Wake Up Café

3.6/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Wake Up Café

Address :

Křenová 8, 602 00 Brno-střed-Trnitá, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Website : http://apartment-brno.cz/apartmany/apartman-wake-up/
Categories :
City : Brno střed Trnitá

Křenová 8, 602 00 Brno-střed-Trnitá, Czechia
Kanitha Chim on Google

Matyáš Vejvalka on Google

Vladimír Jalč on Google

Prostředí: Nevšední, zajímavé, inspirativní. Je tam potřeba doladit pár věcí a bude to skvělé. **** Káva: Nejsem expert. Káva mi chutnala, nemám výhrady. **** Jídlo: nevím, nic jsem si neobjednal Obsluha: Nic moc. Celkem neutrální, chladný dojem až zklamání. 'Číšník' spíše působil jako recepční hotelu. Moc ho nezajímalo, co se děje kolem. Když má člověk už 20 minut dopitou kávu, musí se sám zvednout a jít objednat něco dalšího. ** Ceny: V porovnání s centrem Brna jsou ceny relativně nízké. **** Ostatní: Dnes už to považuji téměř za běžné, ale i tak mě potěšila snadno dostupná zásuvka pro notebook. Online dojem: Spíše podprůměrné fotky na Googlu a webová stránka, která se ani netýká kavárny. Na kavárnu velmi nízký počet recenzí. Na Facebooku (opět hostelu) za 4 měsíce 4 posty a většinou se týkají kavárny. Celkový dojem: Hodně věcí se dá zlepšit. Ale z hlediska pocitu jsem dostal dobrou kávu v pěkném prostředí a za dobrou cenu. Zklamala jen chladnější obsluha. Marketing do celkového hodnocení nezahrnuji. Nemám problém se v budoucnu vrátit kvůli prostředí, ale to je tak všechno. 3.5*
Environment: Unusual, interesting, inspiring. There are a few things that need to be fine-tuned and it will be great. **** Coffee: I'm not an expert. I liked the coffee, I have no reservations. **** Food: I don't know, I didn't order anything Service: Not much. Quite neutral, cool impression to disappointment. The 'waiter' rather acted as a hotel receptionist. He didn't care much what was going on around him. When you have had coffee for 20 minutes, you have to get up and go order something else. ** Prices: Compared to the center of Brno, the prices are relatively low. **** Others: Today I consider it almost common, but I was still pleased with the easily accessible laptop socket. Online impression: Rather below-average photos on Google and a website that isn't even about a coffee shop. Very low number of reviews for the cafe. On Facebook (again the hostel) in 4 months 4 posts and mostly related to the cafe. The overall impression: A lot of things can be improved. But in terms of feeling, I got a good coffee in a nice environment and for a good price. Only the colder staff disappointed. I do not include marketing in the overall evaluation. I have no problem coming back in the future because of the environment, but that's all. 3.5 *
tana puma on Google

Snad nejhorší kavárna v Brně. Dneska jsem tam zavítala s rodinou, sotva jsme došli a slečna hned u dveří pohledem byla nepříjemná že jsme ji asi vyrušily. Kavárna byla prázdna. Když jsme čekali že si objednáme, tak slečna se ani neopovážila přijít ke stolu a vzít objednávku, stala skoro 2 metry od nás, a musela jsem se otáčet abych na ni mluvila a viděla ji, toto jsem ještě neviděla. Byla hrozne nepříjemná, dávala najevo že ji obtěžujeme a máme vypadnou. V nápojovým lístku bylo napsáno že obsluha vám rada nabídne další druhy limonád :-) toto se nám nestalo, obsluha nám nenabídla naprosto nic. Takže určíte bych změnila dnešní slečnu na jinou která aspoň bude ochotna a usměvavá a bude mít rada svoji prací, pak třeba příště bych opět k Vám zavítala. Ale v živote se mi nestalo, abych se tak hrozně cítila v kavárně, abych musela nechat svoje piti nedopity jen abych vypadla.
Perhaps the worst cafe in Brno. Today I visited there with my family, we barely arrived and the young lady at the door was uncomfortable that we probably disturbed her. The cafe was empty. When we waited for us to order, the young lady did not even dare to come to the table and take the order, she became almost 2 meters away from us, and I had to turn to talk to her and see her, I have not seen this yet. She was terribly uncomfortable, she showed that we were bothering her and we had to drop out. It was written in the drink list that the staff will be happy to offer you other types of lemonade :-) this did not happen to us, the staff did not offer us anything at all. So you would definitely change today's young lady to another who will at least be willing and smiling and will like her job, then maybe next time I would come to you again. But in my life, it never happened to me to feel so bad in a cafe, to have to let my drink get drunk just to drop out.
Ma Ta on Google

Good food and very nice service ?
Andrej Andrejewitsch on Google

In Google stay it’s open at 7:30. But it’s not ! Sorry we are busy for the train
Jana Krištanová on Google

The café is located inside of Wake Up Wellness Hostel. Interior is industrial and offers open space with tables for variously big groups of customers. I liked the plants hanging from the walls, as they were creating cozy atmosphere. The offer of the café is wide and if you like cold coffee, this place offers many variations. The café also offers some cookies and müsli, all baked directly at the spot. Cheers for that! Definitely the best thing about this place is staff. The waiter was super nice and I wound's say that it way an act. He was genuinely warmhearted. My guess is that he is not in the profession for a long time, but maybe I'm wrong. In any way, I hope he will stay the way he is now. Another great thing is opening time of the place. It's opened 7 days in week and always up until 10 PM! So the next time instead of McDonald, there is this café for you. To sum it up, I really recommend the place. Go and support people that are doing their job with heart put into it. And hopefully, you will have as pleasant experience as I did.

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