Statues of Saints Vincent Ferrer and Procopius

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Contact Statues of Saints Vincent Ferrer and Procopius

Address :

charles bridge, Isla Kampa, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia

Categories :
City : Malá Strana

charles bridge, Isla Kampa, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

St. Vincent of Ferrara and St. Procope pillar #10, southern side (the bridge side facing the river flow). Author: Ferdinand Maxmilián Brokoff in 1712, donator: count Romedius J. F. Thun of Choltice This masterpiece by F. Brokoff combines two different saints, the Spanish Dominican preacher and the Czech priest-hermit. Vincent is depicted in an order robe, restoring a dead man to consciousness - the skeleton plumes the lid of the coffin on which the Latin inscription "Risen 40" (people) is written. There is also a sinner with scourge (on the ledge the inscription "He turned 100,000 sinners to God") and the obsessed person, which had originally a small demon (represented by a small metal made dragon) from his lips. On the right, Prokop in the episcopal robe stands on the devil he overcame. (this statue is out of bridge in 2018 for restauration purposes) pilíř č. 10, jižní strana (návodní), autor: Ferdinand Maxmilián Brokoff v roce 1712, donátor: hrabě Romedius J. F. Thun na Cholticích Toto mistrovské dílo F. M. Brokofa sdružuje dva rozdílné světce, španělského dominikánského kazatele a českého kněze-poustevníka. Vincent je znázorněn v řádovém rouchu, jak křísí nebožtíka – kostra odklápí víko rakve, na které latinský nápis "Vzkřísil 40" (lidí). Dále je tu hříšník s důtkami (na římse nápis "Obrátil 100 000 hříšníků") a posedlý, jemuž původně z úst odcházel démon-kovový dráček. Vpravo Prokop v biskupském hávu stojí na ďáblovi, kterého přemohl. Sv. Vincenc Ferrerský a sv. Prokop (socha je v roce 2018 sejmuta)
St. St. Vincent of Ferrara and St. Procope pillar # 10, southern side (the bridge side facing the river flow). Author: Ferdinand Maxmilián Brokoff in 1712, donator: count Romedius J. F. Thun of Choltice This masterpiece by F. Brokoff combines two different saints, the Spanish Dominican preacher and the Czech priest-hermit. Vincent is depicted in an order robe, restoring a dead man to consciousness - the skeleton plumes the lid of the coffin on which the Latin inscription "Risen 40" (people) is written. There is also a sinner with scourge (on the ledge the inscription "He turned 100,000 sinners to God") and the obsessed person, which had originally a small demon (represented by a small metal made dragon) from his lips. On the right, Prokop in the episcopal robe stands on the devil he overcame. (this statue is out of bridge in 2018 for restauration purposes) Pillar No. 10, south side (instructions), author: Ferdinand Maxmilián Brokoff in 1712, donor: Count Romedius J. F. Thun in Choltice This masterpiece by F. M. Brokof brings together two different saints, a Spanish Dominican preacher and a Czech hermit priest. Vincent is depicted in the robe of the order, resurrecting the deceased - the skeleton opens the lid of the coffin, on which the Latin inscription "Resurrected 40" (people). Then there is the sinner with reprimands (the inscription "He turned 100,000 sinners" on the ledge) and the obsessed man, who originally had a demon-metal dragon left his mouth. On the right, Prokop, in a bishop's robe, stands on the devil he has defeated. St. Vincent Ferrer and St. Prokop (the statue was removed in 2018)

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