Šabachův park - Wuchterlova

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Šabachův park

Address :

Wuchterlova, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice, Czechia

Postal code : 160
Website : https://zpravy.aktualne.cz/regiony/praha/na-praze-6-vznikne-park-petra-sabacha-rada-mesta-schvalila-n/r~80282b7e8a9811e8a7cbac1f6b220ee8/
Categories :
City : Praha 6 Dejvice

Wuchterlova, 160 00 Praha 6-Dejvice, Czechia
Jan Papáček on Google

Příjemné místo s lavičkami, vodou a sochami koňů uprostřed zástavby. V okolí spousta obchodů, kaváren a restaurací.
A pleasant place with benches, water and horse statues in the middle of the development. Lots of shops, cafes and restaurants nearby.
Mgr. Marie Luňáková on Google

Šabachův park je velmi hezké místo, vlastně náměstí před kostelem církve husitské. Středem je vytvořen pruh bazénů s kameny a vodotrysky. V horní části jsou to tryskající paraplíčka, v dolní, čtvrté, vždy v celou hodinu vytryskne do výšky velký, vysoký proud třpytivé vody a kolem jsou menší vystřikujicí fontány. Je to nádherné a velmi působivé. V prostoru parku je 24 listnatých stromů, snad připomínajících platany s velkými rozložitými korunami, které jsou bohatě olistěné. Koruny stromů poskytují stín a na lavičkách, které jsou pod nimi, se velmi přijemně odpočívá. Lavičky jsou v celém prostoru umístěné ve dvou řadách na každé straně bazénů. To nejkrásnější a nejvzácnější přidávám až nakonec. Jsou to tři nádherné bronzové sochy koní. Opravdu skvostné provedení, které přitahuje dospělé ale i hlavně děti. Chtějí se symbolicky povozit na hřbetu, přidržet se hřívy a podívat se na svět tam dole ze hřbetu koně. Mgr. Petr Šabach, spisovatel humoristických románů a povídek. Jeho knihy se staly podkladem pro filmy, např. Pelíšky, Pupendo. Park je stále krásný, začínají se rozvíjet listy na větvích bohatě a hodně rozvětvených stromech. Byla zde provedeno prořezání korun stromů, úprava záhonů a důkladné čištění dlažby. Ve spodní části parku byl instalován sloup nahoře s třemi rameny a v dolní část s třemi podložkami a zásuvkami pro možnost dobíjení mobilů. Energy Street Charge - solární stanice!
Sabach Park is a very nice place, actually a square in front of the church of the Hussite Church. In the middle is a strip of pools with stones and fountains. In the upper part there are gushing umbrellas, in the lower, fourth, a large, high stream of shimmering water always erupts in the whole hour and there are smaller splashing fountains around. It's beautiful and very impressive. There are 24 deciduous trees in the park, perhaps reminiscent of plane trees with large spreading crowns, which are richly leafy. The treetops provide shade and the benches below them rest very pleasantly. The benches are located in two rows on each side of the pools throughout the space. I add the most beautiful and rarest until the end. These are three beautiful bronze statues of horses. A truly magnificent design that attracts adults and especially children. They want to ride symbolically on the back, cling to the mane and look at the world down there from the back of the horse. Mgr. Petr Šabach, writer of humorous novels and short stories. His books have become the basis for films, such as Pelíšky, Pupendo. The park is still beautiful, the leaves on the branches richly and very branched trees are beginning to develop. The treetops were cut here, the flowerbeds were modified and the paving was thoroughly cleaned. In the lower part of the park, a pole with three arms was installed at the top and in the lower part with three pads and drawers for the possibility of recharging mobile phones. Energy Street Charge - solar station!
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Prostá skutečnost, že tento krásný a do té doby bezejmenný prostor byl 16. září 2018 slavnostně pojmenován po úžasném spisovateli Petru Šabachovi u příležitosti prvního výročí jeho úmrtí, mi udělal obrovskou radost. S nápadem údajně přišel jeho kamarád a režisér Jan Hřebejk. Československá církev husitská obývající nejvyšší dům v ulici Wuchterlova si nepřála, aby šlo o náměstí, protože by se všechny domy musely přečíslovat. Kompromisním řešením bylo přejmenování na park. Petr Šabach se narodil 23. srpna 1951 a zemřel ve věku 66 let v důsledku vážné nemoci. Na Praze 6 žil celý svůj život a tam se odehrává i řada jeho knih. Od roku 2015 byl i zastupitelem této městské části zvoleným za Starosty a nezávislé. The simple fact that this beautiful and until then nameless space was officially named after the amazing writer Petr Šabach on 16 September 2018, on the occasion of the first anniversary of his death, made me very happy. His friend and director Jan Hřebejk is said to have come up with the idea. The Czechoslovak Hussite Church occupying the tallest house on Wuchterlova Street did not want it to be a square, because all the houses would have to be renumbered. The compromise solution was to rename it a park. Petr Šabach was born on 23 August 1951 and died at the age of 66 due to a serious illness. He lived in Prague 6 all his life and many of his books are set there. Since 2015, he was also a councillor of this district.
The simple fact that this beautiful and until then nameless space was ceremoniously named on September 16, 2018 after the wonderful writer Petr Šabach on the occasion of the first anniversary of his death made me very happy. His friend and director Jan Hřebejk allegedly came up with the idea. The Czechoslovak Hussite Church inhabiting the tallest house in Wuchterlova Street did not want it to be a square, because all the houses would have to be renumbered. The compromise solution was to rename the park. Petr Šabach was born on August 23, 1951 and died at the age of 66 due to a serious illness. He lived in Prague 6 all his life and a number of his books take place there. Since 2015, he has also been a representative of this part of the city elected as Mayors and Independents. The simple fact that this beautiful and until then nameless space was officially named after the amazing writer Petr Šabach on 16 September 2018, on the occasion of the first anniversary of his death, made me very happy. His friend and director Jan Hřebejk is said to have come up with the idea. The Czechoslovak Hussite Church occupying the tallest house on Wuchterlova Street did not want it to be a square, because all the houses would have to be renumbered. The compromise solution was to rename it a park. Petr Šabach was born on 23 August 1951 and died at the age of 66 due to a serious illness. He lived in Prague 6 all his life and many of his books are set there. Since 2015, he has also a councillor of this district.
Ján BAČIK on Google

Anton Baltsevich on Google

Our favorite ;-)
Ladislav Gruber on Google

Park s konema ?
Ras Smith on Google

Nice quiet area
Noor Marji on Google

Beautiful hidden gem! Perfect place to sit by the fountain and relax, read a book, and enjoy the autumn scenery!

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