Wall Street English

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

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Spálená 76/14, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia

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Website : https://wallstreetenglish.cz/
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City : Nové Město

Spálená 76/14, 110 00 Nové Město, Czechia
Magda Utíkalová on Google

Tuto školu jsem navštěvovala skoro rok a půl a bohužel nemůžu dát plný počet hvězd, určitě mají co vylepšovat. Pozitiva: - budete se učit dle předem připravených on-line materiálů. Nepředstavujte si žádná knížky, ale jedná se o soustavu cvičení, která začínají videem se souvislým příběhem lidí z jednoho domu (alá Přátelé), při kterém je důraz na určitý gramatický jev či slovní zásobu a poté si dané téma procvičujete na dalších a dalších cvičením, poslechu apod. - velmi dobří učitelé, které si nemůžete předem určit. Učitelé jsou z celého světa, vždy rodilý mluvčí, takže si nezvykáte jen na jeden akcent. Negativa: - absolutně nedostatečný počet volných míst v hodinách. Lekce se rezervují na 14 dopředu, vždy v pátek se otevírá rezervace na další týden za 14 dní. Na lekci (tzv. encounter) můžete jít jen tehdy, pokud jste celou lekci online zvládli dodělat (vyžaduje to xy-hodin práce denně), takže neustále musíte plánovat, kdy se budete stíhat učit a zda do daného dne, který si 14 dní předem naplánujete, se stihnete připravit. Pokud to nestihnete, budete si muset hodinu dát znova + budete muset čekat, než bude daná lekce vypsaná a tím pádem nemůžete na lekci další, kterou jste měli zarezervovanou. . Pokud se něco stane, a vy nemůžete na hodinu dorazit, celé se vám to může zhroutit, protože budete muset počkat, až se daná lekce vypíše, což může být až za 3 týdny. Není to samozřejmě pravidlo, někdy volno dříve, jindy ne, ale stávalo se mi to na můj vkus velmi často. Celkově jste celou dobu studia ve stresu, zda se budete stíhat učit či ne, aby jste své peníze nepromarnily. - pokud nezrušíte rezervaci 24 hodin předem, za tři takové absence 500 Kč pokuta (pokud máte dítě, co je často náhle nemocné = neřešitelná situace). Na velmi drahé kurzovné mi to přijde zbytečné. - na lekcích konverzace mnoho studentů, zažila jsem i sedm studentů na jedné lekci. Na hodinách k lekcím kolem většinou 2-4 studenti, což už je taky dost. - nerovnoměrná kvalita učitelů a zároveň nemožnost si učitele zvolit. Celkově je to dobrá jazyková škola, určitě vás v angličtině posune o hodně dál. Na druhou stranu, když to shrnu, tato škola stojí na rok několik desítek tisíc, což oproti běžné jazykové škole je velký rozdíl. Proto bych si za tyto peníze představovala hodiny 1 + 1, několik konverzačních hodin týdně (mnohdy se stalo, že mi řekly, že na dalších 14 dní žádná hodina není volná nebo ji dali na 18 hodin v pátek nebo 10 hodin ve středu). Manžel v začátečních měl dokonce jen jednu volbu týdne, právě v pátek. Zkrátka, ta investice je nemalá a v dnešní době, kdy si online můžete pořídit lektora kdekoliv ze světa, v jakýkoliv čas a za pakatel a klidně i třikrát denně, a zároveň lekci klidně zrušíte hodinu před konáním, když s ním máte přátelský vztah, tak by se služby Wall street měly posunout trošku někam jinam. Pokud zaplatíte za školné několik tisíc měsíčně a pak vám nabídnou třeba jen 3 hodiny měsíčně, protože jste nebyli dostatečně aktivní při každotýdenní rezervaci nebo vám prostě do toho něco vlezlo, tak je to trošku málo. Každopádně mé zkušenosti jsou z doby předcovidové, dnes může být vše jinak.
I attended this school for almost a year and a half and unfortunately I can't give the full number of stars, they definitely have something to improve. Positives: - you will learn according to pre-prepared online materials. Don't imagine any books, but it is a system of exercises that begin with a video with a continuous story of people from one house (ala Friends), in which the emphasis is on a certain grammatical phenomenon or vocabulary and then you practice the topic in more and more exercises, listening, etc. - very good teachers that you can't determine in advance. Teachers are from all over the world, always a native speaker, so you don't get used to just one accent. Negative: - absolutely insufficient number of vacancies per hour. Lessons are booked 14 in advance, always on Fridays the reservation for the next week in 14 days opens. You can only go to a lesson (so-called encounter) if you have managed to finish the whole lesson online (it requires xy-hours of work per day), so you always have to plan when you will be able to learn and whether by a given day 14 days in advance you plan, you have time to prepare. If you don't make it, you will have to take the lesson again + you will have to wait for the lesson to be written out and therefore you will not be able to book another lesson that you have booked. . If something happens and you can't arrive for an hour, the whole thing can collapse because you have to wait for the lesson to be written, which can be up to 3 weeks. Of course, this is not the rule, sometimes before, sometimes not, but it happened to me very often. Overall, you are stressed throughout your studies, whether you will pursue learning or not, so as not to waste your money. - if you do not cancel the reservation 24 hours in advance, for three such absences CZK 500 fine (if you have a child who is often suddenly ill = unsolvable situation). For a very expensive course fee, it seems unnecessary to me. - many students in conversation lessons, I also experienced seven students in one lesson. In class lessons around 2-4 students, which is enough. - uneven quality of teachers and at the same time the inability to choose a teacher. Overall, it's a good language school, it will definitely move you much further in English. On the other hand, to sum it up, this school costs tens of thousands a year, which is a big difference compared to a regular language school. That's why for this money I would imagine 1 + 1 hours, several conversation hours a week (it often happened that they told me that no hour is free for the next 14 days or they set it for 18 hours on Friday or 10 hours on Wednesday). The husband even had only one choice of a week in the beginning, just on Friday. In short, the investment is small, and nowadays, when you can get a lecturer online anywhere in the world, at any time and for a fee, and even three times a day, and at the same time you can cancel the lesson an hour before the event, if you have a friendly relationship with him. Wall Street services should move a little elsewhere. If you pay a few thousand a month for tuition and then they offer you only 3 hours a month, for example, because you were not active enough when you booked every week or you just got something into it, then it is a bit small. In any case, my experience is from an ancestral time, today everything can be different.
Aneta Hrub on Google

