Kostel svaté Ludmily

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Contact Kostel svaté Ludmily

Address :

Pražská 416, 276 01 Mělník, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7
Website : http://www.farnostmelnik.cz/sv-ludmila.html
Categories :
City : Mělník

Pražská 416, 276 01 Mělník, Czechia
Věra Pelcová on Google

Kousek klidu vedle rusne ulice.
A bit of peace next to Rusne Street.
Otilia Dumitrescu on Google

Eu cand am fost aici , nu am intrat in biserica .In curtea bisericii a fost organizata o expozitie interesanta de bonsai!A fost dragut si relaxant! Probabil in fiecare an se organizeaza asa ceva , pentru iubitorii de flori.
When I was here, I did not enter the church. An interesting bonsai exhibition was organized in the courtyard of the church! It was cute and relaxing! Perhaps every year there is organized something for flower lovers.
Hany Urbancová on Google

Krásné zákoutí v centru města. Ne vždy udržované a přístupné.
A beautiful corner in the city center. Not always maintained and accessible.
Eva Jordan on Google

Barokní kostel z roku 1585 v krásném parku s vedle stojící kamennodřevěnou zvonicí z let 1906-1907. Prý je to místo, kde přespala kněžna Ludmila jako čerstvá křesťanka . Krásné místo k rozjímání a odpočinku pod korunami stromů.
Baroque church from 1585 in a beautiful park with stone-wooden belfry standing next to it from 1906-1907. She is said to be the place where Princess Ludmila slept as a Christian. Beautiful place to contemplate and relax under the trees.
Josef Sokolíček on Google

Kostel sv. Ludmily byl vysvěcen v roce 1585. Podle pověsti byl vystavěn na místě, kde kněžna přenocovala poté kdy ji coby křesťanku nechtěli pohanští obyvatelé vpustit do města. Nachází se před hradbami města na bývalém Pražském předměstí, dnešní Pražské ulici, pod náměstím Karla IV. Za dnešní podobu vděčí kostel rekonstrukci ž let 1906-1907 pod vedením architekta Antonína Wiehla, rovněž autora vysoké dřevěné zvonice stojící v přilehlém parku. Se známkami úcty ke sv. Ludmile se na Mělníku lze setkat často. České patronce je kromě kostela zasvěcena i zámecká kaple, je vyobrazeno na fasádě radnice i na bočním oltáři v chrámu sv. Petra a Pavla. Její jméno nese též vinice pod zámkem.
Church of St. Ludmila was consecrated in 1585. According to legend, it was built on the site where the princess spent the night after the pagan inhabitants did not want to let her into the city as a Christian. It is located in front of the city walls in the former Prague suburbs, today's Pražská Street, under Charles IV Square. The church owes its present appearance to the reconstruction of 1906-1907 under the direction of the architect Antonín Wiehl, also the author of a tall wooden bell tower standing in the adjacent park. With signs of respect for St. Ludmila can be met often in Mělník. In addition to the church, the Czech patroness is also dedicated to the chateau chapel, it is depicted on the facade of the town hall and on the side altar in the church of St. Peter and Paul. The vineyard under the castle also bears her name.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Jednolodní barokní kostel svaté Ludmily v Pražské ulici byl podle legend yvystavěn na místě, kde přespala kněžna Ludmila jako čerstvá křesťanka, poté co ji mělničtí pohanští obyvatelé nechtěli pustit do města. Údajně zde zůstával trávník i v zimě zelený. Kostel byl postaven roku 1585 z prostředků odkázaných měšťankou Ludmilou Hronovou v místě, kde byl původně zamýšlena výstavba špitálu pro chudé. V roce 1639 za třicetileté války byl poničen Švédy, opraven byl v letech 1673-1683 v barokním slohu. Další rekonstrukcí prošel v letech 1906-1907 a v 90. letech 20. století. V areálu kostelního parčíku, na místě někdejšího hřbitova, se nachází i dřevěná zvonice z let 1906-1907 se zvonem z roku 1598. Zvonice je pokrytá šindeli a byla sem přenesena z národopisné výstavy v roce 1895. Jejím autorem je architekt Antonín Wiehl. The Baroque Church of St. Ludmila in Pražská Street, according to legends, was built at the place where Princess Ludmila slept as a fresh Christian, after local pagans did not leave her to go to town. Allegedly, the lawn remained green even in the winter. The church was built in 1585 by means of funds by the bourgeoisie Ludmila Hronová in a place where the construction of a hospital for the poor was originally intended. In 1639, during the Thirty Years' War, it was destroyed by the Swedes and repaired in the years 1673-1683 in the Baroque style. Another reconstruction took place in 1906-1907 and in the 1990s. In the area of the church park, in the place of a former cemetery, there is also a wooden bell tower from 1906-1907 with a bell from 1598. The bell tower is covered with shingles and was transferred here from the ethnographic exhibition in 1895. The author is architect Antonín Wiehl.
According to legend, the one-nave Baroque church of St. Ludmila in Pražská Street was built on the site where Princess Ludmila slept as a fresh Christian, after the pagan inhabitants of Mělník did not want to let her into the city. Reportedly, the lawn remained green even in winter. The church was built in 1585 with funds bequeathed by the burgher Ludmila Hronová in the place where the construction of a hospital for the poor was originally intended. In 1639, during the Thirty Years' War, it was destroyed by the Swedes, and was repaired in 1673-1683 in the Baroque style. It underwent further reconstruction in 1906-1907 and in the 1990s. In the area of ​​the church park, on the site of the former cemetery, there is also a wooden bell tower from 1906-1907 with a bell from 1598. The bell tower is covered with shingles and was transferred here from an ethnographic exhibition in 1895. Its author is the architect Antonín Wiehl. The Baroque Church of St. Ludmila in Pražská Street, according to legends, was built at the place where Princess Ludmila slept as a fresh Christian, after local pagans did not leave her to go to town. Allegedly, the lawn remained green even in the winter. The church was built in 1585 by means of funds by the bourgeoisie Ludmila Hronová in a place where the construction of a hospital for the poor was originally intended. In 1639, during the Thirty Years' War, it was destroyed by the Swedes and repaired in the years 1673-1683 in the Baroque style. Another reconstruction took place in 1906-1907 and in the 1990s. In the area of ​​the church park, in the place of a former cemetery, there is also a wooden bell tower from 1906-1907 with a bell from 1598. The bell tower is covered with shingles and was transferred here from the ethnographic exhibition in 1895 The author is architect Antonín Wiehl.
Мгер Симонян on Google

