulovce" since 1954.
The building of the former granary west of the chateau probably dates from the 18th century. In the following century, it underwent a neo-baroque renovation. At the time of the construction of the Educational School (sometime around 1905), the granary was transformed into an exhort chapel (exhorta - spiritual interpretation, speech during worship or preaching). For this purpose, the original wooden ceiling in the granary was removed, six windows were demolished in the longitudinal wall and the entrance to the chapel was modified at the eastern front. The floor was tiled and fitted with linoleum. The facade was modified in accordance with other buildings on Rokoska. The one-room chapel was used only occasionally. Since 1954, the building has been part of the Na Bulovce Hospital. The building of the former granary west of the chateau probably dates back to the 18th century. In the following century it underwent a neo-Baroque adaptation. At the time of the construction of the Nursery House (sometime around 1905) the granary was transformed into an exhort chapel (exhort - a spiritual interpretation, a speech at a worship). For this purpose, the original wooden ceiling in the granary was removed, six windows were torn down in the longitudinal wall, and the entrance to the chapel was modified in the eastern front. The floor was paved and fitted with linoleum. The facade has been adapted in accordance with other buildings in Rokoska. The chapel of one room was used only occasionally. The object is a part of the huge hospital complex "Na Bulovce" since 1954.

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