Hřbitovní kaple

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Contact Hřbitovní kaple

Address :

471 61 Jestřebí, Czechia

Categories :
City : Jestřebí

471 61 Jestřebí, Czechia
Hary 12 on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zvonice při vstupu do areálu jestřebského hřbitova - na úpatí hradního kopce - je pozůstatkem původního farního kostelíka obce Krušina, což byla předchůdkyně dnešní obce Jestřebí. V jádru se jedná o gotickou stavbu, která byla později doplněna o novější fasádou. Dnes v ní visí jediný zvon, který nechal pro neznámý kostel ulít hrabě Jakub Černín z Chudenic. Dodnes se nezjistilo odkud a jak se tento zvon do Jestřebí dostal. V přízemí zvonice se nachází malá márnice. The bell tower at the entrance to the Jestřebí cemetery - at the foot of the castle hill - is a remnant of the original parish church of Krušina, which was the forerunner of today's Jestřebí village. At its core it is a Gothic building, which was later supplemented with a newer facade. Today, there is the only bell that Count Jakub Černín of Chudenice bought for an unknown church. Until now it has not been found out where and how this bell got to Jestřebí and who had casted it. There is a small morgue on the ground floor of the bell tower.
The bell tower at the entrance to the Jestřebí cemetery - at the foot of the castle hill - is a remnant of the original parish church of the village of Krušina, which was the predecessor of today's village of Jestřebí. In the core, it is a Gothic building, which was later supplemented by a newer facade. Today, the only bell hanging in it, which Count Jakub Černín of Chudenice had cast for an unknown church. To this day, it has not been known where and how this bell got to Jestřebí. There is a small morgue on the ground floor of the bell tower. The bell tower at the entrance to the Jestřebí cemetery - at the foot of the castle hill - is a remnant of the original parish church of Krušina, which was the forerunner of today's Jestřebí village. At its core it is a Gothic building, which was later supplemented with a newer facade. Today, there is the only bell that Count Jakub Černín of Chudenice bought for an unknown church. Until now it has not been found out where and how this bell got to Jestřebí and who had casted it. There is a small morgue on the ground floor of the bell tower.
Petr Koldovský on Google

Hřbitovní kaple na hřbitově v Jestřebí pod zříceninou hradu má nezvykle vysokou věž ukončenou zvoničkou. Vypadá spíše jako věž kostela.
The cemetery chapel in the cemetery in Jestřebí under the castle ruins has an unusually high tower topped by a bell tower. It looks more like a church tower.
Vaclav Pluskal on Google

Hřbitovní kaple s hodinami a zvoničkou na kopci pod zříceninou hradu.
Cemetery chapel with clock and bell tower on the hill below the castle ruins.
Petr Honsnejman on Google

Hřbitovní kaple Vzkříšení Páně je vysoká kaple s hodinami. Je pozůstatkem původního farního kostelíka obce Krušina, což byla předchůdkyně dnešní obce Jestřebí. V přízemí zvonice se nachází malá místnost dostupná veřejnosti (viz přiložená fotografie).
The Cemetery Chapel of the Resurrection of the Lord is a tall chapel with a clock. It is a remnant of the original parish church of the village Krušina, which was the predecessor of today's village Jestřebí. On the ground floor of the bell tower there is a small room accessible to the public (see attached photo).
Jakub Karafiát on Google

Hřbitovní kaple, která hledí do kraje s kopce těsně pod hradem je pozůstatkem původního kostele z již zaniklé obce.
The cemetery chapel, which faces the region with hills just below the castle, is a remnant of the original church from the already defunct village.

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