Symphatico bed breakfest

1.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Symphatico bed breakfest

Address :

Ječná 12 509, 128 00 Nové Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +997
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Categories :
City : Nové Město

Ječná 12 509, 128 00 Nové Město, Czechia
Marcela Liscakova on Google

Hrozný zážitek,postel plná šténic!!!!a prý jsme jim to tam šténicami zamoŕili my!!!...museli jsme opustit hotel uprostŕed noci...neodporučuji,všude špína a bordel!!!
An awful experience, a bed full of bedsticks !!!! and we told them we got stuck there ... ... we had to leave the hotel in the middle of the night ... I don't recommend, dirt and mess everywhere !!!
monika zavadinkova on Google

Pri príchode do tohoto hrozneho hororoveho miesta sme este nevedeli do čoho sme presne prišli. Vchod pripomínal nejaké tajné dvere do skrytého bordelu. Hneď keď sme vošli, prekvapila nás tma a taký zatuchnutý zápach, keď sme vošli do ubytovacej časti stále sme to ešte brali športovo. Cítili sme sa ako keby sme prišli do retro chvíľ Bolka Polívku v bordeli vo filme Kurvahošigutentág. No dobre rohová vaňa na izbe nie je štandard, zvlášť bez nejakého predelu, alebo aspoň plachty, ale stále sme sa smiali, že toto už čo je, že budeme mať aspoň zážitok. Dali sme si teda len kufre do izby, prezliekli sme sa a išli sme do mesta. Chvalabohu sme tam neostali do tmy, lebo sme si potrebovali ísť vziať teplejšie oblečenie a dať si aspoň sprchu. A vtedy prišiel horor. Keď sa začalo stmievať, zapla som lampu a všimla som si na posteli akusi hnedú bodku. Nevenovala som jej pozornosť, len som ju zmietla. Potom som si však všimla drobné bodky na stene. Podobné hnedé malé pohybujúce sa bodky. Boli to akési chrobáky, ktoré som nikdy predtým nevidela. Vďakabohu za internet v mobile. Keď som chvíľu googlila, zistila som, že tie chrobáky sú ploštice. Paraziti, ktorí vyliezajú za tmy v okolí postelí a v noci pijú ľudskú krv a kladú vajíčka kade tade. Preto ma chytila obrovská panika a povedala som mužovi, že musíme okamžite odtiaľ odísť, lebo ak si plošticu zanesiete do bytu na oblečení alebo v batožine, nezbavíte sa jej možno nikdy, ak budete mať šťastie, zbaví vás ploštíc profesionálna deratizácia. Do piatich minút som mala kufre na chodbe a muž chytal zopar ploštíc, ktoré zabil voňavkou aby ich ukázal na recepcii. O minútu sme boli dolu a recepčný niekam volal. Volal šéfovi, ktorý povedal, že nám teda vrátia peniaze na účet. V tej chvíli sme už mali zajednaný hotel, ktorý som bleskurýchle našla, lebo som nebola ochotná zostať v tom chlieve ďalšiu minútu. Verili sme, že to skončilo. Báli sme sa síce toho, že tie beštie sa nám dostali do batožiny, lebo ich tam bolo skutočne neúrekom. Ak si prečítate niečo o týchto parazitoch zistíte že žijú vo veľkých kolóniách a že majú niekoľko štádií rastu, takže niektoré štádiá nie sú viditeľné. Vidno je len dospelé jedince, ktoré chodia zo skrýše len keď sú hladné raz za pár dní. To znamená že ich tam je tak veľa, že si neviem predstaviť spôsob, ako by sa ich mohli zbaviť. Po návrate z Prahy sme dezinfikovali a vyhadzovali všetko, aby sme náhodou nič nepriniesli domov. Boli sme tam v marci, čakala som pár dní na peniaze, ktoré nám mali vrátiť a keď nič neprichádzalo, začala som to riešiť so spoločnosťou bolo mi povedané, že nám môžu vrátiť polovicu peňazí, nakoľko viac sa nedá. Najprv som nesúhlasila, ale nechcelo sa mi s tým už zapodievať, tak som súhlasila. Do dnešného dňa, v polovici júna nám nevrátili ani euro. Nejde ani o tie peniaze, najviac ma mrzí to, že títo šuflikanti stále ponúkajú ubytovanie aj cez napriek tomu, že v spoločnosti o žalostnom stave ich chlievika vedia. Nechcem nikoho odradiť od výletu do Prahy, ale myslím, že najmä niektorí ľudia by sa mali zamyslieť nad tým, či ich služby , ktoré ponúkajú platiacim hosťom nie sú skôr nástražnou mínou.
When we arrived at this horrible horror place, we didn't know exactly what we came to. The entrance resembled some secret door to a hidden brothel. As soon as we entered, we were surprised by the darkness and such a stale smell when we entered the accommodation we still took it sportingly. We felt as if we had come to the retro moments of Bolek Polívka in a brothel in the film Kurvahošigutentág. Well, a good corner bath in the room is not standard, especially without any bulkhead, or at least sails, but we still laughed that this is what we will have at least an experience. So we just put the trunks in the room, we changed and we went to town. We didn't stay there in the dark because we needed to go get warmer clothes and have at least a shower. And then came the horror movie. When it started to dim, I turned on the lamp and noticed a brown dot on my bed. I didn't pay her attention, I just wiped her off. Then I noticed a small dot on the wall. Similar brown small moving dots. They were sort of bugs that I had never seen before. Thank you for internet in mobile. When I googly for a while, I found that the bugs were bugs. Parasites who come out in the dark around the beds and drink human blood at night and lay eggs over there. That is why I was caught by a huge panic and I told the man that we had to leave immediately, because if you put the bug in your clothes or luggage, you could never get rid of it, and if you were lucky, professional deratization would get rid of you. Within five minutes, I had suitcases in the hallway, and the man was catching a few bugs that he smelled of perfume to show at the reception. In a minute we were down and the receptionist called somewhere. He called the boss, who said they would give us the money back. At that moment, we already had a booked hotel that I quickly found, because I wasn't willing to stay in that hair for another minute. We believed it was over. We were afraid that the beasts got into our luggage because they were really uncomfortable there. If you read about these parasites, you will find that they live in large colonies and that they have several stages of growth, so some stages are not visible. It is only adults who walk out of the hiding place when they are hungry once in a few days. That means there are so many of them that I can't imagine how they could get rid of them. After returning from Prague, we disinfected and threw everything out to bring home anything. We were there in March, I waited a few days for the money to give us back and when nothing came, I started to deal with told me that they can give us half of the money because more is not possible. At first I disagreed, but I didn't want to take it anymore, so I agreed. To date, in the middle of June we have not returned the euro. It is not even the money, I am most sorry that these schuflikanti still offer accommodation through despite the fact that in the company about the deplorable state of their hair know. I do not want to discourage anyone from going to Prague, but I think that especially some people should think about whether their services, which they offer to paying guests, are more of a bait.
Евгений Сивов on Google

