Kostel sv. Martina - Kostel sv. Martina

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kostel sv. Martina

Address :

285 06 Sázava, Czechia

Postal code : 285
Categories :
City : Sázava

285 06 Sázava, Czechia
Tomáš Kříž on Google

Ondřej Švec on Google

Nádherný kostel s úžasným zvonem.
Beautiful church with an amazing bell.
Tomas Kvapil on Google

Dovnitř do kostela jsme se nedostali, ale areál bývalého hřbitova kolem je moc hezký. Staré hroby, většinou bez nápisů.
We didn't get inside the church, but the area of ​​the former cemetery around is very nice. Old graves, mostly without inscriptions.
Šárka Bílá on Google

Pěkný kostel, udržovaná zahrada, hrob Soběslava Pinkase
Nice church, well-kept garden, tomb of Soběslav Pinkas
Ondra S. on Google

Místo s velmi zajímavou uklidňující atmosférou, přilehlý hřbitůvek byl změněn na hřbitovní park s pěkným výhledem do kraje, doporučuji se zde na chvíli zastavit, projít se a zpomalit.
A place with a very interesting calming atmosphere, the adjacent cemetery was turned into a cemetery park with a nice view of the region, I recommend to stop here for a while, walk and slow down.
Viktor Dude on Google

...až byl úplně zelený, ani na kruzích se nevzepřel.
... when he was completely green, he didn't even resist in circles.
Michal Tauchman on Google

Další z objektů navštívených v rámci poznávání herních lokací Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Bohužel celý objekt není pravděpodobně běžně přístupný (žádný otevřený vstup jsme neviděli), a je poměrně dobře skryt za vysokým plotem a okolními stromy, takže kromě vrcholu budovy z něj příliš k prohlédnutí není.
Another of the objects visited to explore Kingdom Come: Deliverance. Unfortunately, the whole building is probably not normally accessible (no open entrance we have seen), and is quite well hidden behind the high fence and surrounding trees, so it is not too much to see except the top of the building.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

První zmínka o kostele sv. Martina pochází z roku 1402, některé zdroje uvažují o románském původu lodi. Kostel byl zřejmě na rozdíl od městečka opevněn, o čemž svědčí dochovaná vysoká ohradní zeď hřbitova. Podoba stavby se zásadně změnila v polovině 18. století, kdy byla při jinak nepříliš výrazné barokní přestavbě obrácena její orientace k západu. Z původního vzhledu se zachovala zejména okna věže. Kostel byl opraven v letech 1856–57 po předchozím požáru. Další opravy následovaly roku 1888 a 1981–82, kdy byl změněn na kulturní síň - dnes slouží k pořádání kulturních akcí (koncerty, autorská čtení, výstavy, svatební obřady). Kostel je jednolodní s polygonálním chórem a severní hranolovou dvoupatrovou věží. Přilehlý areál bývalého hřbitova prošel v r. 2013 rekonstrukcí. Část areálu bývalého hřbitova je přeměněna v lapidárium a připomínku pietního místa. V jeho západní části se nalézá obvodové zdivo jednopatrové márnice na půdorysu šestiúhelníka. The first mention of the church of St. Martin dates from 1402, some sources mention the Roman nave's origin. The church was apparently fortified (unlike the town) as evidenced by the preserved high fence wall of the cemetery. The shape of the building changed fundamentally in the middle of the 18th century, when its orientation was turned to the west in an otherwise not very significant Baroque reconstruction. The original appearance was preserved especially on the tower windows. The church was repaired in 1856-57 after a previous fire. Further repairs followed in 1888 and 1981-82, when it was transformed into a cultural hall - now serves for organizing cultural events such as concerts, author's readings, exhibitions and wedding ceremonies. The church is a single-nave with a polygonal presbyterium and a northern prismatic two-storey tower. Part of the site of the former cemetery is transformed into a lapidarium and a memorial place. The adjacent area of the former cemetery was renovated in 2013. In its western part there is a perimeter masonry of two-floor mortuary on the ground plan of the hexagon shape.
The first mention of the church of St. Martin dates from 1402, some sources consider the Romanesque origin of the ship. The church was probably fortified, unlike the town, as evidenced by the preserved high fence wall of the cemetery. The appearance of the building changed fundamentally in the middle of the 18th century, when its orientation to the west was reversed during an otherwise not very significant Baroque reconstruction. The windows of the tower in particular have been preserved from their original appearance. The church was repaired in 1856-57 after a previous fire. Further repairs followed in 1888 and 1981–82, when it was transformed into a cultural hall - today it is used to organize cultural events (concerts, author readings, exhibitions, wedding ceremonies). The church is single-nave with a polygonal choir and a northern prismatic two-storey tower. The adjacent area of ​​the former cemetery underwent reconstruction in 2013. Part of the area of ​​the former cemetery is transformed into a lapidary and a reminder of a place of reverence. In its western part, there is a perimeter masonry of a one-storey morgue on a hexagonal floor plan. The first mention of the church of St. Martin dates from 1402, some sources mention the Roman nave's origin. The church was apparently fortified (unlike the town) as evidenced by the preserved high fence wall of the cemetery. The shape of the building changed fundamentally in the middle of the 18th century, when its orientation was turned to the west in an otherwise not very significant Baroque reconstruction. The original appearance was preserved especially on the tower windows. The church was repaired in 1856-57 after a previous fire. Further repairs followed in 1888 and 1981-82, when it was transformed into a cultural hall - now serves for organizing cultural events such as concerts, author's readings, exhibitions and wedding ceremonies. The church is a single-nave with a polygonal presbyterium and a northern prismatic two-storey tower. Part of the site of the former cemetery is transformed into a lapidarium and a memorial place. The adjacent area of ​​the former cemetery was renovated in 2013. In its western part there is a perimeter masonry of two-floor mortuary on the ground plan of the hexagon shape.

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