Rybníky Oty Pavla - Nad Rybníkem 106/3

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rybníky Oty Pavla

Address :

Nad Rybníkem 106/3, 273 43 Buštěhrad, Czechia

Postal code : 273
Categories :
City : Buštěhrad

Nad Rybníkem 106/3, 273 43 Buštěhrad, Czechia
Tetiana Cherkashyna on Google

Krásné místo pro procházky!!!
Beautiful place for walks !!!
[email protected] Zabina on Google

Krásné,a úžasné molo
Beautiful, and amazing pier
сашуля кплнвс on Google

Jindřich Šmíd on Google

Hezké místo na klidné posezení u vody
Nice place for a quiet sitting by the water
Martin Pilat on Google

Dá se tam i koupat
You can even swim there
Zdeněk Satur on Google

Klidné místo se starýma vrbama. Vyhlídkové mola jsou fajn při krmení kačen a hus. Komorní prostředí, kde čas ubíhá trošku pomaleji. Posezení na molech, nebo na lavičkách kolem rybníka a nasátí okolní atmosféry stojí za to. Vemte s sebou pár starých rohlíků a máte příjemné zpestření na vašich cestách.
Quiet place with old willows. Lookout piers are great for feeding ducks and geese. An intimate environment where time passes a little slower. Sitting on the piers or on the benches around the pond and soaking up the surrounding atmosphere is worth it. Take a few old rolls with you and you have a pleasant variety on your travels.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Buštěhradské rybníky jsou připomínány už v letech 1548 a 1632. Jeden nazývaný "starý" byl u Popperova a Dědičova statku, druhý, nazývaný "nový" u Opltovy hospody. Rybník u Opltů býval daleko větší, než je dnes, sahal až k můstku. Když se v roce 1947 začala stavět nová škola, byla část rybníka zavezena sutí ze stavby. V této části, nazývané "na babkách" rostlo mnoho rostlin zvané "chlebíčky", se kterými si často hrály děti. V létě se v rybníku koupalo, v zimě se hrál hokej a bruslilo se. Zajímavost: V 60. letech 20. století chtěl městský úřad rybník vyčistit. Objednaný bagr se však v rybníku utopil a jeho vyprošťování bylo dlouhé a drahé. Nakonec jej vytáhl vojenský transportér. Buštěhrad ponds are mentioned as early as 1548 and 1632. One called "old" was at Popper's and Dědič's farm, the other, called "new" at Oplt's pub. The 2nd pond used to be much larger than it is today, reaching as far as the bridge. When the construction of a new school began in 1947, part of the pond was covered by rubble from the new building. In this part, called "ona babkách", many plants called "chlebíčky" grew, with which children often played. In the summer they bathed in the pond, in the winter they played hockey and skated. Interesting fact: In the 1960s, the town hall wanted to clean the pond. However, the ordered excavator drowned in the pond and its rescue was long and expensive. Eventually, it was pulled out by a military transporter.
Buštěhrad ponds are mentioned as early as 1548 and 1632. One called "old" was at Popper's and Dědič's farm, the other, called "new" at Oplt's pub. The pond at Oplty used to be much larger than it is today, reaching as far as the bridge. When the construction of a new school began in 1947, part of the pond was introduced by rubble from the building. In this part, called "on grandmas", many plants called "sandwiches" grew, with which children often played. In the summer you bathed in the pond, in the winter you played hockey and skated. Interesting fact: In the 1960s, the town council wanted to clean the pond. However, the ordered excavator drowned in the pond and its rescue was long and expensive. Eventually, he was pulled out by a military transporter. Buštěhrad ponds are mentioned as early as 1548 and 1632. One called "old" was at Popper's and Dědič's farm, the other, called "new" at Oplt's pub. The 2nd pond used to be much larger than it is today, reaching as far as the bridge. When the construction of a new school began in 1947, part of the pond was covered by rubble from the new building. In this part, called "ona babkách", many plants called "sandwiches" grew, with which children often played. In the summer they bathed in the pond, in the winter they played hockey and skated. Interesting fact: In the 1960s, the town hall wanted to clean the pond. However, the ordered excavator drowned in the pond and its rescue was long and expensive. Eventually, it was pulled out by a military transporter.
Martina Radová on Google

Dnes Čarodějnice, mnoho lidí. Ráda sem chodím na procházku a nebo jen tak posedět a koukat na vodu.
Today Witches, many people. I like to come here for a walk or just to sit and watch the water.

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