Zámek Úholičky

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Zámek Úholičky

Address :

Roztocká 1, 252 64 Úholičky, Czechia

Categories :
City : Úholičky

Roztocká 1, 252 64 Úholičky, Czechia
Jaroslav Kohout on Google

Zámek jsem měl tu čest navštívit pouze jako svadebčan na krásném obřadu mého kamaráda ale i přes to málo co jsem zde viděl stojí za návštěvu.
I had the honor of visiting the castle only as a wedding guest at a beautiful ceremony of my friend, but despite the little I saw here, it is worth a visit.
Radek Dvorak on Google

Pořád je co opravovat. Těšíme se až to bude hotové a přístupné veřejnosti.
There's still something to fix. We look forward to it being done and open to the public.
Josef Kuchař (Jožka) on Google

Soukromý zámek postupně rekonstruovaný a stále více přístupný veřejnosti. Výborné prostředí i zázemí pro svatby ! Je zde i malé loutkové divadélko s programy pro děti i dospělé. V září jsou zde velmi oblíbené Dožínky.
Private castle gradually renovated and increasingly accessible to the public. Excellent environment and facilities for weddings! There is also a small puppet theater with programs for children and adults. In September there are very popular Dožínky.
Milano Enrico on Google

Autentický zážitek a snaha majitele zaslouží návštěvu!!
Authentic experience and effort of the owner deserves a visit !!
Vladimír Kučera on Google

Zámek je v soukromém vlastnictví, veřejnosti nepřístupný, stejně tak zámecký park. To málo, co lze vidět skrz kovanou bránu, dává tušit, že vlastník se do nějakých oprav nehrne, takže těžko hledat néjaké pozitivní dojmy...
The chateau is privately owned, not open to the public, as well as the chateau park. The little that can be seen through the forged gate suggests that the owner doesn't go into any repairs, so it's hard to find any positive impressions ...
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Stavba prošla dlouhou a komplikovanou historií, současná podoba zámku pochází z přelomu 19. a 20. století. Roku 1901 jej koupil velkopodnikatel a politik Josef Wohanka, který sídlo v roce 1909 přestavěl a zrekonstruoval. V roce 1949 byl zámek znárodněn a stal se součástí zemědělského družstva - sloužil jako sklady, kanceláře a byty. Dnes je v soukromém vlastnictví a není veřejnosti přístupný, pouze někdy bývá příležitostně otevřen i k prohlídkám. The building has a long and complicated history, the current appearance of the castle dates from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1901, it was bought by the large businessman and politician Josef Wohanka, who rebuilt and reconstructed the residence in 1909. In 1949, the castle was nationalized and became part of an agricultural cooperative - it served as warehouses, offices and apartments. Today it is privately owned and is not open to the public, only sometimes it is occasionally open for tours or weddings.
The building has a long and complicated history, the current appearance of the castle dates from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1901, it was bought by the large businessman and politician Josef Wohanka, who rebuilt and reconstructed the headquarters in 1909. In 1949, the castle was nationalized and became part of an agricultural cooperative - it served as warehouses, offices and apartments. Today it is privately owned and is not open to the public, only sometimes it is occasionally open for tours. The building has a long and complicated history, the current appearance of the castle dates from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. In 1901, it was bought by the large businessman and politician Josef Wohanka, who rebuilt and reconstructed the residence in 1909. In 1949, the castle was nationalized and became part of an agricultural cooperative - it served as warehouses, offices and apartments. Today it is privately owned and is not open to the public, only sometimes it is occasionally open for tours or weddings.
Aleksei Adzhem on Google

Not a bad palce
Svetlana Tesik on Google

It's private and closed for public

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