K2 moto Aprilia Moto Guzzi Vespa Piaggio

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact K2 moto Aprilia Moto Guzzi Vespa Piaggio

Address :

Vrbova 19, 147 00 Praha 4, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Website : http://www.k2moto.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha

Vrbova 19, 147 00 Praha 4, Czechia
Daniel Safar on Google

Velký dík panu Bezdíčkovi. Velmi ochotný a vstřícný, profík. Se vším poradil, vše co jsem potřeboval vyřídil k plné spokojenosti.
Many thanks to Mr. Bezdíček. Very helpful and helpful, pro. He advised everything, I did everything I needed to my complete satisfaction.
David on Google

Slecna sice příjemná, ale pretizena. Majitel by se mel zamyslet a predprodejni servis presunout na dilnu a rozhodnout se co chce prodavat skutry nebo motorky kdyz si prijdu koupit motorku tak nechci aby prodavac neustale odbihal od motaze plexi na predavanem skutru. Tri navstevy a ani jednou na mne nikdo nemel cas. Radeji jsem koupil jinde?‍♂️
The girl was pleasant, but overloaded. The owner should think about it and move the pre-sales service to the workshop and decide what he wants to sell scooters or motorcycles when I come to buy a motorcycle so I don't want the seller to constantly run away from the motto of the plexiglass on the sold scooter. Three visits and not once had no time for me. I prefer to buy elsewhere?‍♂️
David Karas on Google

Dlouho jsem se ve službách nesetkal s tak vynikajícím přístupem, konkrétně s panem Tomášem Svobodou. Bral jsem Hondu PCX 125 a servis a přístup byl naprosto vynikající od začátku, až po můj odjezd na Hondě. Bez přehánění opravdu perfektní a luxusní zákaznický servis, se kterým jsem se ještě nesetkal. I přes vysokou fluktuaci zákazníků jsem se necítil opomijený. Většina prodejců by si mohla vzít příklad. Super zkušenost a personálu tleskám.
For a long time I did not meet with such an excellent approach in the service, namely with Mr. Tomáš Svoboda. I took Honda PCX 125 and the service and access was absolutely excellent from the beginning to my departure on Honda. Without exaggeration, a truly perfect and luxurious customer service I have never met. Despite the high turnover of customers, I did not feel neglected. Most dealers could take an example. Super experience and staff applaud.
Jan Heřmanský on Google

Za mě mohu doporučit. S přístupem, zejména pak Martina Bezdíčka, jsem velmi spokojený. I přes narvaný kalendář se snaží zákazníkům maximálně vyhovět. Což při rostoucím počtu strojů v provozu, ale konstantním počtu servisáků může působit traumata. Dneska mě potěšila zdánlivá maličkost - e-mail s pokyny k zazimování. Já to nejspíš nevyužiju, protože jezdím dokud nenasněží, ale potěší to :-)
I can recommend for me. I am very satisfied with the approach, especially of Martin Bezdíček. Despite the crowded calendar, it tries to satisfy customers as much as possible. Which can cause trauma with the growing number of machines in operation, but with a constant number of service personnel. Today I was pleased with a seeming little thing - an e-mail with instructions for winterizing. I probably won't use it, because I ride until it's snowing, but it will please :-)
Marcela Bartonickova on Google

Absolutne bezchybny service tykajici se domluvy a rady s pojistenim, pri predavani p.Hrubant velmi napomocny, vysvetlil vse a jeste navic, aniz by se to dalo cekat, napsal, zda-li cesta domu probehla v poradku. Byla to cesta pres celou Prahu a poprve na nove - Vespicce - jak ji nezne nazyva. Vsem bych rada doporucila tuto prodejnu a prodejce p.Hrubanta. M.Bartonickova - Velke Prilepy
Absolutely flawless service regarding the agreement and advice with insurance, in the sale of Mr. Hrubant very helpful, explained everything and more, without one might expect, he wrote, whether the journey of the house had been in order. It was a journey through the whole of Prague and for the first time to a new one - Vespicce - as it is called. I would like to recommend this store and the seller of Mr. Hrubant. M. Bartonickova - Velke Prilepy
Marek Misak on Google

Chcel by som touto cestou vyjadrit pochvalu za mimoriadny pristup k zakaznikom panu Petru Hrubantovi. Navstivil som predajnu niekolkokrat a vzdy som sa u neho stretol s mimoriadnou ochotou a vstricnym pristupom. Castokrat aj nad ramec jeho povinnosti a zodpovednosti. Naviac som zial vzdy dorazil v case tesne pred zaverecnou. To je vacsinou cas, kedy aj ti najlepsi predajcovia nie su zrovna ochotni diskutovat so zakaznikom. U neho to tak ale nikdy nebolo a vzdy som mal z pristupu perfektny dojem. Do predajne a servisu sa rad budem vracat. M.
I would like to take this opportunity to commend Mr Petr Hrubant for his extraordinary approach to his customers. I visited the store several times and I always met with extraordinary willingness and helpful approach. Often beyond his duties and responsibilities. In addition, I always arrived just before the final one. This is usually the time when even the best sellers are not exactly willing to discuss with the customer. But this was never the case with him and I always had a perfect impression of the approach. I will be happy to return to the store and service. M.
Mahdi Vojtíšek on Google

Skvělá prodejna i servis. Hezký přístup k zákazníkům.
Great shop and service. Nice approach to customers.
Tomáš Neuberg on Google

Jsem nadšen z kvality servisu, vše co bylo domluveno bylo splněno a že toho nebylo málo.. Pan Jílek na příjmu 100%
I am excited about the quality of service, everything that was agreed was fulfilled and that it was not enough .. Mr. Jílek on income 100%

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