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1, 277 42

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City : Obříství

1, 277 42
Helča Krátká on Google

Ivan Acher on Google

Prochazka Petr on Google

Nepřístupný starý zámek.
Inaccessible old lock.
Jiří Andel on Google

Jezdim tam pravidelne na ryby a je to tam super. Doporucuji
I go there regularly to fish and it's great there. I recommend
Pavel on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Trojkřídlý dvoupatrový klasicistní zámek vznikl postupnými přestavbami tvrze ze 13. století. Jeho nedílnou součást tvoří kostel sv. Jana Křtitele, renesanční dřevěná zvonice z 16. století, i pozůstatek bývalého pivovaru č.p. 41. Původní tvrz, zmiňovaná roku 1490 a střežící důležitý brod přes Labe, byla majetkem Lobkoviců. Počátkem 17. stol. zahájil Václav Pětipeský přestavbu na renesanční zámek, která však z důvodu konfiskace jeho majetku nebyla nikdy dokončena. Roku 1655 je zámek uváděn jako zřícenina. Zámek barokně opravil a dokončil až po roce 1666 Ferdinande Vilém Slavata z Chlumu. V letech 1824-26 nechal zámek rozšířit na současnou tříkřídlou podobu generál Franz Koller. Poté jej získal velkostatkář Jiří Havelka, který ho roku 1938 pronajal pro potřeby nově zřízené měšťanské školy. Učiliště tu byla spolu s poštou a obecními byty i po druhém zestátnění zámku v pol. 20. století. V roce 1999 byl zámek v restituci vrácen rodině Havelkově a dnes je veřejnosti nepřístupný. The three-winged Classicist two-storey chateau was built by the gradual reconstruction of the fortress from the 13th century. Its integral part is the church of St. John the Baptist and a Renaissance wooden belfry from the 16th century, as well as the remains of the former brewery no. 41. The original fortress, mentioned in 1490 and guarding an important ford across the Elbe, was the property of the Lobkowicz family. In early 17th century, Václav Pětipeský started the reconstruction into a Renaissance chateau, but it was never completed due to the confiscation of his property. In 1655 the chateau was mentioned as a ruin. The chateau was rebuilt in Baroque style and finished after 1666 by Ferdinand Vilém Slavata of Chlum. In the years 1824-26 it was extended to the current three-winged appearance of General Franz Koller. Then it was acquired by the landowner Jiří Havelka, who rented it for the needs of the newly established town school in 1938. The school was here along with the post office and municipal flats after the second nationalization of the chateau in the middle of the 20th century. In 1999 the chateau was returned to the Havelka family in restitution and is now inaccessible to the public.
The three-winged two-storey Classicist chateau was created by gradual reconstructions of a fortress from the 13th century. Its integral part is the church of St. John the Baptist, a Renaissance wooden bell tower from the 16th century, and the remains of the former brewery no. 41. The original fortress, mentioned in 1490 and guarding an important ford across the Elbe, was the property of the Lobkovices. At the beginning of the 17th century. Václav Pětipeský started the reconstruction into a Renaissance chateau, which, however, was never completed due to the confiscation of his property. In 1655, the castle is listed as a ruin. The chateau was repaired and completed in the Baroque style only after 1666 by Ferdinand Vilém Slavata of Chlum. In the years 1824-26, General Franz Koller had the chateau expanded to its current three-winged appearance. Then it was acquired by the landowner Jiří Havelka, who leased it in 1938 for the needs of the newly established burgher school. The apprenticeship was here together with the post office and municipal flats even after the second nationalization of the chateau in the middle of the 20th century. In 1999, the chateau was returned to the Havelkov family in restitution and is now inaccessible to the public. The three-winged Classicist two-storey chateau was built by the gradual reconstruction of the fortress from the 13th century. Its integral part is the church of St. John the Baptist and a Renaissance wooden belfry from the 16th century, as well as the remains of the former brewery no. 41. The original fortress, mentioned in 1490 and guarding an important ford across the Elbe, was the property of the Lobkowicz family. In the early 17th century, Václav Pětipeský started the reconstruction into a Renaissance chateau, but it was never completed due to the confiscation of his property. In 1655 the chateau was mentioned as a ruin. The chateau was rebuilt in Baroque style and finished after 1666 by Ferdinand Vilém Slavata of Chlum. In the years 1824-26 it was extended to the current three-winged appearance of General Franz Koller. Then it was acquired by the landowner Jiří Havelka, who rented it for the needs of the newly established town school in 1938. The school was here along with the post office and municipal flats after the second nationalization of the chateau in the middle of the 20th century. In 1999 the chateau was returned to the Havelka family in restitution and is now inaccessible to the public.
Eva Jordan on Google

Zámecké budovy, které vznikly postupnou přestavbou trvze, jsou nepřístupné, nicméně okolí zámku je velmi zajímavé. Bezprostředně na zámecké budovy navazuje novogotický kostel, renesanční dřevěná zvonice, před níž je zajímavý památník obětem 1.světové války. Kousek dál na návsi je nádherný Mariánský sloup a socha sv. Jana Nepomuckého.
The chateau buildings, which were created by the gradual reconstruction of the market, are inaccessible, however, the surroundings of the chateau are very interesting. The neo-Gothic church, a Renaissance wooden bell tower, directly in front of the chateau buildings, in front of which is an interesting memorial to the victims of the First World War. A little further on the square is a beautiful Marian column and a statue of St. Jan Nepomucký.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Velký empírový zámek postavený kolem r. 1825, vévodí ještě několika starším budovám a má připojený dnes jen částečně udržovaný krajinářský park s prvky lesů navazujících chráněných území v Polabí. Objekt souvisí se zaváděním osobní lodní dopravy na Labi. Celý rozsáhlý památkový soubor hledá smysluplné využití.
The large Empire chateau, built around 1825, dominates several older buildings and now has a partially maintained landscape park with elements of forests adjoining protected areas in the Elbe. The building is related to the introduction of passenger shipping on the Elbe. The entire extensive monument collection is looking for meaningful use.

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