Vojířova Štola (dříve Štola XXII)

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Contact Vojířova Štola (dříve Štola XXII)

Address :

Vlašská 344/25, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechia

Categories :
City : Praha

Vlašská 344/25, 118 00 Praha 1, Czechia
bota beau on Google

wl sabenth on Google

Jaroslava Vesela on Google

Jose Luis Garcia on Google

Jan Vojíř on Google

Pokusná štola XII, dříve v ní probíhala výstava Podzemní Praha. Od roku 2016 přejmenována na Vojířova štola, od 2017 vyvěšena pamětní deska.
Experimental adit XII, previously the exhibition Underground Prague took place in it. Since 2016 it has been renamed Vojíř's gallery, and a commemorative plaque has been posted since 2017.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Petřínský vrch je provrtán osmnácti štolami, nejdelší z nich je dlouhá 365 metrů. Vznikaly od středověku díky dobývání uhlí, železných rud a keramických surovin, většina ale slouží k odvádění vody. Z nitra kopce vytéká stovky pramenů, ústících na povrchu nebo přímo do štol. Jedna z nich nese technické označení štola XXII, bohužel je dlouhodobě nepřístupná a i její čelo vypadá dnes hodně nevábně. Je pojmenovaná podle jeskyňáře Vladimíra Vojíře, zakladatele Speleologického klubu Praha který zemřel 28. února 2016 ve věku 70 let. Petřín Hill is drilled with eighteen tunnels, the longest of which is 365 meters long. They originated from the Middle Ages through the extraction of coal, iron ores and ceramics, but most are used to drain water. Hundreds of springs flowing from the interior of the hill, flowing on the surface or directly into the tunnels. One of them bears the technical sign of the XXII tunnel, but unfortunately it is inaccessible for a long time and even it´s forehead looks very unattractive today. It is named after the cave Vladimir Vojíř, the founder of the Speleological Club Prague who died on February 28, 2016 at the age of 70.
Petřínský vrch is drilled with eighteen galleries, the longest of which is 365 meters long. They originated in the Middle Ages thanks to the mining of coal, iron ore and ceramic raw materials, but most are used to drain water. Hundreds of springs flow from the interior of the hill, opening at the surface or directly into the galleries. One of them bears the technical designation of the XXII adit, unfortunately it has been inaccessible for a long time and its forehead looks very unattractive today. It is named after the caveman Vladimír Vojíř, the founder of the Speleological Club in Prague, who died on February 28, 2016 at the age of 70. Petřín Hill is drilled with eighteen tunnels, the longest of which is 365 meters long. They originated from the Middle Ages through the extraction of coal, iron ores and ceramics, but most are used to drain water. Hundreds of springs flowing from the interior of the hill, flowing on the surface or directly into the tunnels. One of them bears the technical sign of the XXII tunnel, but unfortunately it is inaccessible for a long time and even it´s forehead looks very unattractive today. It is named after the cave Vladimir Vojíř, the founder of the Speleological Club Prague who died on February 28, 2016 at the age of 70.
Emotikon Film on Google

Wejście do jednego z dawnych wyrobisk węgla i kamienia, dziś w większości stanowiących system kanalizujący podziemne strumienie wody. W tym, 300 metrowej długości urządzono galerię eksponującą zdjęcia podziemnej Pragi. Dedykowana czeskiemu speleologowi, który m.in. eksplorował praskie krypty Kapucynów i odnalazł legendarny, podziemny Hotel Dira (dziura) - squat z przełomu wieków, działający do lat 30 XX w., kiedy to zamurowała i zasypała go policja.
Entrance to one of the former coal and stone workings, today mostly constituting a sewage system for underground water streams. In this, a 300-meter-long gallery has been arranged, displaying photos of underground Praga. Dedicated to the Czech speleologist who, among others he explored the Capuchin crypts in Prague and found the legendary, underground Hotel Dira (hole) - a squat from the turn of the century, operating until the 1930s, when it was walled up and buried by the police.

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