Kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého - Strakonická 51

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Contact Kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého

Address :

Strakonická 51, 159 00 Velká Chuchle, Czechia

Postal code : 159
Categories :
City : Velká Chuchle

Strakonická 51, 159 00 Velká Chuchle, Czechia
Ondra S. on Google

Výrazný kostelík s blízkým hřbitůvkem, který leží v Chuchelském háji s pěkným výhledem na Dostihy Velká Chuchle. Při cestě po druhém, tedy pravém břehu Vltavy, ho nelze na hřebeni přehlédnout.
A distinctive church with a nearby cemetery, which lies in Chuchelský háj with a nice view of the Velká Chuchle Racecourse. On the way along the second, ie the right bank of the Vltava, it cannot be overlooked on the ridge.
Milan Pavla on Google

Krásný výhled na řeku Vltavu ,druhý břeh v okolí Modřan ,je to přímo mystické místo
Beautiful view of the Vltava River, the other bank in the vicinity of Modřany, is a mystical place
Andreas Pieralli on Google

Škoda, že kostel byl zavřen, jinak úžasný výhled!
Too bad the church was closed, otherwise amazing views!
Martin on Google

Pěkný barokní kostel z roku 1729, který se tyčí na kopci nad Velkou Chuchlí.
A nice baroque church from 1729, which rises on a hill above Velká Chuchle.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého ve Velké Chuchli byl postaven roku 1729, a to bohatým polským šlechticem, který se léčil v chuchelských lázních. Při svých procházkách rád chodil na místní vyhlídku, a když se pak uzdravil, dal právě na tomto místě na poděkování postavit kostel. Pro zasvěcení sv. Janu Nepomuckému se rozhodl, když zjistil, že těmito místy kdysi vedla stezka z Pražského hradu do zbraslavského cisterciáckého kláštera a podle pověsti po ní k obrazu Panny Marie Zbraslavské putovával právě i sv. Jan Nepomucký. Nedaleko místa, kde byl kostel postaven, byla již o staletí dříve zbraslavským klášterem zřízena poustevna, v níž až do 16. století žili vždy dva poustevníci. Jejich ostatky byly pak uloženy v lodi kostela a označeny náhrobním kamenem. Roku 1793 byl kostel vykraden, ukradeny byly i zvony. Poté kostel chátral, opravit jej v letech 1846-49 dala kněžna Oettingen-Wallerstein. V době totality kostel opět chátral, generální oprava pak proběhla až v letech 1992-1993. V roce 1994 Městská část věnovala kostelu nový zvon, odlil ho zbraslavský zvonař Manoušek. Pravidelná mše se v kostele slouží každou první sobotu v měsíci od 15.00 hodin. Church of St. Jan Nepomucký in Velka Chuchle was built in 1729 by a rich Polish nobleman who was treated in the Chuchle Spa. During his walks, he liked to go to the local outlook, and when he was healed, he pay for the building of a church in this place. He decided for the initiation of St. Jan Nepomucky after he had found out that a trail from the Prague Castle to the Zbraslav Cistercian monastery had once led through these places, and according to the legend, even St. John of Nepomuk himself used to walk through these places. Not far from the place where the church was built, a hermitage was established for centuries before the monastery in Zbraslav, where until the 16th century there were always two hermits. Their remains were then deposited in a church nave and marked with a tombstone. In 1793 the church was robbed, even the bells were stolen. Then the object was dilapidated, repaired in the years 1846-49 by the Princess Oettingen-Wallerstein. At the time of red totality, the church was dilapidated again, the general repair had not take place until 1992-1993. In 1994, the city part devoted a new bell to the church, cast by the bell-master Manoušek from Zbraslav. Regular prayers of St. the church serves every first Saturday of the month from 3:00 pm, plus traditionally with the Czech Christmas Mass by Jakub Jan Ryba in January.
Church of St. Jan Nepomucký in Velká Chuchle was built in 1729 by a rich Polish nobleman who was treated in the Chuchel spa. During his walks, he liked to go to the local lookout, and when he recovered, he had a church built in this place to thank. For the consecration of St. Jan Nepomucký decided when he found out that the path from Prague Castle to the Zbraslav Cistercian monastery used to lead through these places, and according to legend, St. John of Nepomuk. Not far from the place where the church was built, a hermitage was established centuries earlier by the Zbraslav monastery, in which two hermits always lived until the 16th century. Their remains were then placed in the nave of the church and marked with a tombstone. In 1793, the church was looted, the bells were stolen. Then the church fell into disrepair, it was repaired in 1846-49 by Princess Oettingen-Wallerstein. During the totalitarian period, the church fell into disrepair again, and the general overhaul took place in 1992-1993. In 1994, the city district donated a new bell to the church, which was cast by the Zbraslav bell-ringer Manoušek. A regular Mass is served in the church every first Saturday of the month from 3 pm. Church of St. Jan Nepomucký in Velka Chuchle was built in 1729 by a rich Polish nobleman who was treated in the Chuchle Spa. During his walks, he liked to go to the local outlook, and when he was healed, he pay for the building of a church in this place. He decided for the initiation of St. Jan Nepomucky after he had found out that a trail from the Prague Castle to the Zbraslav Cistercian monastery had once led through these places, and according to the legend, even John of Nepomuk himself used to walk through these places. Not far from the place where the church was built, a hermitage was established for centuries before the monastery in Zbraslav, where until the 16th century there were always two hermits. Their remains were then deposited in a church nave and marked with a tombstone. In 1793 the church was robbed, even the bells were stolen. Then the object was dilapidated, repaired in the years 1846-49 by the Princess Oettingen-Wallerstein. At the time of red totality, the church was dilapidated again, the general repair had not take place until 1992-1993. In 1994, the city part devoted a new bell to the church, cast by the bell-master Manoušek from Zbraslav. Regular prayers of St. the church serves every first Saturday of the month from 3:00 pm, plus traditionally with the Czech Christmas Mass by Jakub Jan Ryba in January.
Roman Vápeník on Google

Kostel sv. Jana Nepomuckého nad Chuchlí je dominantou chuchelského hřebenu. Je vidět ze širokého okolí a to i přes to, že za posledních deset let značně vzrostla vegetace okolo něj. V blízkosti kostela se nachází i velmi hezký a upravený hřbitov. Jen je škoda, že ani na velikonoční pondělí jakož to významný katolický památný den kostel nebyl otevřen.
Church of St. Jan Nepomucký nad Chuchlí is the dominant feature of the Chuchel ridge. It can be seen from a wide area, despite the fact that the vegetation around it has grown considerably in the last ten years. Near the church there is also a very nice and well-kept cemetery. It is a pity that even on Easter Monday as a significant Catholic memorial day the church was not opened.
Tomáš Hromádka on Google

Pohledově velmi dobře umístěná stavba z roku 1729 na ostrohu mezi Malou a Velkou Chuchle. Mše svaté se zde konají mimo zimu vždy 1x měsíčně (první sobotu v měsíci).
Visually very well located building from 1729 on the promontory between Mala and Velká Chuchle. Holy Masses are held here outside the winter once a month (the first Saturday of the month).
Jaroslava Pilíková on Google

Klidné místo, nádherný výhled, kostelik přístupný při mši. Cesta z Velké Chuchle vede do kopečka, ale dá se to...
Quiet place, beautiful views, church accessible at Mass. The road from Velká Chuchle leads to the hill, but it is possible ...

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