Galerie Josefa Sudka - Úvoz 160

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Galerie Josefa Sudka

Address :

Úvoz 160, 118 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +789
Postal code : 118
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha 1 Hradčany

Úvoz 160, 118 00 Praha 1-Hradčany, Czechia
Pepa Vančura on Google

Výjimečná atmosféra, uprostřed všech pozlatek Zlaté Prahy a turistického ruchu tydle 2 tiché místnosti, paráda
Exceptional atmosphere, in the middle of all the gilding of Golden Prague and the tourist traffic just 2 quiet rooms, great
Mikes1957 1957 on Google

Josef Sudek jeden z našich největších fotografů. Nevím, který kurátor navrhoval expozici ,výběr fotografií....celkové uspořádání vůbec nevytváří obraz J. Sudka ,tak to se opravdu nepovedlo. Kdo to vymyslel a udělal měl by vrátit "školný "!Asi by stàlo za úvahu vyčlenit v Praze velké prostory pro muzeum pana Sudka a ne se pokoušet dát pár fotografií do dvou minimístností.
Josef Sudek one of our greatest photographers. I don't know which curator he proposed exhibition, selection of photographs .... the overall arrangement does not create a picture of J. Sudek at all, so it really didn't work out. Whoever invented it and did it should return the "tuition fee"! It would probably be worthwhile to set aside large spaces in Prague for Mr. Sudek's museum and not try to put a few photos in two rooms.
tomas batek on Google

Ruslan Mukhamedov on Google

Nothing related to Josef Sudek. Only name.
Anais KU on Google

So small place following Josefa Sudka’s steps
Andre709 on Google

Don’t be surprised that the gallery only has two little rooms. But it’s not bad.
D D. on Google

Not worth visiting, nothing special.
Justine on Google

Very small gallery dedicated to photographer and his sister. Nostalgic photos presented in room of his workshop. Entrance only 30 czk.

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