Удобное и недорогое рамещение для путешественников, которые только спят дома и хранят немногочисленные вещи. Душевач кабинка в номере, туалет одинтна несколько комнат. Туалет чистый. Сам дом с высокими потолками, а номера - комнаты одной квартиры. Утром есть завтрак с 7 утра, что удобно для путешествий. Персонал приятный и ненавязчивый. Рекомендую
Convenient and inexpensive accommodation for travelers who only sleep at home and store a few things. Dushevach cabin in the room, one toilet a few rooms. The toilet is clean. The house itself has high ceilings, and the rooms are rooms of the same apartment. In the morning there is breakfast from 7 am, which is convenient for traveling. The staff is nice and unobtrusive. Recommend
claudia vreugdenhil on Google

VRESELIJK NIET BOOKEN. ONTZETTEND GEVAARLIJK. : geen rookmelders geen ventilatie geen slangenhaspels geen. Wc op de gang geen afzuiging schimmel in het eten (ontbijt) BEDWANTSEN vieze kamers alle meubels die in je kamer staan zijn kapot zodra je problemen hebt wor dje meteen buiten gezet zeer onvriendelijk personeel nooduitgang op slot kagel op 1000 en je kan hem niet zelf dichtdraaien dus genoodzaakt raam open te zetten met tram voor de deur dus ontzetten veel lawaai snachts je kan letterlijk het gesprek van de beuren mee luisteren kamer word niet schoon gemaakt tijdens je verblijf echt een hell hotel
AWESOME NOT BOOKEN. VERY DANGEROUS. : no smoke detectors no ventilation no hose reels none. Toilet in the hallway no extraction mold in the food (breakfast) BEDWANTS dirty rooms all furniture in your room are broken as soon as you have problems get immediately put out very unfriendly staff emergency exit locked kagel at 1000 and you can not close it yourself so forced to open window with tram in front of the door so relieve a lot of noise at night you can literally listen to the conversation of the neighbors room will not be cleaned during your stay really a hell hotel
Maxim Tsylko on Google

Dishonest people
Jerome Depaifve on Google

Everything was OK for the price we paid. The unacceptable part was the dozens of bug bites we had during the 2nd night.
emma valentino on Google

Terrible experience. They cancelled our reservation 2 days before our arrive. When I called them, they justified themself, after some seconds of silence, by saying that the room "took fire". I was really embarassed.
Syahrul Shafiie on Google

Room is spacious. Not as bad as what others commented on social media. Everything is good except two things : the bathroom, it's just a shower inside the room,and the big Siberian Husky at the reception counter. I'm not a dog person and it's scared the hell out of me the most.

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