the prospect of Klatovy

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact the prospect of Klatovy

Address :

Čejkova, 339 01 Klatovy, Czechia

Categories :
City : Klatovy

Čejkova, 339 01 Klatovy, Czechia
Daniela Sporková on Google

Petr Kubíni on Google

. ten krasny vyhled...bohuzel tedy pres novou zastavbu
. ... for the beautiful search ... unfortunately, through the new building
Alena Krausová on Google

Nejhezčí místo v Klatovech :)
The most beautiful place in Klatovy :)
Pavel Denkscherz on Google

Nádherné místo. Krásný vyhled a relaxace.
Beautiful place. Beautiful search and relaxation.
Blanka Fáberová on Google

Jezdím tam ráda je to otcové domovina.
I go there like it's fathers homeland.
Václav Pospíšil 3dfocz on Google

Super výhled na Klatovy, zaplavené lomy a garáže :D
Super view of Klatovy, flooded quarries and garages: D
Ivan Čiháček on Google

Vyhlídka na Klatovy naleznete při příjezdu od Plzně. Na druhé světel é křižovatce vlevo, asi po 400m vlevo se nalézají garáže. A za nimi jsou dva zatopené lomečky pod vyhlídkou. Nahoře na vyhlídce je krásný výhled na Klatovy a okolí
You can find the view point on the arrival from Pilsen. Garages are located on the second traffic light on the left, after about 400 meters to the left. And behind them are two flooded slashes below the prospect. At the top of the lookout there is a beautiful view of Klatovy and its surroundings
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pěkné, zajímavé a hlavně klidné místo, které rozhodně stojí za návštěvu. Je odtud nejen působivý výhled na město, ale i samotný terén je výškově členěný, a tak se tu nudit nebudete. Na místo dorazíte po necelých 10 minutách chůze z náměstí Míru. Nejkratší cesta je kolem kaple Panny Marie Klatovské (Chaloupky), pak loukou mezi paneláky (Na Korábu). Z ulice Maxima Gorkého můžete jít buď na nižší kótu - k rybníčkům (ul. U Lomečku), nebo vystoupat po schodišti a brankou s cedulí "vstup na vlastní nebezpečí" projít na plošinu nad rybníčky, odkud je asi nejlepší výhled na Klatovy. Nice, interesting and especially quiet place, which is definitely worth a visit. There is not only an impressive view of the city from there, but the terrain itself is divided in height, so you will not be bored, I hope. You can reach the place after less than 10 minutes walk from náměstí Míru (Peace Square). The shortest way is around the chapel of Our Lady of Klatovská (Chaloupka), then through a meadow between prefabs (Na Korábu). From Maxim Gorky Street you can either go to a lower elevation - to the ponds (U Lomečku Street) or climb the staircase and through the gate with the sign "enter at your own risk" go to the plateau above the ponds, where is probably the best view of Klatovy.
Nice, interesting and especially quiet place, which is definitely worth a visit. There is not only an impressive view of the city, but the terrain itself is divided in height, so you will not be bored. You can reach the place after less than 10 minutes walk from Namesti Miru. The shortest way is around the chapel of Our Lady of Klatovská (Chaloupky), then through a meadow between prefabs (Na Korábu). From Maxim Gorky Street you can either go to a lower elevation - to the ponds (U Lomečku Street) or climb the staircase and through the gate with the sign "enter at your own risk" go to the plateau above the ponds, where is probably the best view of Klatovy. Nice, interesting and especially quiet place, which is definitely worth a visit. There is not only an impressive view of the city from there, but the terrain itself is divided in height, so you will not be bored, I hope. You can reach the place in less than 10 minutes walk from Peace Square. The shortest way is around the chapel of Our Lady of Klatovská (Chaloupka), then through a meadow between prefabs (Na Korábu). From Maxim Gorky Street you can either go to the lower elevation - to the ponds (U Lomečku Street) or climb the staircase and through the gate with the sign "Enter at your own risk" to the plateau above the ponds, where it is likely The best view of Klatovy.

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