Vlašský špitál s kaplí Panny Marie a sv. Karla Boromejského - Vlašská 335

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Contact Vlašský špitál s kaplí Panny Marie a sv. Karla Boromejského

Address :

Vlašská 335, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia

Postal code : 118
Website : http://www.atlasceska.cz/praha/vlassky-spital/
Categories :
City : Malá Strana

Vlašská 335, 118 00 Malá Strana, Czechia
Don Sardon on Google

Bulus ibn Jusuf on Google

Marco Petillo on Google

Gabriela Čemusová on Google

Perfektní péče, historická budova, krásná zahrada. Místo k vyléčení medicínou, duchem, slovem a přírodou.
Perfect care, historical building, beautiful garden. A place to cure with medicine, spirit, word and nature.
Jáchym Šlik on Google

Velmi pěkné místo, dnes patřící pod italskou ambasádu. Při různých příležitostech bývá zpřístupněno veřejnosti.
Very nice place, now belonging to the Italian Embassy. It is open to the public on various occasions.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Špitál s kaplí Panny Marie a sv. Karla Boromejského byl založen v roce 1602. Pozdně renesanční stavba vznikala postupně během 1. poloviny 17. století přestavbou domu italského architekta a stavitele Domenica de Bossiho a dále byla upravena v barokním slohu. Špitál byl zrušen koncem 18. století. Střed křídla při Vlašské ulici tvoří barokní kaple Panny Marie a sv. Karla Boromejského. Špitál s kaplí nebyl určen výhradně pro Italy žijící v Praze (velká část staré Prahy byla postavena Italy), ale byl otevřen všem zdejším katolíkům. Hospital with Chapel of Our Lady and St. John the Baptist Karel Boromejský was founded in 1602. The late Renaissance object was gradually built during the first half of the 17th century by the reconstruction of the house of the Italian architect and builder Domenico de Bossi, and it was further modified in Baroque style. The hospital was abolished at the end of the 18th century. The center of the wing at Vlašská Street is formed by the Baroque Chapel of the Virgin Mary. The hospital with a chapel was not intended exclusively for the Italians living in Prague (much of the old Prague was built by the Italians), but it was open to all local Catholics.
Hospital with the Chapel of the Virgin Mary and St. Karel Boromejský was founded in 1602. The late Renaissance building was created gradually during the first half of the 17th century by rebuilding the house of the Italian architect and builder Domenico de Bossi and was further modified in the Baroque style. The hospital was closed at the end of the 18th century. The center of the wing at Vlašská Street is formed by the Baroque chapel of the Virgin Mary and St. Karel Boromejský. The hospital with a chapel was not intended exclusively for Italians living in Prague (much of old Prague was built by Italy), but was open to all local Catholics. Hospital with Chapel of Our Lady and St. John the Baptist Karel Boromejský was founded in 1602. The late Renaissance object was gradually built during the first half of the 17th century by the reconstruction of the house of the Italian architect and builder Domenico de Bossi, and it was further modified in Baroque style. The hospital was abolished at the end of the 18th century. The center of the wing at Vlašská Street is formed by the Baroque Chapel of the Virgin Mary. The hospital with a chapel was not intended exclusively for the Italians living in Prague (much of the old Prague was built by the Italians), but it was open to all local Catholics.
Alessia Senese on Google

Tento špitál je fakt krásný. Jsou tady kurzy italštiny a je tu i knihovna. Pořádají se tu i různé akce; třeba 8.12.2019 tu byla oslava Vánoc kterou organizovali italové. Byly tu různé soutěže pro děti a hodně občerstvení. Přitom dezerty se nekupovali, ale upekly se právě ručně. Byl tam i děda Mráz, který rozdával malé dárečky. Krásné místo, doporučuji ho navštívit. Это место действительно красивое. Есть курсы итальянского и библиотека. Различные мероприятия также проводятся здесь; например, 8 декабря 2019 года было организовано итальянское празднование Рождества. Были различные конкурсы для детей и много угощений. Десерты не покупались, а выпекались вручную. Пришёл дедушка Мороз, который раздавал небольшие подарки. Красивое место, я рекомендую его посетить. This place is really beautiful. There are Italian courses and a library. Various events are also held here; for example, on December 8, 2019, an Italian Christmas celebration was organized. There were various competitions for children and many treats. Desserts were not bought, but baked manually. Santa Claus came and gave small gifts. Beautiful place, I recommend visiting it.
Tento špitál je fakt krásný. Jsou tady kurzy italštiny a je tu i knihovna. Pořádají se tu i různé akce; třeba 12/08/2019 tu byla oslava Vánoc kterou organizovali italové. Byly tu různé soutěže pro děti a hodně občerstvení. Přitom dezerty se nekupovali, ale upekly se právě ručně. Byl tam i děda Mráz, který rozdával malé dárečky. Krásné místo, doporučuji ho navštívit. This place is really beautiful. There are Italian courses and a library. Various events are also held here; for example, on December 8, 2019, an Italian Christmas celebration was organized. There were various competitions for children and many treats. Desserts were not bought, but baked manually. Grandfather Frost came and gave small gifts. Beautiful place, I recommend visiting it. This place is really beautiful. There are Italian courses and a library. Various events are also held here; for example, on December 8, 2019, an Italian Christmas celebration was organized. There were various competitions for children and many treats. Desserts were not bought, but baked manually. Santa Claus came and gave small gifts. Beautiful place, I recommend visiting it.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Soubor staveb, kdys umístěných na okraji města, dal jméno celé ulici. V souladu s historií je užíván italským zastupitelstvím jako kulturní středisko a je to milovníkům Itálie skvělým poutem.
Complex of buildings once located on the outskirts of the city gave its name to the street. In keeping with history, it is used by the Italian embassy as a cultural center and is a great attraction for lovers of Italy.

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