Hřbitov Praha, Nusle

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hřbitov Praha, Nusle

Address :

Krčská 108, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Website : http://www.hrbitovy.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

Krčská 108, 140 00 Praha 4, Czechia
Jiri Hovorka on Google

Jaromír Chlápek on Google

Peter Mikula on Google

Pavel Kocovsky on Google

Klidne místo důstojné pro věčný odpocinek
Quiet place worthy of eternal rest
v x on Google

Malý hřbitov. Udržovaný. Doporučil bych zde nechat kontakt u vchodu na správce.
A small cemetery. Maintained. I would recommend leaving a contact at the entrance to the caretaker here.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Hřbitov byl založen koncem 19. století, protože starý hřbitov u chrámu sv. Pankráce byl v roce 1881 už přeplněný. Obec se rozhodla pro pozemky poblíž zájezdního hostince "Zelená liška". Řízení na stavbu hřbitova a kaple bylo vyhlášeno v roce 1885. Do června následujícího roku vyrostly na novém hřbitově zdi, kaple a byl vztyčen kříž. Dne 20. 6. 1886 byl hřbitov slavnostně posvěcen. Hřbitov sloužil k pochovávání obyvatel Nuslí, Michle, Krče, Pankráce a Roztyl a sousedil s trestaneckým hřbitovem pankrácké věznice, který byl vysvěcen v únoru 1890. Ten nakonec obec odkoupila a adaptovala kvůli nedostatku místa na hřbitově nuselském. Pozemek o rozloze třech hektarů má tvar protáhlého lichoběžníku. Na hřbitově se nachází novogotická šestiboká zvonice ze zrušeného hřbitova pro trestance. Uprostřed centrální cesty stojí hřbitovní kaple, obdélná stavba s edikulou na střeše. The cemetery was founded in the late 19th century, because the old cemetery at the church of St. Pankrác was already overcrowded in 1881. The village decided to buy land near the inn named "Green Fox". The tender for the construction of the cemetery and chapel was announced in 1885. By June of the following year, walls and a chapel were built on the new cemetery and a cross was erected. On June 20, 1886, the cemetery was solemnly consecrated. The cemetery was used to bury the inhabitants of Nusle, Michle, Krč, Pankrác and Roztyly and was adjacent to the penal cemetery of the Pankrác prison, which was consecrated in February 1890. The village eventually bought it and adapted it due to lack of space in the Nusle cemetery. The land of the cemetery with an area of three hectares has the shape of an elongated trapezoid. In the cemetery there is a neo-Gothic hexagonal bell tower from the abolished cemetery for convicts. In the middle of the central road is a rectangular cemetery chapel.
The cemetery was founded in the late 19th century, because the old cemetery at the church of St. Pankrác was already overcrowded in 1881. The village decided on land near the inn "Green Fox". The tender for the construction of the cemetery and chapel was announced in 1885. By June of the following year, walls, a chapel and a cross had been erected on the new cemetery. On June 20, 1886, the cemetery was solemnly consecrated. The cemetery was used to bury the inhabitants of Nusle, Michle, Krč, Pankrác and Roztyl and was adjacent to the penal cemetery of the Pankrác prison, which was consecrated in February 1890. The village eventually bought it and adapted it due to lack of space in the Nusle cemetery. The land of three hectares has the shape of an elongated trapezoid. In the cemetery there is a neo-Gothic hexagonal bell tower from the abolished cemetery for convicts. In the middle of the central road is a cemetery chapel, a rectangular building with an aedicule on the roof. The cemetery was founded in the late 19th century, because the old cemetery at the church of St. Pankrác was already overcrowded in 1881. The village decided to buy land near the inn named "Green Fox". The tender for the construction of the cemetery and chapel was announced in 1885. By June of the following year, the walls and a chapel were built on the new cemetery and a cross was erected. On June 20, 1886, the cemetery was solemnly consecrated. The cemetery was used to bury the inhabitants of Nusle, Michle, Krč, Pankrác and Roztyly and was adjacent to the penal cemetery of the Pankrác prison, which was consecrated in February 1890. The village eventually bought it and adapted it due to lack of space in the Nusle cemetery. The land of the cemetery with an area of ​​three hectares has the shape of an elongated trapezoid. In the cemetery there is a neo-Gothic hexagonal bell tower from the abolished cemetery for convicts. In the middle of the central road is a rectangular cemetery chapel.
Vendy Hauserová on Google

V dávné minulosti bývalo uklizeno zejména pak před svátky dnes neskutečný nepořádek proti venkovským řádně uklizeným hřbitovům nesrovnatelný rozdíl , hřbitov Krčská 108 si nezaslouží ani jednu hvězdičku
In the ancient past, especially before the holidays, the unbelievable mess against rural properly cleaned cemeteries used to be an incomparable difference; the Krčská 108 cemetery does not deserve a single star.
Vladka Vojakova on Google

Myslím že otazka je trochu divná. Může se někomu libit na hřbitově? Tady akorát ubývají vzrostlé stromy. Každý rok take byla posecena tráva ted máte trávu do pasu prestoze za služby pravidelně platíme. Téměř vedle je stavební jáma trasy D metra takze hluk doléhá az sem.
I think the question is a little weird. Can anyone please the cemetery? There are just declining mature trees. The grass was also cut every year, now you have the grass in your waist, although we regularly pay for services. Almost next to it is a construction pit of the metro line D, so the noise comes from here and there.

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