Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie

Address :

44, Husitská 93/42, 417 41 Krupka, Czechia

Categories :
City : Krupka

44, Husitská 93/42, 417 41 Krupka, Czechia
Ondrej Hájek on Google

Peťula Czech on Google

Jindřich Krejza on Google

Iva Šedivá on Google

Nádherná památka se zajímavou historií
Beautiful monument with an interesting history
Radek Šlégl on Google

Škoda, že nejde nahlédnout dovnitr
Too bad you can't look inside
Václav Šulc on Google

Kostel v Husitské ulici, která je vlastně krupským náměstím je občas přístupný a renovace zde probíhají zatím spíše pomalu. Za pozornost stojí hlavně svaté schody, které se zde nacházejí, a kterých v České republice není mnoho.
The church in Husitská Street, which is actually Krupské Square, is sometimes accessible and renovations are still rather slow. It is worth noting especially the holy stairs, which are located here, which are not many in the Czech Republic.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Výstavný pozdněgotický farn kostel svědčí o tom, že Krupka byla v 15./16. st. významným horním městem. Úpadek těžby, války + odsun pův. obyvatel, zanechaly své na tomto městě . Chrám má skvostná okna, stropy, dokonce z části gotický mobiliář. Sledujte zprávy o otevření po ukončení obnovy.
The exhibition of the late Gothic parish church testifies to the fact that Krupka was in 15/16. st. important upper town. Decline of mining, war + displacement of orig. inhabitants left theirs in this city. The temple has magnificent windows, ceilings, even partly Gothic furniture. Watch for open messages after the recovery is complete.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Městský kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie, jehož dnešní podoba pochází z roku 1600, stojí na místě staršího, postaveného ve 2. polovině 13. století. Ten však v roce 1429 a 1479 vyhořel a byl nově postaven mezi léty 1479 - 1488. Později byl upravován ještě v letech 1672 a 1733. Jednolodní obdélný kostel s trojboce uzavřeným presbytářem je vzhledem k terénní situaci orientován téměř přesně k jihu. Šikmo k němu přiléhá presbytář původního kostela - nyní kaple je orientovaná k východu. V současné době prochází kostel postupnou rekonstrukcí. V únoru 2018 schválili zastupitelé Krupky bezúplatný převod kostela od Římskokatolické farnosti do majetku města, včetně vnitřního vybavení. Představitelé města počítají s tím, že prostory budou po nezbytných opravách kulturně a společensky využívány. Kostel Nanebevzetí P. Marie bude součástí tzv. velké i malé prohlídkové trasy Městské památkové zóny Krupka. Velká trasa v sobě zahrnuje hrad Krupka, kostel Nanebevzetí P. Marie, Zvonici u kostela Nanebevzetí P. Marie, kostel Svatého Ducha a kostel Svaté Anny. Malá trasa pak kostel Nanebevzetí P. Marie a Zvonici. Vzhledem k přítomnosti varhan a skvělé akustice, rovněž využíván na hudební vystoupení a podobné kulturní akce. Po vnitřní obnově kostela bude prostor využíván k liturgickým účelům, hlavně pak na slavnost Nanebevzetí P. Marie a vánoční svátky. The town church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, whose present form dates from 1600, stands on the site of an older one, built in the second half of the 13th century. However, it was burned in 1429 and 1479 and was rebuilt between 1479 and 1488. Later, it was modified in 1672 and 1733. The single-rectangular church with a triple-closed presbytery is oriented almost exactly to the south due to overall terrain situation. The presbytery of the original church adjoins it - now is oriented towards the east as a chapel. The church is currently undergoing a gradual reconstruction. In February 2018, representatives of Krupka approved the free transfer of the church from the Roman Catholic parish to the city's property, including the interior. City officials expect the premises to be used culturally and socially after necessary repairs. The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary will be part of the so-called big and small sightseeing tour of the Krupka Municipal Monument Zone. The great trail will include the Krupka Castle, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Bell Tower, the Church of the Holy Spirit and the Church of St. Anna. The small route will contain the church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary with the Bell Tower. Due to the presence of organs and great acoustics, it could be also used for musical performances and similar cultural events. After the internal restoration of the church, space will be used for liturgical purposes, especially for the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and the Christmas holidays.
The town church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, whose present appearance dates from 1600, stands on the site of an older one, built in the second half of the 13th century. However, it burned down in 1429 and 1479 and was newly built between 1479 and 1488. Later it was modified in 1672 and 1733. The single-nave rectangular church with a triangular presbytery is oriented almost exactly to the south due to the terrain. Adjacent to it is the presbytery of the original church - now the chapel is oriented to the east. The church is currently undergoing gradual reconstruction. In February 2018, Krupka's representatives approved the gratuitous transfer of the church from the Roman Catholic parish to the city's property, including the interior furnishings. City officials anticipate that the space will be used culturally and socially after the necessary repairs. The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be part of the so-called large and small sightseeing route of the Krupka Municipal Monument Zone. The great route includes Krupka Castle, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Belfry at the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church of the Holy Spirit and the Church of St. Anne. A small route then the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Belfry. Due to the presence of the organ and great acoustics, also used for musical performances and similar cultural events. After the internal renovation of the church, the space will be used for liturgical purposes, especially for the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Christmas holidays. The town church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, whose present form dates from 1600, stands on the site of an older one, built in the second half of the 13th century. However, it was burned in 1429 and 1479 and was rebuilt between 1479 and 1488. Later, it was modified in 1672 and 1733. The single-rectangular church with a triple-closed presbytery is oriented almost exactly to the south due to overall terrain situation . The presbytery of the original church adjoins it - now is oriented towards the east as a chapel. The church is currently undergoing a gradual reconstruction. In February 2018, representatives of Krupka approved the free transfer of the church from the Roman Catholic parish to the city's property, including the interior. City officials expect the premises to be used culturally and socially after necessary repairs. The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary will be part of the so-called big and small sightseeing tour of the Krupka Municipal Monument Zone. The great trail will include the Krupka Castle, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Bell Tower, the Church of the Holy Spirit and the Church of St. Anna. The small route will contain the church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary with the Bell Tower. Due to the presence of organs and great acoustics, it could also be used for musical performances and similar cultural events. After the internal restoration of the church, space will be used for liturgical purposes, especially for the feast of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and the Christmas holidays.

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