Доехав на комфортабельном автобусе, следовавшим по маршруту Прага-Мельник, за 40 минут я оказался в очередном небольшом городке Чехии. Выйдя недалеко от исторического центра, мой путь лежал к небольшому старинному костелу, расположенному на улице Пражской. Это скромное однонефное религиозное сооружение было построено в 1585 году и освящено в честь чешской святой Людмилы. Место, где стоит эта церковь, связано с легендой о принцессе Людмиле. Будучи крещенной христианкой, молодая принцесса внесла большой вклад в дело распространения новой религии в Чехии. Здесь, в Мельнике, она на отрез отказалась впускать в город местных язычников. Чтобы контролировать этот процесс, она направилась к главным городским воротам и следила за передвижением. Здесь же у ворот Людмила ночевала. Согласно этой же легенде, газон, на котором она спала, зимой оставался зеленым. Спустя столетия принцесса Людмила была канонизирована римско-католической церковью. Именно здесь и было принято решение построить костел, который был наречен в честь этой святой. Земля на которой ныне находится храм в 1583 году была подарена городу местной бюргеркой Людмилой Меттеликовой, вдовой имперского мэра Хрона Дивицкого. В 1639 году во время Тридцатилетней войны костел был разрушен шведами. В 1673-1683 годах его восстановили, придав барочные черты. В 1906-1907 и 1990-х годах здесь также проводились реставрационные работы. Во внутреннем убранстве храма особый интерес представляет кафедра с изображением четырех святых отцов, построенная в 1699 году, а также главный алтарь с изображением святой Людмилы - 1746 год. Во дворе церкви, там где раньше находилось городское кладбище, находится деревянная колокольня, в которой весит средневековый колокол, отлитый в 1598 году. Он считается самым старым из сохранившихся в Мельнике. Колокольня покрыта черепицей и была перенесена сюда с этнографической выставки в 1885 году. Её архитектором является Антонин Виль.
Having arrived on a comfortable bus, following the route Prague-Melnik, in 40 minutes I ended up in another small town in the Czech Republic. Leaving not far from the historical center, my path lay to a small old church located on Prague Street. This modest one-nave religious building was built in 1585 and consecrated in honor of the Czech saint Lyudmila. The place where this church stands is connected with the legend of Princess Ludmila. Being a baptized Christian, the young princess made a great contribution to the spread of the new religion in the Czech Republic. Here, in Melnik, she refused to let the local pagans into the city for a cut. To control this process, she went to the main city gate and monitored the movement. Here, at the gate, Lyudmila spent the night. According to the same legend, the lawn on which she slept remained green in winter. Centuries later, Princess Ludmila was canonized by the Roman Catholic Church. It was here that it was decided to build a church, which was named in honor of this saint. The land on which the temple is now located in 1583 was donated to the city by the local burgher Lyudmila Mettelikova, the widow of the imperial mayor Hron Divitsky. In 1639, during the Thirty Years War, the church was destroyed by the Swedes. In 1673-1683 he was restored, giving the baroque features. In 1906-1907 and the 1990s, restoration work was also carried out here. In the interior of the church of particular interest is the department with the image of the four holy fathers, built in 1699, as well as the main altar with the image of St. Ludmila - 1746. In the courtyard of the church, where the city cemetery used to be, there is a wooden bell tower, in which the medieval bell, cast in 1598, weighs. It is considered the oldest surviving in Melnik. The bell tower is tiled and was moved here from an ethnographic exhibition in 1885. Its architect is Antonin Ville.
Filip Čížek on Google

Ooo :)

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