Kaple sv. Jana Nepomuckého - Českobrodská

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Contact Kaple sv. Jana Nepomuckého

Address :

Českobrodská, 281 63 Kostelec nad Černými lesy, Czechia

Postal code : 281
Categories :

Českobrodská, 281 63 Kostelec nad Černými lesy, Czechia
Eva Jordan on Google

Kaple stojí kousek od pivovaru, ale není v příliš dobrém stavu.
The chapel is a short walk from the brewery, but not in good condition.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kaple stojí asi 200 metrů od náměstí, pod zámkem, v ohybu staré silnice na Český Brod. Na místě dnešní kaple byla kolem roku 1720 postavena barokní pískovcová socha sv. Jana Nepomuckého od Jana Jiřího Šlanzovského. Postava světce původně stála volně, později (na počátku 19. století) byla nad plastikou vystavěna jednoduchá klasicistní kaple. Socha uvnitř kaple nese stopy závažných poškození. Je pravděpodobné, že autor dodal do Kostelce nad Černými lesy tuto sochu společně s mariánským sloupem, který stával na náměstí, neboť socha se mu výtvarně velmi přibližuje. Socha sv. Jana Nepomuckého v Kostelci nad Černými lesy je jednou z nejstarších soch tohoto světce na Kolínsku. Jan z Nepomuku byl totiž blahoslaven až v roce 1721 a ke svatořečení došlo až v roce 1729. The chapel is about 200 meters from the square, near the castle, in the bend of the old road to Český Brod. On the place of today's chapel a baroque sandstone statue of St. Jan Nepomuk was built around 1720 by Jan Jiří Šlanzovský. The figure of the saint originally stood loose, later (at the beginning of the 19th century) a simple Classicist chapel was built above the sculpture. The statue inside the chapel carries traces of serious damage. It is likely that the author added this statue to Kostelec nad Černými lesy together with the Marian column, which stood on the square, because both pieces are artistically very close. Statue of St. Jan Nepomuk in Kostelec nad Černými lesy is one of the oldest statues of this saint at area of Kolínsko. Jan of Nepomuk was blessed only in 1721 and his sainthood begun only in 1729.
The chapel stands about 200 meters from the square, under the castle, at the bend of the old road to Český Brod. A Baroque sandstone statue of St. was built on the site of today's chapel around 1720. Jan Nepomucký by Jan Jiří Šlanzovský. The figure of the saint originally stood free, later (at the beginning of the 19th century) a simple classicist chapel was built above the sculpture. The statue inside the chapel bears traces of serious damage. It is probable that the author delivered this statue to Kostelec nad Černými lesy together with the Marian column, which stood in the square, as the statue is artistically very close to him. Statue of St. Jan Nepomucký in Kostelec nad Černými lesy is one of the oldest statues of this saint in the Kolín region. John of Nepomuk was blessed only in 1721 and canonization did not take place until 1729. The chapel is about 200 meters from the square, near the castle, in the bend of the old road to Český Brod. On the place of today's chapel a baroque sandstone statue of St. Jan Nepomuk was built around 1720 by Jan Jiří Šlanzovský. The figure of the saint originally stood loose, later (at the beginning of the 19th century) a simple Classicist chapel was built above the sculpture. The statue inside the chapel carries traces of serious damage. It is likely that the author added this statue to Kostelec nad Černými lesy together with the Marian column, which stood on the square, because both pieces are artistically very close. Statue of St. Jan Nepomuk in Kostelec nad Černými lesy is one of the oldest statues of this saint at area of ​​Kolínsko. Jan of Nepomuk was blessed only in 1721 and his sainthood begun only in 1729.

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