O2 Prodejna

3.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact O2 Prodejna

Address :

OC Oasis, Sokolovská 394/17, 186 00 Praha, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : https://www.o2.cz/osobni/prodejny/praha/27-sokolovska-394-17
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–6PM
Tuesday 9AM–6PM
Wednesday 9AM–6PM
Thursday 9AM–6PM
Friday 9AM–6PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Praha

OC Oasis, Sokolovská 394/17, 186 00 Praha, Czechia
Michal Rambousek on Google

Společnost O2 řadím po mnohaleté zkušenosti mezi nejhorší společnosti. Jsem jejím klientem více než 10 let. Po administrativní chybě pracovnice O2 žádají uhradit na úrocích více než 7 000Kč sankci. O2 tuto chybu neuznalo a trvají na proplacení i přesto, že mé měsíční platby za tarify tvoří významnou měsíční částku. Klientská péče nulová. Doporučuji odstoupit od této společnosti.
After many years of experience, O2 ranks among the worst companies. I was her client for more than 10 years. After an administrative mistake, O2 employees demand a penalty of more than CZK 7,000. O2 has not recognized this mistake and insists on reimbursement even though my monthly payment for tariffs is a significant monthly amount. Client care is zero. I recommend to withdraw from the company.
Michal Sahlén on Google

Tady si připadám jako vážený zákazník. Personál ochotný, umí pomoci i poradit. Nejlepší O2 prodejna, co znám. Aktualizace 07/2019: mám za sebou 4 návštěvy této pobočky (pokaždé u někoho jiného) a vždy perfektní servis. Super.
Here I feel like a dear customer. Staff willing, able to help and advise. The best O2 shop I know. Update 07/2019: I have had 4 visits to this branch (always with someone else) and always perfect service. Super.
Pan Ultrakocka on Google

Naprosté ku*vy. Šel jsem si koupit nový telefon a odešel se závazkem na 24 měsíců, což jsem se prý měl dozvědět z informačního mailu (na prodejně o tom nepadlo ani slovo). Telefon NEBYL dotován uzavřením smlouvy a nic jsem nepodepisoval. Tímto končím s O2 - ruším závazek na 24 měsíců s penále cca. 2500 KČ, ruším normální číslo a ruším číslo matky. Netušil jsem, že se Kelly uchyluje k metodám šmejdů :).
Totally you. I went to buy a new phone and left with a 24-month commitment, which I was supposed to learn from the information mail (there was no word in the store). The phone was NOT subsidized by signing a contract and I did not sign anything. This is the end of O2 - canceling the commitment for 24 months with a penalty of approx. 2500 CZK, canceling normal number and canceling mother's number. I did not know that Kelly resorts to the methods of bullshit :).
Tomáš Frič on Google

Přišli jsme sem s babičkou vyměnit SIM kartu (jiná velikost). SIM kartu nám ještě pomalu ani nevyměnili, a hned na nás vytáhli notebook, tablet a telefon. Ohromili nás, že mají pro nás slevy. Ze začátku ani neřekli, že se tím změní (zdraží) smlouva. Použili obchodní tah "Já vám to už ale říkal." Babička byla ze všeho zmatená, řekla by snad na vše ano, protože obchodník vše vychválil do nebe. Doporučuji starším lidem, aby si sehnali doprovod z rodiny! Prodali nám nakonec sklíčko, které jsme na druhou stranu potřebovali za dobrou cenu, ale špatně nalepené!! Vrátil jsem se, že ho dali nakřivo. Po druhé bylo již dobré, ale po týdnu tam mám bublinu. Babiččino sklíčko k telefonu nebyl ani na její telefon. Místo Nokie 5 nám dali na Nokii 5.1. Ano pasuje, ale sluchátko k telefonu ne. Výřez sklíčka u telefonu rve vlasy. Jen prodat, prodat a prodat! O2 se vůbec nezměnilo. Velice neprofesionální, přestože to byl manažer prodejny. Po této návštěvě stále nelituji přechodu k jinému operátorovi, který byl jsem učinil před třemi lety.
My grandmother and I came here to change the SIM card (another size). They didn't even change our SIM card, and immediately pulled out a laptop, tablet and phone. We were amazed that they had discounts for us. In the beginning they did not even say that it would change (increase) the contract. They used the business move "I told you already." My grandmother was confused about everything, perhaps she would say yes to everything, because the merchant praised everything to heaven. I recommend that older people get a family escort! They sold us a glass that we needed on the other side for a good price, but badly glued !! I came back that gave him askew. The second was good, but after a week I have a bubble. Grandma's glass on the phone wasn't even on her phone. Instead of Nokia 5 they gave us on Nokia 5.1. Yes fits, but not the handset to the phone. Cutout of a slide near the phone ripping hair. Just sell, sell and sell! O2 has not changed at all. Very unprofessional, although he was a store manager. After this visit I still do not regret switching to another operator that I made three years ago.
Lau on Google

Z 6 stolů obsazen jeden, vešla sem nikdo nepozdravil. Po chvilce přichází z potravin další zaměstnanec nepozdraví, projde kolem a zavře se do zádu. Stojím tam, a jediný pracující zamstnanec který se neobtžoval ani pozdravit si se zákazníkem vykládá jaké hodnocení má která pobočka a 10 minut mu leští display na mobilu. Jsem zákazník který u vás platí několik tisíc za 2 telefony, TV a potřebovala sem řešit reklamaci telefonu za 37tisíc! Ovšem dobrý pokec asi padl vhod. Super přístup??????
Of the 6 tables occupied one, no one came in greeted. After a while, another employee comes out of groceries, walks around and closes his back. I'm standing there, and the only working employee who didn't bother or say hello to the customer explains what rating each branch has and polishes the display on his mobile phone for 10 minutes. I am a customer who pays several thousand for 2 phones, a TV and needed to solve a phone complaint for 37 thousand here! But a good talk probably came in handy. Great approach
Raphaël Bicelli on Google

AVOiD !!!! What a joke than this shop, especially TOM WAGNER who is unable to tell you why your original contract is canceled,unable to re-create a contract, unable to give you your contract number, unable to tell when someone will be in a position to help, unable to raise a ticket for the support, unable to book an appointment with a technician. AVOID !!!!
michele on Google

Simply a nightmare. They gave me a broken Sim Card, deactivated 2 years ago, for more than 500 cz. I went there once again and they offered me 3 GB for 300 cz saying that I would have had connection in less than 15 minutes. Pointless to say that as soon as I went back home nothing was working again. They made me loose patience, working hours and 900 cz. Avoid this place
Dmitry Brazhenko on Google

Purchased home internet. Paid 4000CZK for 'deposit'. They were not able to install it. They did not return my deposit. I visited the office. They promised to return deposit soon.(within few days). The deposit was not returned. Really awful fraudulent customer service .

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