Kokrháč - Kokrháč

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kokrháč

Address :

432 01 Kadaň, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7989
Postal code : 432
Categories :
City : Kadaň

432 01 Kadaň, Czechia
Tea Malhausů on Google

Milan Kucera on Google

Nádherná vyhlídka. Rád se sem někdy vrátím.
Wonderful view. I'd love to come back here sometime.
Jirka Salajka on Google

Je zde nádherný výhled a úchvatná krajina
There is a wonderful view and a breathtaking landscape
Josef Frys on Google

Supr turistika nádherné panoramata,krásný pohled na Hasištejně.
Supr hiking wonderful panoramas, beautiful views of Hasištejn.
Josef Frys on Google

Krásné výhledy na hrad Hasištejn a okolní přírodu.
Beautiful views of Hasištejn Castle and the surrounding countryside.
Jan Velek on Google

Opravdu zajímavý skalní útvar. Opravdu pozor kam šlapete. Je to tu samý kámen a dost prudký svahy. Výhled je ale nádherný.
A really interesting rock formation. Really watch where you step. It's the same stone and quite steep slopes. The view is beautiful.

Od retencni nadrze je vystup hodne narocny, ale uz dlouha leta pouzivam radeji tento, nez pohodlnou hrebenovku z Volyne :) vyhled nikdy nezklame :)
From the retention reservoir, the ascent is very demanding, but for many years I prefer to use this rather than a comfortable ridge from Volyn :) the view will never disappoint :)
주먹소년 (Collector J) on Google

성은 입장료 있음 그러나 아주 저렴함 자연경관이 좋음 식당은 폐쇄되어서 하지않음
The castle has an entrance fee, but it is very cheap Good natural scenery The restaurant is closed, so do not do it.

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