Leopold Thun - Hohenstein

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Contact Leopold Thun - Hohenstein

Address :

Plzeňská, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +798
Categories :
City : Praha 5 Smíchov

Plzeňská, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia
Czech Explorer on Google

Jaroslav Novák on Google

První roli na Malostranském hřbitově hraje biskup a hrabě Leopold Thun-Hohenstein. Vlastně ne on, ale socha na jeho náhrobku, jejímž autorem je sochař Václav Prachner. Monumentální litinový biskup Thun-Hohenstein se modlí z litinové knihy. Určitě i za ty, kdo zemřeli na mor a kvůli kterým byl hřbitov malostranskými měšťany založen. Hodně daleko od malostranských domů a ulic, ve kterých si mor vybíral své oběti.
The first role in the Lesser Town Cemetery is played by Bishop and Count Leopold Thun-Hohenstein. Actually, not him, but a statue on his tombstone by sculptor Václav Prachner. The monumental cast iron bishop Thun-Hohenstein prays from the cast iron book. Certainly even for those who died of the plague and for which the cemetery was founded by Lesser Town burghers. Far away from the Lesser Town houses and streets where the plague picked its victims.
Nirmal Menon on Google

Situated behind Betramka tram station is this quiet and sleepy Jewish Cemetry called Malostranský hřbitov that is home to some of the popular legends and musical elites of 19th century Bohemia. One such monument is that of Prince Leopold Leonhard Raymund Thun-Hohenstein, the last prince-bishop of Passau. According to available records, Thun-Hohenstein‘s tombstone was sculpted by Václav Prachner, and it is one of his best surviving works in iron and stone. It depicts the prince cast in iron kneeling and praying, with coats of arms and other decoration on the base. The Thun-Hohenstein family owned several palaces in the city, some marked with Masonic symbols. A branch of the family used its Masonic connections to help bring Mozart to Prague.

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