
4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Rybniště

Address :

407 51

Categories :
City : Rybniště

407 51
Petr Zmatlík on Google

Talent43 on Google

Pavel Kopecký on Google

mk14 Milan on Google

Značka nádraží je mimo skutečnosti posunuta k čp. 163
In addition, the station sign has been moved to No. 163
Richard Nuska on Google

Opravené nádraží.
Repaired station.
Štěpán H on Google

Hezká zrekonstruovaná stanice. Nástupní bod pro mnoho výletů v okolí Rybniště.
Nice renovated station. Starting point for many trips around Rybniště.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Obec leží v nadmořské výšce 460 metrů v sedle mezi Plešivcem a Širokým vrchem. Její velká část leží na území Chráněné krajinné oblasti Lužické hory. Celkem v ní žije přes 650 obyvatel. Nejstarší část obce, Chřibská Nová Ves byla založena již v roce 1475 tehdejšími majiteli tolštejnského panství Šlejnici. V 16. století se stala součástí českokamenického panství, přešla do majetku Kinských. V roce 1757 pruské vojsko vypálilo střed obce. Dominantou obce je secesní kaple svatého Josefa z roku 1912, postavená významným varnsdorfským stavitelem Antonem Möllerem. Je jednou z nejmladších kaplí v regionu. The village lies at an altitude of 460 meters in the saddle between "Plešivec" and "Široký vrch" hills. Its large part lies in the Lusatian Mountains Protected Landscape Area. There are over 650 inhabitants in total. The oldest part of the village, Chřibská Nová Ves, was founded in 1475 by the then owners of the Tolštejn estate - the Šlejnic family. In the 16th century it became a part of the Česká Kamenice´ estate and it became the property of Kinský family. In 1757 the Prussian army destroyed the center of the village. The dominant feature of the village is the Art Nouveau Chapel of St. Joseph from 1912, built by the important Varnsdorf builder Anton Möller. It is one of the youngest chapels in the whole region.
The village lies at an altitude of 460 meters in a saddle between Plešivec and Široký vrch. A large part of it lies in the Protected Landscape Area of ​​the Lusatian Mountains. In total, it has over 650 inhabitants. The oldest part of the village, Chřibská Nová Ves was founded in 1475 by the then owners of the Tolštejn estate Šlejnice. In the 16th century, it became part of the Český Kamenice estate and became the property of the Kinskýs. In 1757, the Prussian army burned down the center of the village. The dominant feature of the village is the Art Nouveau chapel of St. Joseph from 1912, built by the important Varnsdorf builder Anton Möller. It is one of the youngest chapels in the region. The village lies at an altitude of 460 meters in the saddle between "Plešivec" and "Široký vrch" hills. Its large part lies in the Lusatian Mountains Protected Landscape Area. There are over 650 inhabitants in total. The oldest part of the village, Chřibská Nová Ves, was founded in 1475 by the then owners of the Tolštejn estate - the Šlejnic family. In the 16th century it became a part of the Česká Kamenice´ estate and it became the property of Kinský family. In 1757 the Prussian army destroyed the center of the village. The dominant feature of the village is the Art Nouveau Chapel of St. Joseph from 1912, built by the important Varnsdorf builder Anton Möller. It is one of the youngest chapels in the whole region.
Ondřej Tadlík on Google

Nově opravená stanice, rozšířené nástupiště, dobré osvětlení a výborný přístup k vlakům. Vlaky odsud jezdí do Rumburka, Kolína, Liberce a do Děčína na hlavní nádraží.
Newly repaired station, extended platform, good lighting and excellent access to trains. Trains run to Rumburk, Cologne, Liberec and Děčín to the main railway station.

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