Zrušený sklad trhavin - Zrušený sklad trhavin

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Contact Zrušený sklad trhavin

Address :

266 01 Svatý Jan pod Skalou, Czechia

Postal code : 266
Categories :

266 01 Svatý Jan pod Skalou, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zrušený sklad sloužil k uskladňování trhavin používaných při pracích ve zdejším lomu. Skladiště je vestavěno na ploše 38m² do krátké, asi 15 metrů dlouhé štoly vyražené ve vápencích. Zdivo je z vápencových kamenů, na několika místech je doplněno betonovými cihlami. Klenuté stropy i stěny odizolovány dehtovým papírem. Sklad je (podle tehdy platných bezpečnostních předpisů pro skladování trhavin) rozdělen do tří navzájem dveřmi oddělených částí - vstupní chodba, místnost I a místnost II. V první místnosti byly ve výklenku v kovové skříni skladovány rozbušky, ve druhé (zadní, větší) místnosti pak po obou stranách v dřevěných policích bedny s trhavinami. Všechny místnosti mají výšku 2,2 metru. The abandoned warehouse was used to store explosives used in the work at the local quarry. It is built on an area of 38m² into a short, about 15m long, adit cut into the limestone. The masonry is made of limestone stones, supplemented in several places with concrete bricks. The vaulted ceilings and walls are stripped with tar paper. The warehouse is divided (according to the then applicable safety regulations for the storage of explosives) into three parts separated by doors - the entrance corridor, room I and room II. In the first room, detonators were stored in an alcove in a metal cabinet, while in the second (rear, larger) room, boxes of explosives were stored on both sides in wooden shelves. All rooms are 2,2 metres high.
The canceled warehouse was used to store explosives used in work in the local quarry. The warehouse is built on an area of ​​38m² into a short, about 15 meter long gallery excavated in limestone. The masonry is made of limestone, in several places it is complemented by concrete bricks. Vaulted ceilings and walls insulated with tar paper. The warehouse is (according to the then valid safety regulations for the storage of explosives) divided into three parts separated by a door - the entrance hall, room I and room II. In the first room, detonators were stored in a niche in a metal cabinet, and in the second (rear, larger) room, boxes of explosives were stored on both sides in wooden shelves. All rooms are 2.2 meters high. The abandoned warehouse was used to store explosives used in the work at the local quarry. It is built on an area of ​​38m² into a short, about 15m long, adit cut into the limestone. The masonry is made of limestone stones, supplemented in several places with concrete bricks. The vaulted ceilings and walls are stripped with tar paper. The warehouse is divided (according to the then applicable safety regulations for the storage of explosives) into three parts separated by doors - the entrance corridor, room I and room II. In the first room, detonators were stored in an alcove in a metal cabinet, while in the second (rear, larger) room, boxes of explosives were stored on both sides in wooden shelves. All rooms are 2.2 meters high.

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