Zámek Zdiby

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Zámek Zdiby

Address :

J. Kámena 1, 250 66 Zdiby, Czechia

Website : https://www.zdiby.cz/index.php/obec-zdiby/zamek-zdiby
Categories :
City : Zdiby

J. Kámena 1, 250 66 Zdiby, Czechia
Marcela Malá on Google

Jaroslav Moulin on Google

Atmosfera nicotnosti
Nicotnosti atmosphere
Martina T on Google

Škoda že soudruzi to vybydleli
It is a pity that the comrades have overcome it
Eun San on Google

시내에서 많이 떨어져있지만 넓고 좋아요 사람이 많이 없어요
It's a lot away from downtown, but it's spacious and it's good.
Zbyněk Smetana on Google

Postupně rekonstruovaný areál je využíván k příležitostným akcím pořádaným spolky ve spolupráci s majiteli objektu.
Gradually reconstructed area is used for occasional events organized by associations in cooperation with the owners of the building.
zdeněk nouza on Google

Skoda, ze je zamek oddelen od zbytku obce silnici. Park je obrovský a udrzovany. Budovy se postupne renovují a jako obyvatel Brnek preji zamku svetle zitrky.
It is a pity that the castle is separated from the rest of the village by a road. The park is huge and well maintained. The buildings are gradually being renovated and, as a resident of Brno, they want a light tomorrow.
Eva Hocine on Google

Soukromé cesty, nikam se nedostanete s pejsky na procházku po cestě
Private trips, you can not get anywhere with dogs for a walk along the way
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Na místě současného zámku stávala renesanční tvrz, vystavěná po roce 1608, ze které se dochovaly tři sklepní prostory a část současného přízemí. Za třicetileté války byla tvrz poničena a v letech 1659-1669 byla přestavěna na raně barokní zámek. Od roku 1877 byli majiteli smíchovští pivovarníci manželé Stejskalovi - odtud název Stejskalův dvůr. V dobách komunistického užívání po roce 1948 se uživatelé zámku často střídali a nastala devastace zámku. V roce 1989 byl na zámek vydán demoliční výměr. K demolici však nedošlo. V roce 1992 byl objekt zámku předán v restituci potomkům původních majitelů, kteří započali s rekonstrukcí. V roce 1994 byla stavba z finančních důvodů zakonzervována a dnes je v katastrofálním stavu. On the site of the present chateau there used to be a Renaissance fortress built after 1608, of which three cellars and part of the present ground floor have been preserved. During the Thirty Years' War the fortress was destroyed and in 1659-1669 it was rebuilt into an early Baroque chateau. From 1877 the owners were the Stejskal brewers from Smíchov - hence the name Stejskal's Court. During the communist use after 1948, the users of the castle changed frequently and the castle was devastated. In 1989 a demolition order was issued for the castle. However, the demolition did not take place. In 1992, the chateau was handed over in restitution to the descendants of the original owners, who began reconstruction. In 1994 the building was preserved for financial reasons and today it is in a catastrophic state.
A Renaissance fortress stood on the site of the current chateau, built after 1608, of which three cellars and part of the current ground floor have been preserved. During the Thirty Years' War, the fortress was destroyed and in the years 1659-1669 it was rebuilt into an early Baroque chateau. From 1877, the Smaskov breweries were owned by the Stejskals - hence the name Stejskalův dvůr. In the times of communist use after 1948, the users of the chateau often changed and the chateau was devastated. In 1989, a demolition order was issued for the chateau. However, no demolition took place. In 1992, the chateau building was handed over in restitution to the descendants of the original owners, who began the reconstruction. In 1994, the building was preserved for financial reasons and today it is in a catastrophic condition. On the site of the present chateau there used to be a Renaissance fortress built after 1608, of which three cellars and part of the present ground floor have been preserved. During the Thirty Years' War the fortress was destroyed and in 1659-1669 it was rebuilt into an early Baroque chateau. From 1877 the owners were the Stejskal brewers from Smíchov - hence the name Stejskal's Court. During the communist use after 1948, the users of the castle changed frequently and the castle was devastated. In 1989 a demolition order was issued for the castle. However, the demolition did not take place. In 1992, the chateau was handed over in restitution to the descendants of the original owners, who began reconstruction. In 1994 the building was preserved for financial reasons and today it is in a catastrophic state.

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