Dřevěná zvonice - Dřevěná zvonice

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50°41'10.8"N 13°51'23.1"E, Czechia

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50°41'10.8"N 13°51'23.1"E, Czechia
Rudolf Jedlička on Google

Škoda že se o ni nikdo nestará
Too bad no one cares about her
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Za kostelem Nanebevzetí Panny Marie se nachází městská zvonice. Kostel byl bez věže a tak k němu byla přistavěna v 15. století. Později vyhořela a na jejím místě byla v roce 1633 postavena čtyřboká polozděná zvonice. Zvonice má zděnou podezdívku, dřevěné patro, nad ním dřevěné zvonové jádro a šindelovou střechu. Ve zvonici byl původně zvon Zuzana. Byl odlit v roce 1440, měl průměr 156 cm, výšku 170 cm a hmotnost 3 266 kg. V roce 1916 byl odvezen a použit pro válečné účely. Zvonice je bohužel dlouhodobě nepřístupná, nejlépe si ji můžete prohlídnout z hradního nádvoří. Zastupitelé města Krupka na svém únorovém zasedání schválili bezúplatný převod kostela Sv. Ducha a kostela Nanebevzetí P. Marie v Husitské ulici od Římskokatolické farnosti Bohosudov do majetku města, a to včetně vnitřního vybavení a inventáře. Kostel Nanebevzetí P. Marie bude součástí tzv. velké i malé prohlídkové trasy Městské památkové zóny Krupka. Velká trasa v sobě zahrnuje hrad Krupka, kostel Nanebevzetí P. Marie, Zvonici u kostela Nanebevzetí P. Marie, kostel Svatého Ducha a kostel Svaté Anny. Malá trasa pak kostel Nanebevzetí P. Marie a Zvonici. Je skvělé vědět, že se tímto zvonice v budoucnu stane přístupná pro širokou veřejnost! Behind the church of the Assumption of Our Lady also a town bell tower is placed. The church was without a tower, so it was built in the 15th century. Later, it burned down and the new square-shaped bell tower was built in 1633 by combining the wood and stone. It has a brick wall, a wooden bell tower and a shingle roof above it. The original bell was called Zuzana. It was cast in 1440, had a diameter of 156 cm, a height of 170 cm and a weight of 3,266 kg. In 1916 it was taken away and used for war purposes. Unfortunately, the bell tower is unacceptably long-lasting, so you can see it only from the castle courtyard. Representatives of the town of Krupka, at their February session, approved the free transfer of the church of St. Ghost and Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Husitská Street from the Roman Catholic parish of Bohosudov to the property of the city, including internal equipment and inventory. The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary will be part of the so-called big and small sightseeing tour of the Krupka Municipal Monument Zone. The great trail will include the Krupka Castle, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Bell Tower at the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Church of the Holy Spirit and the Church of St. Anne. The small route will contain the church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and the Bell Tower. It is great to know that this incredible bell tower will become accessible to the general public in the future!
Behind the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is the town bell tower. The church was without a tower and so it was added to it in the 15th century. It later burned down and in its place a quadrangular half-walled bell tower was built in 1633. The bell tower has a brick foundation, a wooden floor, above it a wooden bell core and a shingle roof. The bell tower was originally Zuzana's bell. It was cast in 1440, had a diameter of 156 cm, a height of 170 cm and a weight of 3,266 kg. In 1916 it was taken away and used for war purposes. Unfortunately, the bell tower has been inaccessible for a long time, the best way to see it is from the castle courtyard. At their February meeting, the representatives of the town of Krupka approved the gratuitous transfer of the Church of St. The Spirit and the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Husitská Street from the Roman Catholic Parish of Bohosudov to the property of the city, including interior equipment and inventory. The Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary will be part of the so-called large and small sightseeing route of the Krupka Municipal Monument Zone. The great route includes Krupka Castle, the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Belfry at the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Church of the Holy Spirit and the Church of St. Anne. A small route then the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Belfry. It's great to know that this bell tower will be open to the general public in the future! Behind the church of the Assumption of Our Lady also a town bell tower is placed. The church was without a tower, so it was built in the 15th century. Later, it burned down and the new square-shaped bell tower was built in 1633 by combining the wood and stone. It has a brick wall, a wooden bell tower and a shingle roof above it. The original bell was called Zuzana. It was cast in 1440, had a diameter of 156 cm, a height of 170 cm and a weight of 3,266 kg. In 1916 it was taken away and used for war purposes. Unfortunately, the bell tower is unacceptably long-lasting, so you can see it only from the castle courtyard. Representatives of the town of Krupka, at their February session, approved the free transfer of the church of St. Ghost and Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Husitská Street from the Roman Catholic parish of Bohosudov to the property of the city, including internal equipment and inventory. The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary will be part of the so-called big and small sightseeing tour of the Krupka Municipal Monument Zone. The great trail will include the Krupka Castle, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Bell Tower at the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, the Church of the Holy Spirit and the Church of St. Anne. The small route will contain the church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and the Bell Tower. It is great to know that this incredible bell tower will become accessible to the general public in the future!

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