Synagoga Žamberk - Českých bratří 70

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Contact Synagoga Žamberk

Address :

Českých bratří 70, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia

Postal code : 564
Categories :
City : Žamberk

Českých bratří 70, 564 01 Žamberk, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Synagoga v ulici Českých bratří byla postavená v roce 1811 na místě starší synagogy, která vyhořela v roce 1810. Bohoslužby se zde konaly do začátku 2. světové války. Za války budova sloužila jako skladiště obilí. Od roku 1947 je synagoga používána Československou církví husitskou. V roce 1954 byla budova přestavěna, architektem byl František Kubelka z Prahy, jenž navrhl a nechal postavit novou věž. Slavnostní otevření sboru proběhlo 27. června 1954. Přibližně půl kilometru jihozápadně od bývalé synagogy, vedle Městského muzea Žamberk, najdete i židovský hřbitov založený v 17. století. The synagogue on "ulice České bratří" street was built in 1811 on the site of an older synagogue that burned down in 1810. Worship took place here until the beginning of World War II. During the war the building served as a grain storehouse. Since 1947 the synagogue has been used by the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. In 1954 the object was rebuilt, the architect was František Kubelka from Prague, who designed and built even a new tower. The ceremonial opening of the congregation took place on 27 June 1954. Approximately half a kilometer southwest of the former synagogue, in addition to the Žamberk Municipal Museum, you will also find a Jewish cemetery founded in the 17th century.
The synagogue in Českých bratří Street was built in 1811 on the site of an older synagogue, which burned down in 1810. Services were held here until the beginning of World War II. During the war, the building served as a grain warehouse. Since 1947, the synagogue has been used by the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. In 1954, the building was rebuilt, the architect was František Kubelka from Prague, who designed and had a new tower built. The ceremonial opening of the choir took place on June 27, 1954. Approximately half a kilometer southwest of the former synagogue, next to the Žamberk Municipal Museum, you will also find a Jewish cemetery founded in the 17th century. The synagogue on "ulice České bratří" street was built in 1811 on the site of an older synagogue that burned down in 1810. Worship took place here until the beginning of World War II. During the war the building served as a grain storehouse. Since 1947 the synagogue has been used by the Czechoslovak Hussite Church. In 1954 the object was rebuilt, the architect was František Kubelka from Prague, who designed and built even a new tower. The ceremonial opening of the congregation took place on 27 June 1954. Approximately half a kilometer southwest of the former synagogue, in addition to the Žamberk Municipal Museum, you will also find a Jewish cemetery founded in the 17th century.

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