
4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact K2permanent

Address :

Na Louži 14, 101 00 Praha 10-Vršovice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8787
Website : https://www.instagram.com/k2permanent
Categories :
City : Praha Vršovice

Na Louži 14, 101 00 Praha 10-Vršovice, Czechia
Viktoria Komandina on Google

Большое спасибо Ангелине и Юлии за профессионализм!Результат мне понравился даже после первого раза(без коррекции),а с коррекцией стало просто сногсшибательно! Я забыла про помаду и макияж глаз! Спасибо большое ещё раз!обязательно к вам приду ещё ?
Many thanks to Angelina and Julia for their professionalism! I liked the result even after the first time (without correction), but with the correction it was just stunning! I forgot about lipstick and eye makeup! Thank you very much again! I will definitely come to you again ?
Barbora Škvorová on Google

Byla jsem opravdu příjemně překvapena, nádherné, čisté místo, neskutečně sympatický personál, precizní přístup! Celkově velice pozitivní dojem... určitě se sem ještě vrátím i na jiné procedury, velice doporučuji!!!
I was really pleasantly surprised, wonderful, clean place, incredibly nice staff, precise approach! Overall, a very positive impression ... I will definitely come back here for other procedures, I highly recommend !!!
Petra Balonová on Google

Dlouho jsem sledovala profil na instagramu, pak jsem se odhodlala na obočí, mela jsem trochu strach, jestli to nebude bolet. V salonu jsou vsichni moc hodni a milý, poradi a snazi se, aby vysledek byl skvělý. Jsem moc spokojena a urcite budu chtit jit jeste na rty. Jo a nakonec jsem nic necitila
I watched the instagram profile for a long time, then I decided on my eyebrows, a little worried if it would hurt. In the salon, everyone is very kind and kind, they advise and try to make the result great. I am very satisfied and I will definitely want to go to my lips. Yeah, and in the end I didn't feel anything
Martina IMSP on Google

Oceňuji velmi příjemné prostředí, vše mi bylo vysvětleno. Ošetření bylo bez bolesti a výsledek nádherný. Jsem nadšená a až bude potřeba, budu se vracet. Přeji mnoho spokojených zákaznic a hodně štěstí a radosti na nové životní etapě ?❤️
I appreciate the very pleasant environment, everything was explained to me. The treatment was painless and the result was wonderful. I'm excited and will be back when needed. I wish many satisfied customers and good luck and joy in the new life stage ?❤️
karolina n on Google

Very professional approach, perfect eyebrows:-)
Re Fuel on Google

The quality of Angelina’s work is outstanding. She is really talented in what she does and treats her customers with respect and kindness.
Anglia K on Google

My eye brows after permanent make-up looks amazing? the form is super. I also wanna have my lips a bit bigger so will come next week again. Thank you very much?
Hana Segantini on Google

I love this place, because I have always a good feeling of being the client number one every time I make there some treatment. And what I love the most is the natural and simple style of the permanent makeup so you look pretty good and natural at the same time. Thank you for everything. Hana Segantini

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