
3.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Krnsko

Address :

294 31

Categories :
City : Krnsko

294 31
Lukáš Andrenko on Google

Cristian Příhoda on Google

Tomáš Pelech on Google

Ruslan Ruslan on Google

Dmytro Shapko on Google

Eva Jordan on Google

Železniční stanice s vybydlenou budovou bez jakéhokoliv zázemí pro cestující. Bez prodeje lístků, bez WC, bez personálu.
Railway station with an occupied building without any facilities for passengers. No ticket sales, no toilets, no staff.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

V železniční stanici se ocitnete jako někde ve starém filmu, což není myšleno pejorativně od člověka, který o víkendech prchá před vystresovanou hi-tech civilizací. Ve stanici nenajdete takřka nic kromě malého přístřešku s lavičkou, kde se můžete schovat, pokud vám počasí nepřeje. Tím, že dopravu zde zajišťuje pouze jednokolejka, musíte bohužel počítat s delšími časy příjezdů. Dává to zhruba jednu soupravu za hodinu, v jednom směru to ovšem musíte vynásobit dvěma, ale byl jsem tu o víkendu. V části obce Krnsko-nad nádražím není kromě obytných domků vůbec nic. Pokud potřebujete doplnit potraviny či tekutiny, vydejte od tratě směrem dolů. Zhruba pio půl kilometru narazíte na potraviny, které bývají otevřeny i přes víkend. At the railway station, you find yourself in somewhere in the old movie, which is not pejorative from a man who runs away from high-tech civilization at weekends. There is nothing near the station except a small shelter with a bench where you can hide if the weather comes. With only one monorail here, you have to reckon with longer arrival times. It gives roughly one set per hour, but multiply it by two in one direction, but needless to say I was here on Saturday. If you need to add food or liquids, move down the track. Approximately 600 meters away you find food shop opened even during the weekends.
At the train station, you find yourself as somewhere in an old movie, which is not meant to be pejoratively from a man who is fleeing the stressed-out hi-tech civilization on the weekends. At the station you will find almost nothing but a small shelter with a bench where you can hide if the weather does not want you. Unfortunately, since only monorails provide transport here, you have to count on longer arrival times. It gives about one set per hour, but in one direction you have to multiply it by two, but I was here on the weekend. In the part of the village Krnsko-nad nádražím there is nothing at all except residential houses. If you need to replenish food or fluids, head down the track. About half a kilometer away you will find food that is usually open over the weekend. At the railway station, you find yourself in somewhere in the old movie, which is not pejorative from a man who runs away from high-tech civilization at weekends. There is nothing near the station except a small shelter with a bench where you can hide if the weather comes. With only one monorail here, you have to reckon with longer arrival times. It gives roughly one set per hour, but multiply it by two in one direction, but needless to say I was here on Saturday. If you need to add food or liquids, move down the track. Approximately 600 meters away you find food shop opened even during the weekends.
Li Sotas on Google

Konečně se opravuje... :-)
Finally repairing ... :-)

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