Ruins of the Chapel Exaltation. Crisis

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Ruins of the Chapel Exaltation. Crisis

Address :

289 15 Bříství, Czechia

Categories :
City : Bříství

289 15 Bříství, Czechia
Ondra K. on Google

Okolo jsem jezdil po dalnici hodnekrat, ale konecne jsem se tam zasel podivat. Prochazka po polni ceste az na kopecek je pohodova, nahore je hezky vyhled a sednout si doprostred zriceniny a vnimat atmosferu je take prijemne.
I drove around the highway a lot of times, but I finally went there to see. A walk along a dirt road to the hill is relaxing, there is a nice view upstairs and sitting in the middle of the ruins and feeling the atmosphere is also pleasant.
Andrea Siváková on Google

Krásné místo...určitě jsem tu nebyla naposledy.
Beautiful place ... I certainly wasn't here for the last time.
Irena B. on Google

Tato zřícenina kaple je tak hezká! To se musí vidět. Opravdu hezké místo. Sice sem doléhá ruch z dálnice, ale pokud umíte "vypnout", tak to jde i tady. Jsou zde i menší ohniště, tak pokud budete mít čím uhasit oheň ?.
This ruined chapel is so pretty! That must be seen. Really nice place. Although there is traffic from the highway, but if you can "turn off", then it goes here as well. There are also smaller fireplaces, so if you have something to put out the fire ?.
Tomas B on Google

very nice beautiful
John Dannemiller on Google

Bald and Bankrupt approved!
Stefan Dillner on Google

Bald and Bankrupt was here. Must see sight in Czech Republic. ;-)
Lucie P on Google

Very nice place for afternoon trip
Jakub Tetera on Google

A beautiful sight in the middle of a field. It's situated on a small hilltop just off the highway (clearly visible from both directions) making it a nice place to stop and stretch one's legs.

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