Do jazykovky jsem chodila skoro rok - proto si myslím, že jsem již člověk, který může hodnotit přístup a organizaci ... Cena kurzů je poněkud vyšší než v jiných jazykovkách, ale kromě 2 hodin týdně je zahrnuta také celkem fajn online příprava. Protože asi 80% mého studia bylo online, musím říct, že si osobně myslím, že jsem nedosáhla takových výsledků, jakých jsem měla což je asi nejspíše online výukou způsobeno. Občas se stávalo, že jsem lektorovi rozuměla asi tak každé druhé slovo kvůli připojení.. Komunikace s mým jazykovým konzultantem dost často zadrhávala.. Že jsem posléze musela volat na recepci a zjišťovat, jak to tedy je.. Na recepci mi vždy pomohli. Holky jsou tam skvělé... po přestěhování do jiné budovy jsem ale nebyla moc spokojená s tím, že v místnostech se vše šíleně rozléhá a opět moc není rozumět.. Další věc jsou lektoři. Vzhledem k tomu, že ta angličtina stojí opravdu dost.. Myslím, že předtím než začne někdo učit tak by měl být velmi dobře proškolen a chápat princip té výuky. Někdy v září jsem po několika skvělých hodinách se zkušenými lektory dostala lektora Fizze, kterého jsem měla opravdu často.. a na první hodině totální zmatek a nevěděl vlastně co se mnou má probírat.. pak jsem ho měla ještě několikrát. Vždy divné hodiny, nepřipravené. Vlastně se občas třeba celou hodinu probíralo jen to, o čem je můj oblíbený film... Protože jsem ho dostávala hodně často, psala jsem jazykové konzultantce - bez odpovědi. Pak se mi díky holkám z recepce ozvala, že je tento lektor již vyhozen. Tento člověk ale - po počátečním nadšení, které jsem měla například i díky lektorovi Stewartovi, jehož hodiny byly opravdu skvělé- zkazil můj celkový dojem... A nadšení, začala jsem brát studium jako povinnost a bála jsem se každé hodiny - co zas přijde.... Na konci kurzu jsem měla opět nějakého zvláštního lektora, který dle mého názoru neměl ve škole co dělat. a když mě pouštěl dál ve vysokých lekcích, byla to chyba. Na to, jaký potenciál má ten kurz.. a ty materiály je vlastně ve finále tento potenciál nevyužitý a po takové době, kdy jsem se tomu věnovala jsem vlastně z konečného výsledku relativně zklamaná.
I went to the language course for almost a year - that's why I think I'm already a person who can evaluate the approach and organization ... The price of the courses is a bit higher than in other language courses, but in addition to 2 hours a week, quite nice online preparation is included. Since about 80% of my studies were online, I must say that I personally think that I did not achieve the results I had, which is probably due to online teaching. Sometimes I understood the lecturer about every other word because of the connection .. Communication with my language consultant often stuttered .. That I then had to call the reception and find out what it was like. At the reception they always helped me. The girls are great there ... after moving to another building, I was not very happy with the fact that everything is going crazy in the rooms and again there is not much to understand .. The next thing is the lecturers. Given that English really costs a lot. I think that before anyone starts teaching, they should be very well trained and understand the principle of teaching. Sometime in September, after some great hours with experienced lecturers, I got a Fizz lecturer, whom I had really often ... and in the first lesson a total confusion and didn't really know what to discuss with me .. then I had him a few more times. Always weird hours, unprepared. In fact, sometimes just what my favorite movie is about for an hour ... Because I got it a lot, I wrote to a language consultant - no answer. Then, thanks to the girls from the reception, she called me to say that this lecturer had already been fired. But this man - after the initial enthusiasm I had, for example, thanks to lecturer Stewart, whose lessons were really great - ruined my overall impression ... And enthusiasm, I started to take my studies as a duty and I was afraid every hour - what would come again. ... At the end of the course, I again had a special lecturer who, in my opinion, had nothing to do at school. and when he let me continue in high lessons, it was a mistake. As for the potential of the course ... and the materials, this potential is actually untapped in the finals, and after such a time when I devoted myself to it, I am actually relatively disappointed with the final result.
Jakub Lacika on Google

