Hřbitov Arnoltice

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Contact Hřbitov Arnoltice

Address :

407 14 Arnoltice, Czechia

Categories :
City : Arnoltice

407 14 Arnoltice, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

V poměrech "Sudet" výjimečně zachovaný barokní hřbitov, obkroužený eliptickou kamennou zdí se třemi branami s lizénami a trojúhelníkovými štíty. Severně od něj stojí jednopatrová budova fary z roku 1774, při obnově po požáru 1906 secesně upravené. Vede k ní barokní brána se soškou sv. Jana Nepomuckého. Východně od kostela najdete pomník padlým z válek 1859 (s Piemontem) a 1866 (s Itálií a Pruskem). V pilastrových edikulách s reliféry podél hřbitovní zdi je tu vyobrazeno čtrnáct zastavení Křížové cesty z druhé poloviny 18. století. Na návsi se nachází socha Immaculaty z roku 1736 s chronogramem. In the proportions of "Sudety area" an exceptionally preserved Baroque cemetery, surrounded by elliptical stone wall with three gates with triangular shields. North of it is a one-storey building of the parish built in 1774, restored and refurbished in Art Nouveau after the 1906 fire. A baroque gate with a statue of St. Jana Nepomucký leads to the building itself. To the east of the church you will find a memorial from the 1859 wars (with Piedmont) and 1866 (with Italy and Prussia). There are fourteen stops of the Cross Way from the second half of the 18th century in form of a small pilaster altars with relifers along the cemetery wall. On the village square is a statue of the Immaculate from 1736 with a chronogram.
An exceptionally well-preserved Baroque cemetery in the "Sudeten" conditions, surrounded by an elliptical stone wall with three gates with lysines and triangular gables. To the north of it stands a one-storey rectory building from 1774, during the restoration after the fire of 1906, Art Nouveau modified. A baroque gate with a statue of St. leads to it. Jan Nepomucký. East of the church you will find a monument to the fallen of the wars of 1859 (with Piedmont) and 1866 (with Italy and Prussia). Fourteen stops of the Stations of the Cross from the second half of the 18th century are depicted in the pilaster edicts with reliefs along the cemetery wall. In the village square there is a statue of the Immaculate Conception from 1736 with a chronogram. In the proportions of "Sudety area" an exceptionally preserved Baroque cemetery, surrounded by elliptical stone wall with three gates with triangular shields. North of it is a one-storey building of the parish built in 1774, restored and refurbished in Art Nouveau after the 1906 fire. A baroque gate with a statue of St. Jana Nepomucký leads to the building itself. To the east of the church you will find a memorial from the 1859 wars (with Piedmont) and 1866 (with Italy and Prussia). There are fourteen stops of the Cross Way from the second half of the 18th century in the form of a small pilaster altars with relifers along the cemetery wall. On the village square is a statue of the Immaculate from 1736 with a chronogram.

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