Jewish Town Hall

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Contact Jewish Town Hall

Address :

18, Maiselova 250, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

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Categories :
City : Praha
Description : Meeting space built for the Jewish community in 1586, with a later rococo facade & 2 clock towers.

18, Maiselova 250, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia
Cheng-Yun Lee on Google

Because the ticket can visit 6 places, I can't recall which building is which, so I upload them all together
Navid on Google

Absolute must in Prague
Jack Ri on Google

Ich visited it Nice place
Moshe Zeines on Google

Be sure to visit this ancient Jewish town hall
Vladimir Pecha on Google

The Council House in Maislova Street 25 is one of the few preserved construction landmarks in former Jewish Town. Fortunately this building was not affected by urban renewal statute for Capital City of Czech Kingdom, Prague, which was signed by Franc Joseph I. in Vienna on 11th February 1893. The Council House building and even it´s 27,5 m tall spirelet are not too dominant features. It is because they are surrounded by high housing blocks that were built on the sites of previously demolished old buildings around 1900. Also Jews did not paid attention to their Council House and their houses. Their synagogues were always prioritized by the Jew community. They were used not only as the most respective embassies for congregational and spiritual centre but they were also places for administration of panel, judicial and last but not least scholastic affairs. Židovská radnice je původní radní síň a byla zbudována primasem Židovského města Mordechajem Maislem v letech 1570 - 1577 s vedlejší Vysokou synagogou. V r. 1648 pomáhala židovská obec bránit Karlův most proti Švédům. Získala tím právo, postavit si hodinovou věž. Je krásná se zelenou bání a hrotem. Ve štítu směrem do Červené ulice jsou umístěny druhé hodiny. Zajímavé je, že hodiny s hebrejským písmem se pohybují v obráceném směru, tak jak se čte, zprava doleva. Radnice byla v r. 1763 pozdně barokně upravena. V r. 1908 se rozšiřovalo jižní křídlo. Sídlí zde Rada židovských náboženských obcí v České republice.
Marcin on Google

I could not belive how much I have to pay for see empty synagogues and and few graves. This was ridiculous, Jewish district is the least interesting place in Prague to me and the most expensive.
J Teoh on Google

Keeping a watchful eye over Josefov is the tower of the Jewish Town Hall with its 2 distinctive clocks. It’s a picturesque site of the Jewish Town Hall, a building that sits on a busy intersection that contains historic synagogues and the Old Jewish Cemetery. One of the clocks on the tower feature Roman numerals that we often see in our standard clocks. The other, Hebrew numerals with anticlockwise movement which is quite an interesting juxtaposition.
Nastja Prodanic on Google

To be honest to much money for nothing much to see. The entrance for two synagogues, Jewish town hall and cemetery is around €15 per person and besides that you have to pay old- new synagogue entrance. I’ve been to many places in Europe and not all Jewish communities have visiting fees or if they do have it’s something symbolic. There is a reduced price for students but it’s still too high if you ask me. I only paid the visit for old-new synagogue and it was around seven euros and it still over priced.

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