Hanka Moravcikova on Google

Great timetable, professors from all over the world, willing receptionists and above all great structure of the classes. Of course, every student has to dedicate a lot of time to homework but if he or she does, the results are quick...
Cool Will on Google

In 2016 I took an ielts course for three monthes, the coach did not know what to teach effectively, no experience and nothing special. I think they do not care whether you get knowledge in class. Only thing matters is passing time for them. Instead, I learnt Ielts on YouTube more than in the school. This might be a good school for beginners though but for advanced learners ... I 'd not. Extra too much fees, too expensive and dumb consultants. I do not mean consultants are rude, I mean they have no experience, ask stupid questions. This school is extremely terrible, there are well experienced caoches(The owner and manager are best ones but They dont teach you) exist.
Rostislav Sufiyarov on Google

I like the approach in this school. It's a convinient combination of homework and practical classes with tutors. Complementary classes give you an opportunity to go dipper to the topic and meet new interesting people. Staff is friendly and helpful. One thing, which a bit bother me, that I had to wait 1-2 weeks to schedule and visit encounter, since some encounters were full of students. But you can solve it by planning your classes in advance. Best Regards and have a nice English studing!
Oleh Lakomchak on Google

I will never recommend anybody that awful school, as I was dissatisfied with the study and the service all the time! First of all, take a free lesson to understand the methodology of learning English without any explanation and rules before doing a lot of exercises (more than 100 exercises for 1 unit). The unit consists of 3 different lessons which include different themes and in some cases it is difficult to combine the vocabulary as well as different grammar themes! You should do grammar exercises without any examples or explanation, find information on your own. As one teacher told me "There are a lot of grammar books on the Internet" and no recommendation! Next, before signing the contract I took the test for my English level and of course it was the beginning of B1. It was my mistake that I did not take some level tests at the other schools, because now I am looking for a better school and I have already passed the level tests and I got B2, but at WSE school I cannot get B1! It is so because WSE is interested in the longest period for a contract and of course because of money! I am very depressed about wasting a huge amount of money on nothing! Then, the manager told me that it is possible to have 2 lessons a week, but it is possible to have one encounter lesson only once a week, but as it often happened I had to wait for 2 weeks for available one. In that case I asked the recepnionists about two lessons a week, of course they told that was possible but never found available lessons in 1 week. They are interested in such situations, because you will pay for additional weeks! Also you should pay for 3 NoShows. It is really strange as I have already paid for the lessons and in case if it was not possible to visit the school I should pay additional money. One more important thing is the book! I was interested in it and asked the manager to give me one as I prefer that way of studying, but the answer was "Please, write me an email about the book and I will tell you the price". Why do we need the manager who is not well-informed about the prices. And I was shocked when I read one student's comment about the price, it was 3500CZK, but he did not get the book! Moreover, my last lesson was not accepted though all the exercises were done and I got 10 points of 10, but I got 0 at the lesson! And my question for that school is "Why should students do so much exercises when the teacher does not pay any attention to it as a bad weather and a bad mood of students as well as the results of other students are more important???" Probably, that was done in the case not to allow me to take the exam to get a certificate! Finally, they did not teach me anything but they only checked my knowledge! As I need to find everything by myself and the task of WSE is only to check our knowledge but not to teach, I will recommend people to download some apps on their smartphones and to do so many exercises as they can and want. And of course it is much cheaper! It is the most expensive school in Prague and they are only interested in money but not in our knowledge. As I understand it is not possible to pass any exam at that school to get any certificate as you do not get enough knowledge for that at that school! And I would like to know how many people have already passed such exams at WSE school and got the certificates!? It is the worst experience I have ever had! Olena
Ashley Melucci on Google

I found Wall Street's unique online system to be extremely helpful as it allowed me to learn a language in a structured, disciplined way. In addition, the teachers are outstanding, answering all questions regarding grammar and casual usages of the language! Students find that they can learn quickly, not because they are forced to memorize material, but because they learn through exposure and are taught through topics relevant to them!

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