Holy Trinity column

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Address :

471 41 Dubá, Czechia

Opening hours :
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Categories :
City : Dubá

471 41 Dubá, Czechia
Martin Vorel on Google

Eva Jordan on Google

Krásný, bohatě zdobený mariánský sloup, stojí v centru Masarykova náměstí před budovou radnice. Je obklopen parkovou úpravou.
Beautiful, richly decorated Marian Column, stands in the center of Masaryk Square in front of the town hall building. It is surrounded by landscaping.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nedaleko radnice se na Masarykově náměstí nachází sloup Nejsvětější trojice z roku 1726. Na sloupu jsou umístěni sv. Jan Nepomucký, Antonín Paduánský, Ivan, Josef, archanděl Rafael a Juda Tadeáš. Pod vrcholem je Panna Marie Nanebevzatá, na vrcholu Božská Trojice. Celé sousoší je provedeno z pískovce. Postavit ho nechala hraběnka Anna Kateřina Sweerts-Sporck. Na jeho čelní straně můžeme číst následující nápis: “Pocestný, zde stůj, Trojici vzývej, Panně, životu a těmto svatým pocty poskytuj”. Památka se skládá z vyvýšených stanovišť o čtyřech stupních na půdorysu trojúhelníka s prohnutými stranami a okosenými vrcholy. Sousoší vyrůstá z podezdívky na půdorysu rovnostranného trojúhelníka. K jeho vrcholům jsou přidruženy hranolové sokly nesoucí sochy světců. Vzhledem k materiálu, který značně podléhá zkáze, bylo sousoší opravováno v letech 1835, 1882 a 1909. Další oprava pak byla provedena Ladislavem Šobrem, Ladislavem Pichlem a Václavem Luxem roku 1976, další opravu v roce 1994 provedli Pavel Míka a Radomil Šolc. Poslední rekonstrukce probíhala v roce 2018. A column of the Holy Trinity from 1726 is located on Masaryk Square near the town hall. Jan Nepomuk, Antonin Paduansky, Ivan, Joseph, archangel Rafael and Judah Tadeus are placed on it. Under the apex there is Our Lady of the Assumption, and the Divine Trinity on the top. The entire sculpture is made of sandstone. Countess Anna Kateřina Sweerts-Sporck was the main investor and patron of the building. The monument consists of elevated habitats of four degrees on a triangular ground plan with curved sides and fenced peaks. The sculpture grows from the ground on the ground plan of an equilateral triangle. Its prisons are associated with prismatic plinths bearing statues of saints. The sculpture was repaired in 1835, 1882 and 1909. The restoration was carried out by Ladislav Šobr, Ladislav Pichl and Václav Lux in 1976, further corrections were made in 1994 by Pavel Míka and Radomil Šolc. The last reconstruction took place in 2018.
Near the town hall, on Masaryk Square, there is a column of the Holy Trinity from 1726. On the column are located St. Jan Nepomucký, Antonín Paduánský, Ivan, Josef, archangel Rafael and Juda Tadeáš. Below the top is the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, at the top is the Divine Trinity. The whole sculpture is made of sandstone. It was built by Countess Anna Kateřina Sweerts-Sporck. On its front side we can read the following inscription: "Travelers, stand here, call on the Trinity, Virgo, give life and pay homage to these saints." The monument consists of elevated sites of four degrees on the floor plan of a triangle with curved sides and bevelled peaks. The sculptural group grows from the foundation on the floor plan of an equilateral triangle. To its tops are associated prismatic plinths bearing statues of saints. Due to the material, which is subject to considerable destruction, the sculptural group was repaired in 1835, 1882 and 1909. Another repair was carried out by Ladislav Šobr, Ladislav Pichl and Václav Lux in 1976, another repair in 1994 by Pavel Míka and Radomil Šolc. The last reconstruction took place in 2018. A column of the Holy Trinity from 1726 is located on Masaryk Square near the town hall. Jan Nepomuk, Antonin Paduansky, Ivan, Joseph, archangel Rafael and Judah Tadeus are placed on it. Under the apex there is Our Lady of the Assumption, and the Divine Trinity on the top. The entire sculpture is made of sandstone. Countess Anna Kateřina Sweerts-Sporck was the main investor and patron of the building. The monument consists of elevated habitats of four degrees on a triangular ground plan with curved sides and fenced peaks. The sculpture grows from the ground on the ground plan of an equilateral triangle. Its prisons are associated with prismatic plinths bearing statues of saints. The sculpture was repaired in 1835, 1882 and 1909. The restoration was carried out by Ladislav Šobr, Ladislav Pichl and Václav Lux in 1976, further corrections were made in 1994 by Pavel Míka and Radomil Šolc. The last reconstruction took place in 2018.

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