Holy Spirit Church

3.6/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Holy Spirit Church

Address :

Cínová, 417 41 Krupka, Czechia

Website : http://www.krupka-mesto.cz/
Categories :
City : Krupka

Cínová, 417 41 Krupka, Czechia
Tejm on Google

Vladimír Jaremčuk on Google

Franky Schlumpf on Google

Interessante Kirche in Krupka.
Interesting church in Krupka.
Martin Glogar on Google

Kostel je nepřístupný.
The church is inaccessible.
Václav Šulc on Google

Hezký kostel, který teprve čeká na svojí obnovu.
Nice church, which is still waiting for his recovery.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Druhý gotický kostel v Krupce, tzv. Špitální, znovu svědčí o významnosti horního města. Škoda že je málo přístupný.
The second Gothic church in Krupka, the so-called Hospital, once again testifies to the importance of the upper town. Too bad it's inaccessible.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Bývalý špitální kostel svatého Ducha při městské (dnes již zbořené) bráně zřídilo město pravděpodobně po husitských válkách. Pochází z roku 1454. Jde o jednolodní gotický kostel orientovaný na jihovýchod. Roku 1444 byl připojen ke špitálu a tak se stal špitálním kostelem. V roce 1538 kostel při požáru shořel a s ním i špitál a 27 okolních domů. Kostel se špitálem byl opět postaven v roce 1565, avšak v roce 1629 byl opět poničen požárem. Opraven byl až po roce 1648. V roce 1851 byl špitál zrušen. Z poloviny byl zřízen byt faráře a kostel byl opraven a dostal novou střechu s gotickou věžičkou. V únoru 2018 schválili zastupitelé Krupky bezúplatný převod kostelaod Římskokatolické farnosti do majetku města, včetně vnitřního vybavení. Kostel Sv. Ducha bude součástí tzv. velké prohlídkové trasy Městské památkové zóny Krupka. Vzhledem k tomu, že kostel nemá již žádné vnitřní vybavení, nabízí se pro něj několik využití. Za prvé je vhodné využít tohoto prostoru jako výstavní síně. Kostel by měl být otevřen pro veřejnost v letních měsících i během dne. Návštěvníci si zde budou moci prohlédnout gotickou architekturu a využít kostel jako meditační, relaxační a odpočinkový prostor. Bude sloužit i k původním liturgickým účelům při příležitosti svátku sv. Valentina (dříve byl zde tomuto světci zasvěcen postranní oltář a oslav svátku sv. Valentina se účastnilo velké množství mládeže z okolí) a na slavnost Seslání Ducha Svatého či při jiných obdobných příležitostech. Kostel bude, vzhledem ke skvělé akustice, využíván i na hudební vystoupení a podobné kulturní akce. The former hospital Church of the Holy Spirit at the city (today demolished) gate was established by the city council probably after the Hussite wars. It dates back to 1454. It is a single-nave Gothic church oriented to the southeast. In 1444 it was connected to the hospital. In 1538 the church burned with a fire together with a hospital and 27 neighboring houses. The church with the hospital was built again in 1565, but in 1629 it was again damaged by a fire. It was repaired only after 1648. In 1851 the hospital was canceled. Half of the object served as an apartment for pastor and got a new roof with a Gothic tower. In February 2018 representatives of Krupka approved the free transfer of the church of the Roman Catholic parish to the property of the city, including internal equipment. Church of the Holy Spirit will be part of so-called large tour route of Krupka City Monument Zone. Because the church has no more interior equipment, there are several uses for it. First, it is appropriate to use this space as a showroom. The church should be open to the public during the summer months even throughout the day. Visitors will be able to explore the Gothic architecture and use the church as a meditative and relaxing space. It will also be used for the original liturgical purposes on the occasion of the feast of St. Valentin (formerly the side altar was dedicated to this saint and the celebration of St. Valentine's Day was attended by a large number of youth from the neighborhood) and the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit or other similar occasions. Due to the excellent acoustics the church will also be used for musical performances and similar cultural events.
The former hospital church of the Holy Spirit at the city (now demolished) gate was established by the city probably after the Hussite wars. It dates from 1454. It is a single-nave Gothic church oriented to the southeast. In 1444 it was attached to the hospital and thus became a hospital church. In 1538, the church burned down in a fire and with it the hospital and 27 surrounding houses. The church with the hospital was rebuilt in 1565, but in 1629 it was again destroyed by fire. It was not repaired until after 1648. In 1851, the hospital was closed. Half of the pastor's apartment was set up and the church was repaired and given a new roof with a Gothic turret. In February 2018, Krupka's representatives approved the gratuitous transfer of the church from the Roman Catholic parish to the city's property, including the interior furnishings. Church of St. Ducha will be part of the so-called large sightseeing route of the Krupka Municipal Monument Zone. Due to the fact that the church no longer has any interior equipment, there are several uses for it. First of all, it is appropriate to use this space as an exhibition hall. The church should be open to the public in the summer months and during the day. Visitors will be able to see the Gothic architecture and use the church as a meditation, relaxation and rest area. It will also be used for the original liturgical purposes on the occasion of the feast of St. Valentina (formerly a side altar was dedicated to this saint and a large number of young people from the area took part in the celebration of St. Valentine's Day) and the Feast of the Descent of the Holy Spirit or other similar occasions. Due to the great acoustics, the church will also be used for musical performances and similar cultural events. The former hospital Church of the Holy Spirit at the city (today demolished) gate was established by the city council probably after the Hussite wars. It dates back to 1454. It is a single-nave Gothic church oriented to the southeast. In 1444 it was connected to the hospital. In 1538 the church burned with a fire together with a hospital and 27 neighboring houses. The church with the hospital was built again in 1565, but in 1629 it was again damaged by a fire. It was repaired only after 1648. In 1851 the hospital was canceled. Half of the object served as an apartment for pastor and got a new roof with a Gothic tower. In February 2018 representatives of Krupka approved the free transfer of the church of the Roman Catholic parish to the property of the city, including internal equipment. Church of the Holy Spirit will be part of so-called large tour route of Krupka City Monument Zone. Because the church has no more interior equipment, there are several uses for it. First, it is appropriate to use this space as a showroom. The church should be open to the public during the summer months even throughout the day. Visitors will be able to explore the Gothic architecture and use the church as a meditative and relaxing space. It will also be used for the original liturgical purposes on the occasion of the feast of St. Valentin (formerly the side altar was dedicated to this saint and the celebration of St. Valentine's Day was attended by a large number of youth from the neighborhood) and the Sacrament of the Holy Spirit or other similar occasions. Due to the excellent acoustics the church will also be used for musical performances and similar cultural events.

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