Kanovnická rezidence - Pravoslavná obec Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav, kaple sv. Václava - Stará Boleslav

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Contact Kanovnická rezidence - Pravoslavná obec Brandýs nad Labem - Stará Boleslav, kaple sv. Václava

Address :

nám. sv. Václava 108/9, Stará Boleslav, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, Czechia

Postal code : 250
Categories :

nám. sv. Václava 108/9, Stará Boleslav, 250 01 Brandýs nad Labem-Stará Boleslav, Czechia
Martin Vorel on Google

Eva Jordan on Google

Sídlo pravoslavné obce s kaplí sv. Václava.
The seat of the Orthodox village with the chapel of St. Wenceslas.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Honosný barokní dům bývalé kanovnické rezidence na půdorysu písmene U byl postaven v průběhu 18. století (jádro stavby vzniklo v letech 1733-39). K budově původně patřila i zahrada na jihu, která je dnes bohužel zničena umístěním mnoha novodobých staveb (garáže, nebo objekty technického určení). The magnificent U-shaped Baroque house of the former canon's residence was built during the 18th century (the core of the building was built in 1733-39). The building originally included a garden to the south, which is now unfortunately destroyed by the location of many modern buildings (garages or technical buildings).
The magnificent Baroque house of the former canonical residence on the ground plan of the letter U was built during the 18th century (the core of the building was built in 1733-39). The building originally included a garden in the south, which is unfortunately destroyed today by the location of many modern buildings (garages or technical buildings). The magnificent U-shaped Baroque house of the former canon's residence was built during the 18th century (the core of the building was built in 1733-39). The building originally included a garden to the south, which is now unfortunately destroyed by the location of many modern buildings (garages or technical buildings).

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