4.5/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Nové Město CZ, Na Florenci 1332/23, Florenc, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7777
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha

Nové Město CZ, Na Florenci 1332/23, Florenc, 110 00 Praha 1, Czechia
Denisa Gajdošová on Google

Davajte si pozor na darcekove balenia. Objednala som si vonavku s kozmetickou tastickou, no ta bola uplne ina ako na fotke. Je pravda, ze to tam mali uvedene. Skoda, ze ta co bola na fotke vyzerala luxusne a ta co prisla, tak tu by som nechcela ani zadarmo ? Inak co sa tyka dodania, tak bolo vsetko ok.
Watch out for the gift wrap. I ordered a fragrance with a cosmetic taste, but it was completely different than in the photo. It is true that they had it mentioned there. It's a pity that the one in the photo looked luxurious and the one that came, I wouldn't even want to be here for free zadarmo Otherwise, as far as delivery is concerned, everything was ok.
Magdalena Hanáková on Google

Přišla mi SMS ve čtvrtek s kódem a místem kde jsem měla mít balík. Přijdu tam,balík tam ještě nebyl. Řikám si, že třeba to tam dovezou až večer. Přišla jsem tam znovu další týden ve středu(uložení bylo pouze do čtvrtka) a balík furt nikde. A další týden na to sms, že zboží se vrací zpět. Nevím, nerozumím tomu kde teda ten balík byl, každopádně já už neobjednávám.
I received an SMS on Thursday with the code and the place where I should have had the package. I'll be there, the package hasn't been there yet. I tell myself that maybe they won't bring it there until the evening. I came there again another week on Wednesday (storage was only until Thursday) and the package was still nowhere. And another week on that sms that the goods are coming back. I don't know, I don't understand where the package was, anyway, I don't order anymore.
TouchTheCity on Google

Léta kupuji parfémy u tohoto eshopu a nikdy se mne nestalo, že by byl jakýkoli problém. Za mě to je kvalitní eshop za super ceny
I have been buying perfumes at this e-shop for years and it has never occurred to me that there would be any problem. For me, this is a quality e-shop at great prices
Simone Hrašková on Google

Poprve objednany parfem prisel original, ted podruhe bohuzel fake ! Takze vyhozene dva litry, super !
The original perfume came for the first time, now for the second time, unfortunately, a fake! So two liters thrown out, great!
Nikola Kotlárová on Google

Nedoporučuji. Objednala jsem si parfém Calvin Klein v bílorůžové dárkové kazetě a přišlo mi to ve vánočním balení. Bude to super dárek teď v květnu :) po zavolání mi paní sdělila, že jsou na e-shopu fotky jen ilustrační a že jsem souhlasila s obchodními podmínkami,takže na reklamaci nemám nárok. Již nikdy více!
I do not recommend. I ordered Calvin Klein perfume in a white-pink gift box and it came in a Christmas package. It will be a great gift now in May :) after the call, the lady told me that the photos on the e-shop are only illustrative and that I agreed to the terms and conditions, so I am not entitled to a complaint. Never again!
Michal Hruby on Google

Viktor Birkovych on Google

Roman Kovbasjuk on Google

E-shop's order handout point. Quick and efficient service.

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