O2 shop - Česká 143/27

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact O2 shop

Address :

Česká 143/27, 602 00 Brno-střed-Brno-město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 602
Website : https://www.o2.cz/osobni/prodejny/brno/108-ceska-27
Categories :

Česká 143/27, 602 00 Brno-střed-Brno-město, Czechia
janis gurutidis on Google

Dnes jsem nutně a rychle potřeboval tvrzené sklo na můj iphone SE, nutno taky podotknout, že jsem měl velmi strašný den. Přivítala mě moc mila paní, která mi se vším pomohla, našla sklo a pak mi ho i bez příplatku nalepila. Celou dobu se na mě usmívala a povídala si se mnou. Celá návštěva proběhla skvěle a paní mi o mnohem zvedla den. Do teď se usmívám a jsem rad, že mate tak skvěle zaměstnance.
Today I necessarily and quickly needed tempered glass for my iPhone SE, it should also be noted that I had a very terrible day. I was greeted by a very nice lady who helped me with everything, found the glass and then glued it to me even at no extra charge. She smiled at me all the time and talked to me. The whole visit went great and the lady picked up my day a lot. I'm smiling until now and I'm glad you have such a great employee.
Pavel Král on Google

Absolutně nefungující služby. Nejprve, ano balíček pro vás tu máme, ale nemůžeme vám jo vydat, protože není v systému ještě, zastavte se později. Mohu přijít až za týden, není problém. Přijdu znovu tedy, ano balíček pro vás tu máme (fyzicky přinesen na přepážku), aha, ale vydat vám ho nemůžeme, dle systému expiroval. Ale to nevadí, můžeme vám to prodat ze skladových zásob, ale ne za tu cenu, kterou jste to měl objednané a samozřejmě dráž. Už nikdy tenhle kyslík.
Absolutely non-functioning services. First, yes, we have a package for you here, but we can't release it for you because it's not in the system yet, stop by later. I can come in a week, no problem. So I'll come again, yes, we have a package for you here (physically brought to the counter), aha, but we can't give it to you, according to the system it has expired. But it doesn't matter, we can sell it to you from stock, but not for the price you ordered and, of course, more expensive. Never this oxygen again.
Veronika Šedovičová on Google

Surprisingly young, good-looking and capable people there. They switched my old SIM card for the new one so fast, for 99 CZK added to my monthly bill! An ID card needed. They explained everything clearly, politely and concisely. I had my little one with me and they entertained him so much that his sour mood completely turned, they made him laugh so much. It was an unexpected highlight of my day. Překvapivě mladá, hezky vypadající a hlavně schopná obsluha. Rychle mi vyměnili starou SIM kartu za novou, jen za 99 Kč účtovaných k mému měsíčnímu vyúčtování. Občanský průkaz třeba. Vše mi stručně, jasně a pěkně vysvětlili. Zabavili i mé dítko. Celý den měl špatnou náladu, ale s nimi se celou dobu jenom chechtal. Nečekala jsem, že to bude tak příjemná návštěva!
Surprisingly young, good-looking and capable people there. They switched my old SIM card for the new one so fast, for 99 CZK added to my monthly bill! An ID card needed. They explained everything clearly, politely and concisely. I had my little one with me and they entertained him so much that his sour mood completely turned, they made him laugh so much. It was an unexpected highlight of my day. Surprisingly young, nice looking and most of all capable service. They quickly exchanged my old SIM card for a new one, for only CZK 99 charged to my monthly bill. ID card needed. They explained everything to me concisely, clearly and nicely. They also confiscated my baby. He was in a bad mood all day, but he just giggled with them the whole time. I didn't expect it to be such a nice visit!
Carlos Guedez on Google

Excellent office
Nikolai Sapozhnikov on Google

Vojtěch Buchta on Google

Casey Anderson on Google

Been waiting a month now for a technician to set an internet connection. Haven't received any call and the service is really bad with rude and unprofessional staff.
Kate Kidney on Google

Really nice people there and my trouble was solved ASAP.

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