Kaple svaté Máří Magdaleny - nábř. E. Beneše 337

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Contact Kaple svaté Máří Magdaleny

Address :

nábř. E. Beneše 337, 118 00 Praha 1-Holešovice, Czechia

Postal code : 118
Website : http://www.hrady.cz/index.php%3FOID%3D1632
Categories :
City : Praha 1 Holešovice

nábř. E. Beneše 337, 118 00 Praha 1-Holešovice, Czechia
Сергей Мороз on Google

Jirka Zavadil-Fotoami on Google

Pěkně, nově opravené.
Nice, newly repaired.
Trung Lý Hữu on Google

Nhà thờ nhỏ Kaple svaté Máří Magdaleny là vị trí rất đẹp để ngắm cầu Séc, tại thủ đô Praha của Cộng hòa Séc
Kaple svaté church Máří Magdaleny is a very nice place to see the Czech bridge, in the Czech capital Prague
Eva Jordan on Google

Kruhová barokní kaple původně stávala těsně vedle Čechova mostu, v 50.letech 20. století byla první posunutou stavbou, posunuta o 31 metrů podle návrhu profesora Stanislava Bechyně. Původně sloužila pro voraře a vinaře z letenských vinic, kteří se zde modlili za pomoc.
The circular Baroque chapel originally stood next to Čech Bridge, in the 1950s it was the first moved building, moved 31 meters according to the design by Professor Stanislav Bechyně. Originally it served for raftmen and winemakers from Letná vineyards who prayed for help here.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zkoumat drobné (nejen sakrální) památky v Čechách někdy připomíná dobrodružnou hru. Nejinak tomu je i v případě této krásné ale nenápadné stavby. S jejím vznikem jsou spojeny dva naprosto odlišné scénáře, spojené pouze letopočtem. V rámci úspory místa zvolím ten pravděpodobnější. U zrodu kaple s oválným půdorysem stál cisterciácký klášter, konkrétně P. Chrysostom Trembský v roce 1635, přesto si objekt ještě zachoval pozdně renesanční architektonické detaily. V rámci rozšiřování silnice pod Letnou byla kaple přesunuta o 31 metrů proti proudu řeky ve dnech 3.-4. 2. 1956. Celý proces byl bohužel zneužitý komunistickou propagandou. To explore small (not only sacral) monuments in Czech (lovely ancient Bohemia) sometimes reminds of an adventure game. This is totally the case for this beautiful but inconspicuous building. Two completely different scenarios - connected only by the year - are linked to it´s origins. As part of saving space, I choose the one more likely. At the birth of the chapel with an oval plan there was the Cistercian monastery, namely P. Chrysostom Trembský in 1635, yet the building still retained the late Renaissance architectural details. As part of the expansion of the road under Letna, the chapel was moved 31 meters upstream of the river on 3rd-4th. of February 1956. Unfortunately, the whole process was abused by Communist propaganda.
Exploring small (not only sacral) monuments in Bohemia sometimes resembles an adventure game. This is no different in the case of this beautiful but inconspicuous building. Two completely different scenarios are connected with its origin, connected only by the year. As part of saving space, I will choose the more likely one. At the birth of the chapel with an oval floor plan stood a Cistercian monastery, specifically P. Chrysostom Trembský in 1635, yet the building still retains its late Renaissance architectural details. As part of the widening of the road below Letná, the chapel was moved 31 meters upstream on 3-4. 2. 1956. Unfortunately, the whole process was abused by communist propaganda. To explore small (not only sacral) monuments in Czech (lovely ancient Bohemia) sometimes reminds of an adventure game. This is totally the case for this beautiful but inconspicuous building. Two completely different scenarios - connected only by the year - are linked to it´s origins. As part of saving space, I choose the one more likely. At the birth of the chapel with an oval plan there was the Cistercian monastery, namely P. Chrysostom Trembský in 1635, yet the building still retained the late Renaissance architectural details. As part of the expansion of the road under Letna, the chapel was moved 31 meters upstream of the river on 3rd-4th. of February 1956. Unfortunately, the whole process was abused by Communist propaganda.
Detlef Rettig on Google

Eine runde barocke Kapelle St. Maria Magdalena im Jahr 1635 erbaut, sie steht am Ufer der Moldau neben der Tschech Brücke.
A round baroque chapel of St. Maria Magdalena built in 1635, it stands on the banks of the Vltava next to the Czech Bridge.
Paulo JC “Fiscal da Natureza” N on Google

Uma capela barroca circular construída em 1635, projetada por Giovanni Baptista de Barrifis, conhecida principalmente por sua peregrinação. Em 1956, foi movido 31m acima do rio Vltava para impedir a construção de uma nova estrada e uma linha de bonde. Créditos do texto ao site hrady.cz
A circular baroque chapel built in 1635, designed by Giovanni Baptista de Barrifis, known mainly for his pilgrimage. In 1956, it was moved 31m above the Vltava River to prevent the construction of a new road and a tram line. Text Credits to hrady.cz
Hugh Mclauchlan on Google

Just a walk along the river and came across a little church for a photo opportunity.

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